The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1597: The original sin comes

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Above the sky dome, the dark clouds rolled continuously.

Gu Ding's eyes looked far away from the sky, and there was a little dignity between his looks.

I saw that within the dark clouds, the lightning flashed, as if something was brewing.

Guding looked up quietly, and did not attempt to disperse the dark cloud.

Suddenly, a **** thunder flashed at first, without any warning, and bombarded Guding. Didn't wait for the first one to come down, the second, the third, the fourth ... one after another, the **** thunderlight bombarded down frantically.

Each tear is faster and stronger than the previous one. Like a rainstorm, it poured down in the direction of Guding.

Gu Ding looked at the endless thunder with a blank expression, and waved it until the heavy thunder was about to completely annihilate himself.

His shot did not bring any momentum at all, but it seemed that a transparent cover had risen around his body. After the endless thunderlight bombarded the cover, it completely disappeared.

The **** Thunderlight vented for a long time before it could stop.

The figure of Gu Ding who was annihilated in blood was slowly revealed. The white shirt was spotless, and the expression on his face remained unchanged.

The movements on Gooding's side quickly attracted the attention of Elizabeth and others, and they were relieved to see Gooding standing intact at this time.

Guding stood in the void, his eyes locked on the dark cloud above the sky dome again, and then slowly extended his hand, **** pointed at the sky dome.

Suddenly, in the void, a huge **** dragon quickly aggregated and formed. If it can be observed in the vicinity, this **** dragon is completely constructed with **** lightning.

The dragon condensed in a blink of an eye, made an angry roar, and then rushed towards the cloud above the sky.

Such a weird scene was also seen in the eyes of the people who were fighting fiercely. The breath of the **** dragon was far stronger than any creature that the people had seen before. . There are also many people secretly speculating in their hearts, what is hiding in that dark cloud.

But they soon saw a more terrifying scene-a big hand was stretched out in the dark cloud, and the **** giant dragon that was about to strike in the past was gripped. The giant dragon, which had been so powerful, struggled twice, but was crushed by the giant hand and disappeared completely.

In the distance, Gu Ding's expression on his face remained unchanged, as if all this was within his expectations. However, as the dark cloud began to surge again. Gooding said, "You appear in the physical world in an incomplete state, which is a bit beyond my expectations."

"God, even if I am in an incomplete state now, I can kill you!" The voice in the dark clouds passed back, and he clearly recognized Guding's true identity.

The dialogue between Guding and Wuyun was actually not conveyed by sound, but expressed in the manner of collision of consciousness. Except for the two, the other people did not even know that the two were talking.

"One-seventh of your avatars were sealed and isolated by me. Now you appear in a broken state on my site and say you can kill me? Have you been stupid for so many years, Mr. Original Sin?" Guding said Taunted.

"Since I'm here, I naturally have a certain chance of winning. You just have to die and be swallowed up by me." As the words fell, the cloud's rolling motion grew louder and louder.

I saw that in the void, the whole cloud quickly shrank and turned into a human form at a terrifying speed.

This humanoid figure looked exactly the same as Guding, except that the white shirt became black.

Many powerful men still in battle below have been distracted from watching the changes on Guding's side, seeing that the dark clouds have turned into Guding, and everyone is also speechless.

Guding could not help but frown slightly when he saw the other person become his own.

"Do you think it would be like me, would I have a mental burden?"

"I don't have any extravagance in this, but I can bring you a little trouble, and I am also very happy." The original sin was obviously intentional to cater to people, even if it made Guding a little uncomfortable, he all Glad to do it.

"It doesn't make any difference to me what you become. It's my appearance, I just think you're more beaten!" Guding's voice fell, his figure has moved out, this is his first time since he took control of Heaven Take the initiative.

In just a moment, Guding appeared in front of the black-lined Guding and punched the opponent's face. The terrifying punching force came out from Guding's fist, carrying the endless power of heaven, and rolled towards the black-lined Guding's face.

Black-lined Guding's face slightly changed, his hands crossed in front of him, and then a little on his toes, his figure immediately burst out. But his movements were still a bit slower, and he was still hit by Guding, and the whole body flew out directly. If it wasn't for the defense in time, he might now have his entire brain blown away by Gooding.

Although Guding hasn't fought with people in close combat for a while, it doesn't mean that he has any strangeness in close combat. The power of this punch is also countless times stronger than any previous punch. Black lined Guding suffered a loss.

But with a punch, Guding did not intend to give up the pursuit. He knew that the black-lined Guding in front of him was not any opponent he had encountered before ~ ​​ ~ would not be killed so easily.

He jumped out again, chasing toward the black-lined Gooding flying out.

Seeing Guding chasing, the black lined Guding's face changed, forcibly moved his body, and escaped in another direction. If he allows his body to fly out, he will be completely reduced to the sandbags of Gooding. The only way to get rid of this situation is to change the established trajectory of the flight and make himself passive.

He moved a little, and Guding had already chased where he had just been. At this time, he just turned around, but this time he did not choose to escape, but looked at Guding with a murderous face, and then rushed towards him come.

"Anti-defense is an attack? It's a good idea." Guding smiled faintly. "But you forgot, you are now in a state of incompleteness, fighting me closely, it's a deadly act!"

"Is it?" Black-lined Guding grinned and rushed in front of Guding. He attacked Guding madly. His hands turned into claws and continued to tear toward Guding.

Gu Ding was not in a hurry, but greeted him with a punch.

The entire void was instantly shrouded in by the two's attacks, and bursts of violent roar came.

Although the black-lined Gooding soon fell into a state of repression, he refused to retreat and chose to fight hard with Gooding.

This made Guding somewhat doubt whether the other party had any conspiracy. He also increased the strength of the attack and wanted to try to kill the other party as soon as possible.

But suddenly, the black lined ancient claws bombarded at the same point one after another, tearing a crack around the ancient defensive layer around him.

Guding was about to mend, but he saw that the black-lined Guding smiled at him again, turned into a ray of black smoke and drilled through the crack, and then quickly entered Guding's body ... (to be continued.)

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