The Highest Bounty

Chapter 190: Prison Priest

"Brid ..." Hammer Cable recognized the other's voice as soon as possible. He immediately dropped out of the fight with Guding and looked alertly in the direction of the coming person. The next scene he saw made people frown even more, because Brid was not alone, and there were twelve strong men standing behind him.

Brid looks like he is in his early twenties, looks handsome, and his face reveals a sickly pale, thin figure, looks like a harmless otaku who doesn't like to go out, and has some malnutrition. But no one would think that with such a look, Brid is actually the No. 1 prisoner at Leoburn Prison.

Before he was arrested, he was already a thirteenth order strongman, and he was a demon-level strongman capable of slaughtering demigods, with a reward of up to 70 billion universe coins. Every time there is a place where he appears, it will surely attract the high-level Philippine Ministry of the universe to come out. After his arrest, he was sentenced to 5,000 years in prison by federal court. 5000 years is the ultimate age of demigods, which means that even if he becomes a demigod in the future, he will remain in prison until he dies.

The twelve people behind him all existed in the prison side of the prison, and each of them was a 13th-level peak powerhouse. Even under the suppression of the magic chain, they also have far more terrorist power than others. These twelve people were all suppressed by the force of Brid, and then became his men. The shortest time has also served Brid for more than two hundred years. Their loyalty is no doubt.

"Yo, it turned out to be grown-up prisoner. I haven't seen you for a long time." Brid said happily. He didn't think anyone on this planet could stop him from leaving. So he was not in a hurry.

Hammer, instead of responding to Brid ’s greeting, looked at Gooding not far away, "Do you know what you did? There are more than 88,000 criminals in this prison, all All the criminals are strong men with rank 10 and above. Among them, there are more than 6,000 people with rank 12 and above, and more than 200 with rank 13. Do you know how much damage these guys will escape from prison? "

Guding was speechless. He intended to leave the planet, but it turned out to be such a big deal.

"I wonder why someone will escape in front of us. It turns out that this little brother freed us." Brid's eyes fell on Guding. A closer look at it, "Is this little brother interested in joining our team? It looks like you are very talented. There is no shortage of people fighting in our team, it is the talents like you."

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." Gooding directly gave a negative answer. He could smell the extremely dangerous breath on the thirteen people who were so far away. These people were definitely affected by long-term killing.

"No one can say no to our boss." A scarred face behind Brid stepped forward, but Brid reached out and stopped.

"Cehir, this is outside the prison. Some rules will be re-enacted when we escape. This little brother gives us freedom. We owe him a favor. What did I tell you before?" Bree De squinted at the scar face.

"If there is hatred, there will be rewards!" Cecil's gaze fell on Guding. The previous killing breath was finally suppressed.

"This little brother, you gave us freedom, and we can promise you a condition free of charge." Brid completely ignored the existence of the hammer, "Tell me. What do you want?"

"I don't need anything," Gooding refused the other's help, and while Brid appeared, the Emperor sent him and the members behind him directly into Gooding's mind. He knew that this group of people were people who were desperate, and essentially belonged to the same category as the people of the Dark Devil. Guding was not interested in cooperating with this kind of people.

"Don't you want to escape?" From the expression of Gooding, Brid also judged that the other party had no good feelings for his party. The other party should also be an interstellar pirate, but it seems to be different from his own concept.

"I have a way to escape," Guding said, looking at Hammer. If the hammer cable blocks himself, he is indeed not easy to escape.

Brid seemed to see something. His figure flickered and appeared between Guding and Hammer. "Brother. You can go. My elder and our jailer still have some accounts to calculate."

Gooding is actually not willing to owe such a favor to people like Brid, but think about letting these people get free before, and this time should not be considered to be a favor. With a force of his legs, he sprang wildly towards the door.

The chain in Hammer's hand was twisted out again, trying to intercept Guding. Brid suddenly shot, he seemed to stretch out his left hand slowly, the chain that had been winding towards Guding was suddenly stopped by the momentum of chasing, and Brid seemed to effortlessly Clamp the chain between the index finger and **** of his left hand.

Guding had already rushed out of the prison gate at this time, and fled wildly towards the distance, without seeing this horrifying scene. Gooding knows the horror of the hammer chain, if there is no sea emperor to unlock, he simply has no strength to break free.

And this terrifying attack was simply resolved by two fingers, but then, a more horrifying scene happened. Brid applied a little pressure with both fingers, and the chain cracked and disappeared in the air.

"Huh ?!" Brid was also a little surprised that this scene happened, "This chain is not actually a entity? It's not made of your hard work, is it ..."

Just as Brid was about to guess the answer, a black chain appeared in the hammer's hands. At the end of the chain was a fist-sized spherical hammer.

"It seems that my guess is correct. The previous chain is just a derivative of this demigod. No wonder when you are in the twelfth level, you can compete with the demigod for more than ten minutes. I thought you were too A demon, now it seems that I really overestimate you. "Breed smiled with a trace of disdain.

"Brid, I know that you are a one-star demon who can fight across three big ranks. I also admit that in the entire Philippine universe, there are only a few demon evils. But in the sea of ​​the universe, your talent, It can only be regarded as first-class, but not top-notch. At least the boy ’s demon is completely beyond your imagination. "Hao Suo knew that the other party had always felt proud of his own strength.

"Junior? Are you talking about that little brother just now? He doesn't look like a juvenile." Brid's interest in Gooding was more and more excited. "Is it that he is said to be able to fight across seven major positions?" The five-star monster? "

"His appearance is disguised, in fact, it is only a 15-year-old boy. According to our speculation, if we only calculate the combat power, he can fight across the six large ranks, which is a four-star monster. But If he counts his forbidden power, he is the emperor of the evil spirits, the seven-star peerless evil spirits! "Hammer Cable's words completely seduce Brid. "The seven-star peerless evildoer has terrifying luck against the sky, and there are gods blessings in the dark. That's why I didn't fight him with all my strength, because I knew I couldn't kill him."

Breed swallowed, his fingers trembling slightly, and some of the pictures in his memory were released after this stimulation.

In the picture, a teenager who looked 16 or 7 years old, pointed at his eyebrow. At that moment, his body could not move at all, and he clearly felt the approach of death.

"It's really weak. I'm only eighth-order. He's tenth-order. He can't even take my ordinary tricks, not even dodge." After all, the young man didn't play the killer.

"You are a five-star demon king, he is just an ordinary one-star devil, at least you have to wait for him to be four big positions higher than you, to be able to fight you." An umbrella girl next to him slowly walked .

"Unfortunately, there has not been a seven-star demon emperor in the past 100,000 years. I really look forward to a collision, even if it is defeated, it is also a glory." The young man's eyes sparkled with flames of war.

Brid closed his eyes slowly and took a few deep breaths to calm down his emotions. He still clearly remembers the scene of his encounter with the five-star demon at that time. It was precisely because of that time that he withdrew from the universe and returned to the Philippine universe.

"Brid, you have two other things wrong," Hammer continued.

"First, when I intercepted the demigod, I did n’t get the demigod yet. Thirteenth order to demigod, comparable to the combat power span of the two big orders, when I was just a twelve. Genome. I did n’t know that there was a grading of demon before the battle that spanned three big ranks ~ ~ Until after that battle, I was told by the superior that I was a It ’s a one-star monster. It was only after that war that I was trained by the federal government to become the true warden of this prison. "

"Second, the chain in my hand is not a demigod, but an incomplete one. But even if it is incomplete, the power is not comparable to the demigod."

"So, no one can escape this prison today! Even the true demigod will only be suppressed by me!" The corner of the hammer's mouth twitched slightly, and the black chain spun out of it, turning into a giant net instantly. Wrapped towards 13 people at the same time.

Outside the prison, Guding had escaped far away, and the hammer cable did not catch up, indicating that it should be blocked by Brid. Looking around, Guding saw a bathroom, and he quickly rushed in.

When he entered the compartment and locked the door, Guding tore off the mask and put on another face that looked like a student. Then all the wigs, clothes, socks, and shoes were replaced, and even the color-changing eye drops were dripped, and the iris of the eyes was dyed blue.

After going out of the cubicle, I took a photo in front of the mirror. After I didn't find anything wrong, Guding went out of the bathroom and hurried in the direction of the port. ()

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