The Highest Bounty

Chapter 176: Access to nature reserves

The room that Bonita gave Guding and his party did have a good daylight. In the early morning, the morning light illuminates the whole room through the yellow curtains. A gust of wind blew into the room through the half-open floor-to-ceiling windows, swaying the curtains slightly, causing a light and shadow change in the living room, and a yellow shadow flashed by.

A tiger-skinned kitten fell softly on the coffee table in the living room and looked around. After confirming the location of the kitchen, he jumped from the coffee table and ran towards the kitchen.

The Sea Emperor naturally noticed all this. In fact, this little thing has been behind everyone since yesterday, and even Bigger and Elsa have not discovered its existence. It was just that after everyone returned to the room, it had been hiding under a large tree outside, silently observing them.

The sea emperor controlled a gap in the floor-to-ceiling window last night, but it was very cautious and observed one night to make sure it was not a trap before slipping in.

As soon as he entered the room, he ran towards the kitchen, and pulled the door of the refrigerator very skillfully.

There was nothing to eat in the refrigerator, only Mirka bought by Guding the night before. Arriving on this planet, the ingredients bought by Bigger were put into storage rings. He had no plans to cook these days, but was studying the specialties of this planet.

The kitten looked a little disappointed, but still picked up a bottle of Mirka that was bigger than herself and dragged it away from the refrigerator.

Hiding under the coffee table, it cut the metal bottle of Mirka very easily with its claws, and then quickly licked Mirka from the hole.

All this was seen by the sea emperor, but he did not tell Guding and others who were still asleep. He looked forward to seeing Guding's expression when he opened the refrigerator and found that only two bottles of Mirka were left.

Without much meeting, Guding turned up and asked sleepy, "Is there any new news?"

Hearing Guding's question, the Emperor suddenly thought of a more important thing, "The news of Lily's death, the people in the Dark Demon Realm already know. The two people before were rushing towards the realm of the planet."

"When are those two ... when?" Upon hearing the news, Guding's drowsiness completely disappeared.

"Four days later, according to the dark magic domain's behavior style, they should directly appear arrogantly at the banquet." The sea emperor speculated.

"This is a good thing. Three days later, my absolute seal will be available. I'm happy to give the Dark Demon a serious warning." Guding's eyes were cold, he would not forget what the group did to Lily last time. thing. And these people dare to catch up.

"They have two people, and your ability can only be used once a month." The sea emperor did not forget to remind Guding.

"Camilla will do it." Gudin's answer is very firm. "She is half of the federal government. Any member of the Dark Devil is the primary goal of the federal government. Last time they had no strength to fight. And This time Camilla is the 12th-order pinnacle genome. Moreover, this is her birthday feast. For the sake of her face, she will also shoot. "

"Anyway, be careful." The Sea Emperor was still a little worried, although he knew that Guding's plan was fine.

"Wake them up. Let's go to the nature reserve today." Guding also looked forward to the nature reserve.

After washing, he changed his clothes and walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, and raised his eyebrows when he saw the only bottle of Mirka left. "I remember it seemed that I bought two bottles yesterday. Who drank it?"

Shook his head. Guding didn't think too much. He picked up the bottle of Mirka and sat down in front of the coffee table in the living room, and began to drink it.

What he didn't know was that under the coffee table blocked by black silkscreen glass, a tiger skin kitten was drinking another can of Mirka.

Suddenly, Guding heard the sound of a metal jar rolling under the coffee table. He glanced down and saw a kitten also protruding his head and looking at himself at the same time, one person and one cat. Immediately, both of them turned their eyes away. Guding's eyes fell on the empty jar underneath, and the cat's eyes fell on the unfinished Mirka in Guding's hand, and then licked his tongue.

"It seems that you are not full, little guy." Gooding put the jar on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to get a bowl, but did not expect to turn around and the little guy had torn the metal jar on the coffee table. I drank it myself. "Okay, you little thief cat ..."

At this time, Liliat also sorted themselves into the living room.

After seeing the kitten, the two women looked very happy, while Bigger projected the recipe and searched for "how to make a cat into a delicacy."

Before the two girls approached, the kitten fled towards the side with a metal can, and it continued to drink Mirka not far from Guding's feet. It seems that he is showing his attitude and prefers Guding.

Guding squatted down and tried to touch it. This time it did not dodge, but extended its claws and slapped Guding's hand aside. The attitude it showed this time was also obvious, "I don't like being touched by someone, don't touch me!"

Gu Ding withdrew his hand somewhat pretendingly, "This greedy little thief cat, after drinking my Mirka, won't let me touch it."

The kitten ’s second can of Mirka finished quickly and then looked up at Guding, as if asking, "Is there any?"

"I only bought two cans, but there is still food over there, I don't know if there is Mirka." Guding didn't know if this little guy could understand.

"Can it understand?" Liliat doubted it.

The kitten nodded.

"Sure enough, it is not an ordinary cat. It is estimated that ordinary cooking methods will not work ..." Bigger whispered in his mouth as he continued to read the recipe on the projection.

"If you understand, let's come to the restaurant with us." Guding said as he stood up, followed the party to the restaurant, and the kitten trot all the way behind.

Entering the restaurant, Gu Ding and his party found an empty table, and the kitten was lying on the table with a piece of meat in its mouth and torn. The tearing action resembled a ferocious predator, but in the eyes of Guding and others. It will inevitably feel a little cute.

This breakfast time was a little longer because of the kitten. Gooding was also a little surprised that the food of this little thief cat was almost comparable to that of Elsa. However, it seems to only eat raw meat, and Mirka also drinks, but has no interest in plant beverages, including those containing sugar.

It was not until the last piece of steak in the restaurant was finished that the little thief cat seemed to be full. This also led to other guests in the restaurant who wanted to eat barbecue steaks without any ingredients. This kind of thing seems to happen very rarely in this restaurant.

"We are going to the nature reserve, do you want to go along with it?" Knowing this little guy could understand what he said, Guding felt much more convenient.

It hesitated obviously before jumping on Guding's shoulder.

"It seems that it wants to go shopping with us," Guding feels that its attitude has shown what it wants.

"A cat that understands people ..." Liliat shook her head helplessly. She probably guessed that the character of Guding should leave this little guy. Although she also likes small animals, it is obvious that this little thief cat is not willing to take care of anyone.

Elsa sneaked around behind Guding, trying to reach out and touch it, but saw the little guy suddenly turn his head to look at himself. There was a warning in his eyes, "Forbid touching!" Elsa also shrugged her hand away.

The nature reserve has four entrances and exits, one of which is located on the outskirts of the city near the port. When arriving by car. It's already noon.

The kitten has been lying on Guding's shoulders, eyes closed, and it seems to have fallen asleep, its tail shaking gently.

After getting out of the car, under the strong sunlight, the "Solar Mantra" in Guding's body began to work slowly and autonomously. The kitten opened his eyes at the moment the "Solar Mantra" started to work. After glancing at Guding, he continued to close his eyes after seeing no abnormalities. The tail swayed more than before, and he seemed to be more happy.

In the nature reserve, the transportation tool for everyone is a floating skateboard with a transparent protective cover. One for everyone.

While distributing the skateboard, a staff member stopped Guding. "Sorry, sir, we are not allowed to bring pets in. Pets are vulnerable to coveted by carnivorous creatures in the reserve and attacked. If you bring pets in, not only pets will be eaten, you and yours Friends are also likely to be attacked. "

"Little guy, you heard that, we went in for a lap, and you just strolled outside to find something to eat." Guding said to the kitten.

The kitten reluctantly jumped from Guding's shoulder and sat on the table next to the customer service, looking very cute.

"Let's go in." Gooding led the skateboard and Liliat entered the reserve together.

After the kitten watched them leave, their figure flashed and disappeared.

The operation of the floating skateboard is very simple. The handle controls the direction. The button on the left thumb side is gear shifting, which can adjust the running speed. There is a red button on the right for braking, and the green button is for raising the transparent protective cover.

After a brief instruction from the staff, all the people raised the protective cover, so they were assured to let this group of tourists leave.

Guding and his colleagues are playing this for the first time and are full of interest.

Not far away, the crowd saw the first rare beast, a black armored rhinoceros. This giant rhinoceros is nearly five meters tall, more than ten meters long, and its back is covered with a thick layer of black armor. It is eating the thick leaves of a tree not far away ~ ~ Just then, The black armored giant rhinoceros trembles its ears, stops the chewing movement in his mouth, and then fleees wildly in the direction of Guding.

"What happened?" Gooding didn't understand.

"It was an abyss bloodthirsty roaring ..." said the sea emperor, projecting a picture.

It was a huge red armored upright creature with a terrible face. At the moment it was an eleventh-order gene. It was uttering a terrible howl, and the nearby mountains were trembling under its terrible sound waves. It must collapse ...

"It's an abyss bloodthirsty. Usually these guys are asleep. I don't know why I woke up this time. Let's go around and don't go in that direction." A very well-dressed female in glasses was squeezing nervously Everyone shouted.


Hey, the upstairs decoration is still in progress, today I continue to wear headphones with code words, the efficiency is very low ... listening to s, a small fresh song. This band seems to have many works of this type. If you are interested, you can listen to it. ()

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