The Highest Bounty

Chapter 178: Tagore

Looking at the squinting eyes, Guding was speechless. The energy shield on the outer layer of the skateboard can only defend against impacts below Tier 10. In front of Tier 12 Yalong, this shield is not much different from soap bubbles.

The little thief cat fell on Guding's shoulder, which means that no matter what trouble it caused, Guding and his party were all friends.

The two Tier 12 Yalongs, although Gu Ding was very reluctant to provoke, but the trouble has come to the door at this moment, he can only deal with it with a scalp, he can not hand over the little thief cat.

Although Kaya is familiar with the two Yalongs, she does not understand the Dragon language and does not know what happened.

At this moment, Elsa came out, and she made a strange syllable towards the gold-winged dragon horn beast. The sound was sometimes high and sometimes low. It was not a human throat.

After hearing Elsa's voice, the gold-winged dragon horn beast also spoke, and a similar syllable uttered in its mouth.

"Elsa understands the dragon language ?!" This is news for Guding and his colleagues.

Kaya on the side was also surprised.

After a moment of communication between the two, Elsa turned her head to translate, "This Yalong said that this nature reserve was commissioned by Camilla to guard with another Yalong. They are not allowed It ’s their responsibility for any other species to make trouble in this area. But this evil creature slaughtered the abyss bloodthirsty in a short time, and its existence is a very serious threat to this area. . "

Just here, the little thief cat also spoke. The strange syllable also sounded in its mouth. The occurrence of this scene was even more unbelievable. It even understood the Dragon language.

Elsa went on to translate, "The kitten said that the existence of that abyss creature is the biggest threat to other species in this area, and he just helped a little. Besides, if he didn't take action. That abyss creature Soon it will evolve to the twelfth level, and then it will break out of the volcano, and all the creatures in this area will be reduced to its food, including your two Yalong tribes. "

At this time, the imperial crown dragon eagle on the side also spoke, his voice more loud.

"Dragon Eagle said, we can't believe you, unless you can provide definite evidence that the abyss bloodthirsty is about to evolve to the twelfth order, otherwise we can only deal with you." Elsa translated.

The little thief cat showed a very human helpless expression. He stretched his claws and traversed in the air, a crack was torn in the space, and a black crystal fell out of the crack. It fell into Guding's hands.

It was a fist-sized black crystal. Just like ink dyeing. The surface of the crystal is surrounded by a circle of spiral patterns. The pattern has as many as twelve circles. The top circle is slightly lighter in color, and the threads are not completely embedded. But this is enough to show that the original owner of this crystal will soon be promoted to the twelfth order.

The two Yalong stared at the crystal with huge eyes, carefully observed it, and also saw the thread on it. His face was suddenly not very good-looking.

The fighting power of abyssal species is extremely powerful, because they are not afraid of death when fighting, and only kill in their eyes. If you really let the abyss bloodthirsty evolve to the twelfth order, then I am afraid that two Yalongs will join together to make it difficult to suppress it.

Although the two Yalongs are not willing to admit it, it seems that the little thief cat really helped.

"Okay. We admit that you are right. Although it is not clear what kind of species you are, we do not allow you to shoot against any other creatures in this area. Otherwise we can only join forces to chase you down." Emperor Crown Dragon Eagle warned.

"Isn't it enough to hunt the steel-backed pigs? That species was originally food." The black thief cat asked, holding back the black crystal.

"No!" Emperor Crown Dragon Eagle solemnly refused.

"Just kill two. There are a large group on your side. It seems that there are more than thirty." The little thief cat continued to discuss.

"None of them!" Emperor's Dragon Hawk and Gold Winged Dragon Hornbeast growled at the kitten at the same time.

"Okay ..." The little thief cat dropped his head a little unhappy.

Elsa didn't translate this conversation, she just snickered while covering her mouth. After the three dialogues ended, she said to Guding, "We can go, they have talked."

The two Yalongs rubbed Kaya, and then fluttered away.

"I have observed the two Yalongs at close range, and we can go to the next stop." Kaya helped his wind-skewed glasses and smiled at Guding and the others.

The following day, Guding and his team spent time together in the nature reserve with Kaya. It was only in the evening that he said goodbye to Kaya and returned to Camilla's palace.

This time, the little thief cat followed everyone to the guest room with great care, as if he had regarded himself as a member of the Guding team.

Robert also deliberately made a cat litter for the little thief cat, and Liliat also put in the precious blanket he bought.

But when I got up the next morning, everyone saw the little thief cat sleeping on the sofa and it seemed that he didn't like the cat's nest very much.

Robert wondered if his cat litter was completely designed according to the shape of the little thief cat, and it should be the most comfortable. I don't know why the little thief cat would not like it.

At breakfast, everyone gathered to prepare a name for the little thief cat.

"This little guy is so thief, just call the little thief cat." Guding suggested.

"Call it tiger skin, this little guy has a tiger skin pattern." Bigger really has no talent for naming.

"Call Xiaojin!" Elsa shouted.

"I think it's right to call little tricks." Liliat smiled.

"My name is Tagore." At this moment, a voice sounded.

Everyone looked at Robert, thinking it was the name he had just proposed.

"I didn't say anything." Robert spread his hands.

"I said it earlier, my name is Tagore." The little thief cat sitting on the coffee table raised his paw. "So you don't have to worry about giving me a name."

"You can talk?" Guding's eyes glowed.

"It's nothing strange, human language is not the most complicated of all races." The little thief cat didn't find it strange.

"Why didn't you speak before?" Gooding asked curiously.

"Because I wasn't familiar with you before." Tagore, the thief cat, took a look for granted.

"In other words, do you know us now?" Guding asked with some expectation.

"No, because you have something to eat with you." Tagore gave an answer that disappointed Guding, but it resonated with Elsa. She nodded desperately in agreement.

"Tagore, join our team!" When meeting a talking cat, Guding's desire to invite the other party to join his team grew stronger.

"Yes, but I have a few conditions." Tagore stretched out his furry claws again.

"First, do n’t allow me to be treated as a cat. Do n’t feed me cat food, although it tastes good; do n’t make me a cat bed, although that bed is the most comfortable for me to sleep; I feel very comfortable. "

"Second, I have the right to rummage through the refrigerator like you guys."

"Third, I want to have my own room, like you, with a bed and a quilt. There is also a shower head and a bathtub, although I don't like water."

"Fourth, I want a smart watch because you all have it."

"Fifth, there is no fun to leave me, because I am a team member, I have the right to enjoy the same happiness as you."

"There is one last item. Every year when I celebrate my birthday, I want everyone to give me a birthday gift. I also want a birthday cake, although I do n’t like cakes."

"If you promise to do it, I will join you." Tagore looked at Guding.

"It should be all right. If you get back to the spaceship when you have room, you can buy a smart watch. As for your birthday ... when is your birthday?" Guding thought about it, except for the first Except that it is more difficult to do, the other seems not difficult.

"I don't know ..." Tagore dropped his head when he heard the question.

"Then when today is ok, other people will give me the list of gifts, and I will buy you gifts." Guding has always been a strong executive.

"I buy cake, I buy cake!" Elsa hurriedly raised her hand.

"I'll go buy the cake with Elsa." Liliat thought she should be able to stare at Elsa and avoid letting her steal the cake halfway.

"I make dinner!" Bigger happily ran to the kitchen.

"I'll arrange the birthday party scene ..." Robert also found a job for himself.


Tagore spent the first birthday party of his own that night, with cakes, birthday gifts, and someone singing a birthday song ~ ~ After the carnival, he slept in the cat nest that Robert made for himself. Steady.

In the next few days, Gu Ding did not go out to play again, he practiced the "Solar Mantra" under the sunshine every day. Each time Tagore slept on Guding's ground, he slept on his shoulders. Instead, Gudin felt that he was absorbing light much faster.

Guding did not tell others about the pursuit of someone in the Dark Demon Realm. Only the Emperor and himself knew about the whole team. So Liliat didn't feel much nervous. In the past few days, she and Elsa would go out every day and take Robert by the way to bring some items on the list.

Robert is still busy every day, he always has something to do on hand.

As for Bigger, he was originally planning to learn some new dishes, but after seeing Guding work so hard, he also began to study the knife method, trying to make himself stronger.

Four days passed quickly. On this day, Camilla's birthday party finally began.

Not only was Robert forced to wear a dress by Liliat, but Tagore also wore a black dress and a trendy hat that looked handsome. ()

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