The Highest Bounty

Chapter 187: Identity exposure

After three days, the cruise ship finally arrived at the port of Gellsing.

Gooding disembarked the boat as soon as possible. Noamami waved at him across the window. He just raised his hand and responded, then rented a suspended car and left the port.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Leoben prison." Guding lowered his voice expressionlessly.

Watching Gooding's suspension car leave, Noyame dialed the number of his team member, "King Kong, should you all be here? Port gathering, there are two tasks to be handed over to you by the way."

"Sister Sister, there is a task so soon? Could it be related to the Gooding team?" A thick voice came across the communicator.

"I wish it was," Noyame said with a smile. "Just a few fools who hijacked the cruise ship, and there is a bomb to be dealt with."

"Then we will come right away!"


On the other side, Gooding quickly reached the door of Leoben Prison.

Looking around, the wall made of Cabot alloy is silver-gray under the sunlight, without any other color embellishment, giving a serious feeling. The surroundings of the prison, as Noah said, were followed everywhere, and the guard was quite guarded.

The sea emperor changed the shape into a hair sticking to Guding's head, then Guding casually put on a smart watch and walked straight towards the gate.

The first door is the visitor identity registration. The watch on Guding's hand has also been activated by the sea emperor, and he entered the fake identity of Guding. Just swiping the smart watch, Guding's fake identity was entered.

[Name: Phil Reese]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 21】

[Whether it is wanted: No]

The second door is security. Guding took off the smart watch he was wearing and passed the security check smoothly under the control of the sea emperor.

The location of the third door was searched by prison guards.

"Sorry, smart watches are not allowed to be brought in. Our prison must prevent hacking." After the body search was completed, the prison guard reached out.

Gooding passed the smart watch, and he finally knew why the sea emperor had himself wear another watch before.

The fourth door. It was a holographic perspective inspection, and the sea emperor did some more work. Otherwise, the hair he disguised and the real hair of Guding will be different in perspective.

Passed four inspections. Gooding was brought to the front by a prison guard.

"Who are you going to visit?" A woman with glasses received her.

"Parret." When Gudin said the name, a strange feeling came into his heart, which seemed to be nervous.

"What is your relationship with the interviewee?" The glasses woman then asked.

"Accurately, it doesn't matter. I grew up listening to his legendary story, so this time passing by Gyre Star and seeing him by the way." Guding did not lie on this issue.

"Okay, this kind of visiting relationship. This is the first time I have met. Under normal circumstances, non-relative visits depend on his own wishes. If he disagrees, we can't force it. So. sit down Let me let him know. "The glasses girl said that she dialed a number." No. 073925 has a visitor. I have sent a visitor information to you. Let's see if he wants to see him. "

"073925. You have visitors!" In a room surrounded by white, a dialog suddenly popped out of thin air.

A one-eyed man with a blindfold stood up, most of his left leg was replaced by a metal prosthesis, as was his right hand.

He raised his left hand and clicked on the visitor's information.

[Name: Phil Reese]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 21】

[Relationship with the interviewee: grew up listening to his legendary story from an early age. So this time passing by Jell Star, stop by to see him. 】

In the upper right corner of the text is a photo of Gu Ding wearing a disguised mask at this time.

"I thought an old friend was passing by and suddenly thought of me." Parret looked a little hesitant. This time the visitor obviously returned to a stranger. He didn't like to deal with strangers because strangers generally Only by conspiracy will they approach themselves. "Listen to my story when I was growing up? This reason for visiting sounds good, but I don't know if it is the real reason for visiting. Anyway, I'm idle, and see what the purpose of this kid is."

About two minutes later, the glasses girl nodded at Guding, "He agreed to be visited, and I will let someone take you over."

Without much meeting, a man in police uniform came over.

When he saw the man, Guding was stunned.

The prison guard was full of flesh, his body was spherical, and his legs were extremely short.

"Purisen ?! How could he be here?" The sea emperor's voice passed into Guding's ears, "but he didn't recognize you, which is a good thing. Remember to lower your voice and slow down when you speak."

"Come with me!" Presen only looked up at Guding, and then turned away without expression.

Gooding followed behind him and entered a room. After closing the door, he stood at the door of the room, seemingly not thinking of leaving.

"I just checked the roster of this prison again. This guy is indeed Prison, not someone who looks like him. I also looked at his information. This guy just emigrated to the Philippines last week. Enchanted Universe. He has a relative in the Philippine Enchanted Universe. He is a Viscount. With some status, plus his original resume, he easily entered the Leoben prison. The interview he just passed yesterday, today is the first Go to work one day. "The Sea Emperor rechecked the prison staff list, and the name Prison appeared, and it was three days before he last checked. At that time, there was no name Prison.

Parret was quickly led by another prison guard, and after entering the house, the guard did not leave.

Bearded, with a big beard, sat down opposite Guding, narrowed his eyes and looked at Guding.

"You are taller than I expected ..." Gooding's opening remarks sound strange.

"Thanks for compliments, young people, eat more calcium-containing foods, exercise more. You are only 21 years old, and you have the opportunity to grow taller." Just a few words, Parret vaguely realized that the reason for the visit may be true of.

"I'm really happy to see you myself. I had always thought it was just a luxury." Guding couldn't help but grin. Was warned by the sea emperor.

"Don't grin!"

The signature smile was too easy to recognize. At least the voice was lowered and the speed of the speech was slowed down. There was no abnormality found in Prison.

"Young man. Tell me, what do you want from me?" Parret asked directly into the subject.

"Can I look at your eyes?" Gooding pointed to the blindfold assigned to Reiter.

Parret nodded happily. Remove the blindfold, revealing a mechanical eyeball.

"It's cool!" Gooding couldn't help sighing.

"I think so." Parret felt that the other party and himself seemed to have something in common.

"I grew up in a tavern and have heard people tell your story. Was your eye really pecked by the tenth-order genetic beast Iron Feather Crow? Or by the eleventh-order bursting bird? ? "Guding couldn't help asking.

"Wow, the rumors are so outrageous? Who made these stories?" Parrett smiled and shook his head after hearing the two versions of Gooding. "My eye, it was not long before I debuted. It was a federal The genius of the government's firearms genius was scrapped. At that time, the bullet was left in my head and I had a total of six operations before it was safely taken out, and I almost became a vegetative. "

"So the truth is this?"

Gooding then asked the second question. "Then your right hand? Was the team member chased by the twelfth-level genetic beast at that time, you cut off your arm and fed to the giant beast to rescue your partner?"

"This story is even more unreliable. My right hand was indeed cut off by myself. But not because of the reason you said. It was because of gambling. For a while, I became addicted to gambling. Every time I arrived on a planet, I I rushed to the casino in the first place. Most of the time, I lost. One time, I gambled badly and lost the entire spaceship to others. Because of that, many brothers around me completely gave up on me. Leaving me, including my deputy captain. That night, in front of all the brothers, I cut off my right hand and vowed that if there was another time, I would cut off my head, and I have quit gambling ever since. . "

"It sounds very admirable," Guding felt that the story was also very satisfying. "What about your left leg?"

"What's the story you heard?" This time Parrett was interested in Gooding's story.

"I heard that it was to save a young child and was bitten off by a powerful genetic beast." Guding said the version he heard in the tavern.

"It was indeed for a small child, but it was not bitten by the genes." Parrett restored the incident again. "That time it was in an interstellar port, there was a fire in a family's house, I saw their family A child was trapped in the flames, so he rushed in to save the child. But I did not expect the house to collapse due to high temperature. Although the child was rescued, my left leg was squashed ~ ~ When I was When I was rescued, I discovered that my entire left leg was burnt black by fire. In desperation, I could only do an amputation at the local hospital. "

"I think your version of the story is better." Gooding laughed. "When you encounter these things, are you not afraid or frustrated at all?"

"Of course I was afraid that when I took that bullet, I was very worried about the failure of the operation and I died on the operating table because I had too many things to do. There was also frustration. The amputation of the left leg, I even regretted saving it Child. But then I wanted to understand that in fact, even if that kind of thing happened for the second time, I would still make the same choice. But do n’t you think that we are stronger because of these emotions? Just because With pain and fear, we are motivated to make ourselves stronger. It is because of sadness and sadness that we will try to make ourselves stronger ... "

Gooding and Parret chatted for a long time this time, for more than half an hour, until the two prison guards urged it to end.

When he said goodbye to Parret, Gooding opened his mouth, "Parret, I will see you later when I have a chance."

At this moment, the face of Pryson who saw the smile on Guding's face suddenly changed, "You are Guding!" ()

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