The Highest Bounty

Chapter 164: Liliat's Dream (2)

It was obviously a banquet, and there was a lot of human voices everywhere. Liliat looked down at herself, wondering when the wet clothes had turned into a white evening dress, and even a pair of hands. Silk gloves inlaid with blue diamonds.

"Lily, why are you standing there silly? Come here!" A woman beckoned towards herself.

At the moment when she saw the woman, Liliat was stunned. The woman was obviously her mother, and she walked over in a sudden look.

"Hurry up and say hello to Aunt Laura." The woman winked at the special envoy Lilia.

"Aunt Laura, good evening!" Liliat gave a noble gift slightly. She hadn't attended this banquet for more than half a year, and her movements were slightly jerky.

The woman named Laura didn't look very satisfied, and after a few words of greeting with Liliat's mother, she turned and left.

"What's wrong with you today? What does it look like?" Tini clearly saw that her daughter was a little different.

Liliat hugged her mother, "Mom, I miss you ..."

Tini put down the goblet in her hand. "Aren't you a little girl drinking?"

"Mom, what is this banquet?" Liliat saw many strangers she didn't know.

"It's your second grandfather's banquet to take over the family patriarch." Tini thought Liliat should have really drunk, even forgetting the purpose of this banquet.

"The hypocrite full of calculations ?!" Liliat cursed others for the first time.

Tini frowned, "What do you say? The second grandpa usually treats you so well."

"Everything is fake!" Liliat still remembers clearly what happened at this banquet. If it were not his so-called second grandfather, his parents would not die tragically. "The old man full of benevolence, who did not discuss with you at all, wanted to marry me into the Napton family. In exchange for strength support. His father opposed him at that time, and then three days later, he launched a family meeting, united the elders, and threatened his father. When my father disagreed, they drove my father and you and me out of the family. On the way out of the planet. Our ship was attacked by more than thirty interceptors, and the spacecraft immediately cracked and decomposed. All the people died, only me escaped in the invisible life-saving cabin ... you do n’t believe him, he is a liar! "

"What are you talking about?" Tini thought Liliat was mad at drinking.

Just then, an old man knocked on the cup, which attracted the attention of many people. That man is Liliad's second grandpa.

"Today is a good day, not just a day when the deceased took over as the patriarch. It is also a day when our family's single daughter Olivia and Ulrike of the Napton family marry! In such a day ... . "

"Wait," a tall man interrupted him at this moment, "Second Uncle, my daughter, you never seem to have discussed with me and my wife?"

"Gardner, this is a family matter. Don't mix personal emotions. Now I am the patriarch. The decision I made was also the result of careful discussion in the family meeting."

"Ridiculous, as two members of the family elders. The family meeting didn't call me and my wife. What do you mean? Uncle, don't forget, the father's position as the patriarch was passed to me, you agitated The elders will say that I am too young to take on important tasks, and that my daughter has no talent for cultivation. The family is worried about the future. I gave up my position, and now you have the idea of ​​playing with my daughter and let her come to marry. "The tall man was really angry Too. "Then I will question here today, how thick is your old man's face!"

Gardner's remarks caused a lot of uproar on the scene. After all, it was social celebrities. It's really rare for such a family to turn inside and crackle in front of outsiders.

However, everyone knows that Gardner is not only powerful, but also a temper, which is why the family elders are unwilling to let him serve as the patriarch. At this banquet, people finally saw his true temper.

Bahrain's face was red and white for a while. He did not expect Gardner to dare to humiliate himself in front of so many people. He thought that Gardner would bear this breath at this banquet. "Anyway, this decision has been made. As long as you are a member of our Harris family, it is impossible to change it."

Gardner sneered when he heard the other person saying, "Since this is the case, I am now with Gardner and my wife and daughter from the Harris family! From Bahrain, if you want to marry, you have a daughter to marry Right! "

Gardner said, turning around and walking towards where Tini and Liliat were. "let's go!"

Out of the banquet hall, Tini frowned, "Gardner, you are too impulsive this time, you should be patient, things may not change."

"Before the old man died, I told him that the Harris family lost him, and it was not far from destruction." Gardner seemed a little emotional. "I am not at all suitable to be a patriarch. Everyone else wants to seek for himself. For personal gain, there are even secretly communicating with foreigners and engaging in inhuman activities all day long. I greeted the old man very long ago, and I could n’t stand it anymore. I left the family and lived my own life. The old man also agreed. At that time, he also knew that I couldn't clean up this mess, even if I accidentally got into my life ... "

Liliat has been silent for a long time. This scene is not the same as what he remembered. At that time, his father remained silent, but this time suddenly became another result. She didn't know whether it was good or bad, and in what direction it would develop in the future.

The three of them boarded a suspended car and drove towards a house that Gardner bought another far away from the family. The car walked halfway, and was suddenly stopped by four black robe people.

At the moment when she saw the black robe, Liliat's pupils shrank suddenly, and she recognized it very clearly. It was a person in the dark demon, and the black robe of the four people had carved blood-red devil heads.

"People in the Dark Demon Realm? The Napton family should have expected this to happen. Arrange ambushes so quickly." Gardner also recognized the other party, and he also seemed very vigilant. After all, Dark Demon Realm is a legend Killer organization.

"Unexpectedly. It's an honour that you even knew us. In order to get rid of the two of you, the four of us who came here this time were all sent out after careful selection by the boss. Let us regroup. "The first black robe smiled."

"You have so much nonsense, does your boss know?" Gardner said directly. A black flame suddenly ignited from his hand, suspended outside the car, the position where the other person stood was instantly transformed into a sea of ​​fire, and on the other side Tini also shot, her eyes suddenly turned golden, almost terrifyingly magic And the black flame descended on that area at the same time.

"Useless!" Surrounded by flames, a voice came out.

At this moment, Tini's golden pupil suddenly restored the color of her normal pupil, and that black flame. Also gradually dispersed.

"Ability sealer ?!" Tini's face changed drastically, her pupil surgery was blocked by the other party, and her fighting power remained intact.

"Yes, we purposely brought in a capable sealer. Although the seal lasts very short for you like you, less than ten minutes, it is enough for us. As for your husband. The fire of purgatory is actually not a force of nature, but a curse force of darkness. So we specially equipped with a light purifier. So, even if the two of you are strong men close to the demigod, there should be no suspense today Here. As for your daughter, we will take it back and let her marry the Napton family. In this way, the Napton family can slowly devour your Harris family. "

Liliat looked around. She hopes to find a weapon that can cause damage to these people in the Dark Demon. Suddenly, her eyes glanced at a building beside the street on the left, which was a military museum. Liliat vaguely remembered that she seemed to have seen it before, and there was a huge cannon in it, called the God of Killing.

It's not that the gun can really bombard the gods. But that gun was used by a demigod before, and he used the weapon to kill some demigods. Later, the weapon was renamed to kill the gods, hoping that he could kill the gods step by step, but was killed by the gods in a challenge.

Liliat thought of this and rushed out towards the left door and ran towards the museum.

"Look at it, your daughter abandoned you." One spoke in shock.

But Gardner and Tini were very happy, because at least Lily might survive.

Lily ran all the way, searching in the museum. Soon, she found the killing cannon by a window, the muzzle of the gun facing the window.

She looked down the muzzle and saw that her parents were already unsustainable. In the case of restrained abilities, the two men had less than one-tenth of the fighting power. In addition, the strength of the Dark Demon's people was the same level as the two, and the two were quickly hit.

"Stop it! If you keep going, I will shoot!" Liliat shouted towards the four.

Seeing Liliat standing next to the sacred cannon, those people looked a little disdainful, "Little girl, don't be stupid, do you really dare to fire the gun? That thing will destroy this whole city, that The museum will be destroyed, and you will die! "

"I'm not afraid of death! I've been afraid before, but now I'm not afraid anymore!" Liliat shouted loudly. "Because I know that some people will always remember them even if they die. Just like Mom and Dad, I always remember, I will never forget you. If one day I die, I know Guding will remember me, And Bigger, he will remember me too! "

"Then you can watch them die again with your own eyes!" The man under the cloak grievously penetrated Tini's chest ~ ~ pulled out his long backhand knife and cut off Gardner's Head, then looked at Liliat provocatively.

With tears in her eyes, Liliat aimed at the repercussions of the four people, and pulled the trigger to kill God.

In a flash, a fire burst into the sky, the bodies of the four people instantly turned into powder, a powerful shock wave spread out, and all the buildings in the entire block collapsed in an instant, only Lilyat alone No change in her body, she watched the whole city centered on that block, sending a strong explosion shock wave towards the surroundings, even the hotel where the banquet was held was instantly destroyed, everyone in the banquet, including Bahrain flew inside and out.

The whole city collapsed completely, except for Liliat intact, there is no longer a live mouth.

Lilia Te kneeled down and cried bitterly with her head ... (to be continued ...)

ps: [These chapters are dreams, so there will be some details that are not logical, and they are deliberately treated like that, and there is no need for people to struggle. 】

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