The Highest Bounty

Chapter 192: Prison situation

Gooding quickly left the port, he knew that under this tight seal, he would not have a chance.

The conventional army stationed at the port is not a hindrance to Guding, but the 10-person hunter squad led by Noyame is a great threat to Guding.

The hunter squad, in addition to the captain of Noyame, and the guy with the nickname King Kong is the deputy captain of the team, both of which are the twelfth-order gene. The remaining eight people are all eleventh-order genes. Moreover, these ten people will limit physical skill, although it is only an incomplete version, but it is enough to cause a certain degree of increase in combat power.

Nowadays, if you turn on the eleventh-level limit body technique, it is not difficult to solve the eleventh-order strongman, but if you want to solve the eleventh-order strongman quietly, it is unlikely to do so. As long as there is a little sound of battle, the two Tier 12 strongmen will immediately rush to the battle scene to support. So, sneaking into the port at night, killing one or two hunters, and then snatching a spaceship has almost no chance of success.

Finding a safe place, Gooding dialed Liliat's number.

"Guding, are you okay?" At this time, nearly half a day later, Liliat and others were anxious. If Guding's visit to the prison is successful, news should be heard in at most an hour, but now it has been four or five hours before Guding's news has been received.

"I'm fine, for some reason, they are now blocking the port, and there is a hunter squad. You don't come over, I may find a way to leave myself, and then I will find another planet to meet." Guding still seemed calm. .

"Block the port? Wouldn't you provoke something again?" Liliat thought it was not good news.

"Hammer cable recognized my identity, but he had no evidence. He didn't do it at first. But he didn't want to let me leave, so he let the military personnel block the port. I let the sea emperor all the prisoners in one breath. Unlock, and now the entire Leopold Prison is in chaos. "Guding said the whole thing in general." But it doesn't matter. I have changed the second mask and no one will recognize it. "

"Then what do you plan to do now?" Liliat felt that she still had to plan a little bit at this time.

"I thought about it. There are currently three possible methods. The first one is to find those people ’s vacancies when the defense at the port is lax and grab the military spaceship. The second one is to wait for the prisoners to escape and create chaos. Leaving the chaos. The third is to wait for the military to lift the port blockade. Mix in tourist ships or cargo ships. After all, they cannot block the port of a planet for a long time, and this planet is still a tourist planet. "

"Who are there in the Hunter Squad?" Liliat tried to help Gooding find a better way.

"Two 12th order gene bodies, 8 eleventh order." Gooding said the biggest difficulty currently hindering himself, "mainly, these ten people are very defensive, I can't find a gap. If you want to **** The spaceship must deal with at least one of them, but with my strength, it is necessary to superimpose the damage to the third time to kill the eleventh-order gene. When I kill one of them, it is enough for other people to react and find me. Position. Encounter of the Twelfth Powerhouse. Although I may not be defeated, I certainly cannot win. "

"So, the biggest problem is with the two Tier 12 captains." Liliat understood what Guding meant. "Since this is the case, we docked the spacecraft at the port and let Elsa and Tagore help you out. Clean up. After all ten people are cleaned up, you can board the ship directly. Anyway, other spacecraft and port armor-breaking artillery will fail under the control of the sea emperor, and will not pose any threat to our golden eagle. "

"It sounds feasible. But wait a minute. I see if there is a way to escape on my own. If possible, I do n’t want you to get involved in this incident. Although it does n’t seem to be serious at the moment, it will follow. I do n’t know what it is. After all, this time it was due to my personal waywardness, and you should not have to bear the consequences. ”Guding also knew that this time he did not act wisely. But he did not want to regret his life, so he insisted on seeing Parret. He also admits that this behavior is a little selfish, which is why he does not want other members to make this trip, because his personal crisis is likely to evolve into a crisis for the entire team.

"What are we talking about? We are partners, and partners are everyone who has delicious food together. If we have difficulties, we can carry them together. How else can we call our partners? We are here now, about half an hour later. We were worried about getting too close. It will be discovered by the military department that the spacecraft is parked a little far away. Let the sea emperor open the platform canopy, and the port's armor-piercing cannons are also blocked. "Liliat hung up the conversation when she finished.

Guding, who ended the call, looked in the direction of Leopold Prison. What he was most worried about now was what happened here, "Sea Emperor, look at the situation on the other side of the prison."

The sea emperor immediately projected the video over the prison.

The battle between Hammer and Brid continued. Even the twelve men behind Brid joined the battle group, but they were still suppressed by Hammer.

"How could the hammer cable be so strong?" Guding was a little surprised to see this scene happen. He had dealt with Hammer before, although he knew that the other party didn't use his full strength, but according to the situation in the video, the other party could kill himself with one finger.

"He can fight across three big ranks, plus the incomplete artifact in his hand, the general demigod is not his opponent, and it is normal to be able to suppress Brid." Not surprisingly, he knew that Hammer had great reservations when he worked with Guding.

In the video, the black chain is almost overwhelming, almost everywhere, blocking the movement of Brid and his party every second. They are trying their best to dodge to avoid getting caught in chains. Of the thirteen people, two were already wrapped in chains and wrapped into cocoons. No movement has been made until now. Two others were hit by the black ball hammer at the top of the chain and seriously injured and fell to the ground.

When the black ball hammer is locked and attacked, it will quickly change from the size of the fist to a huge ball with a diameter of two meters, crushing the opponent. The two people who had been hit had broken their bones at this moment, and their internal organs were severely displaced by the shock.

The black chain is like countless snakes winding, and it is densely covered with the door of the prison door that has been smashed, forming a black snake wall, constantly creeping, sealing the exit completely, leaving nothing behind A trace of void.

The remaining twelve battlefields, in addition to Brid, the remaining ten of Brid's men are just trying to support, do their best to dodge. And Brid is not easy. His speed is terrible. Even if he is slowed down by a hundred times on the video, Guding can only see the figure shaking, and his eyes can't be captured at all. What is completely different from Brid is that the hammer cable basically stood in place without moving his footsteps, and his energy has been completely focused on urging the chain to attack.

"Brid is also a natural ability. He has the ability to lightning, so he has extremely terrifying speed and attack power. But now his ability is restrained by that chain, and the lightning will be absorbed, so you are now He did not use this ability when he saw it, "the sea emperor explained.

"According to this situation, they can't escape at all." Guding analyzed the result in less than a minute. "The door has been sealed and the walls of this prison cannot be broken. The only way is to remove the obstruction of the hammer cable, but the hammer cable has a powerful weapon that is almost a god, and the attack and defense are integrated.

"You only saw the superficial phenomenon," the sea emperor gave a different opinion. "Now all the prison guards have been killed in the entire prison, and even the deputy warden has been killed, leaving only one hammer. Support hard. "

The sea emperor said that the images of more than 20 cameras were all pictures of prison corpses. Seeing these scenes, Guding frowned slightly. He knew that if it were not for himself, all this would not happen. The death of nearly 200 staff members in this prison was all his own responsibility. Within the picture, dozens of combat robots were destroyed, basically all the equipment in the prison was smashed, and the entire prison has become the world of more than 80,000 prisoners. And Hammer, there is only one person ...

"No matter how strong the hammer is, it wo n’t last for long ~ ~ He will always run out of power. Moreover, his biggest enemy is not Brid, who is fighting him, but he is dormant. Several coveters for more than half an hour. Although Brid is a hegemon, there are still two people in this prison that are as strong as him. One of them is an insider of the Dark Demon, his name is Tulu, The codename is the slaughterer. He does n’t like power, his only preference is killing, so there is no younger brother in prison, and Brid dare not provoke him. There is also a ghost walker from the abyss. Born killer. Because it is an abyss creature, it is rejected by humans, but no one dares to provoke him. The two have been hiding in the dead end of the video surveillance for more than half an hour to observe the battle. As long as the hammer wire shows a flaw, It is bound to be a fatal blow. It is only a matter of time before these 88,000 prisoners escape. "

The sea emperor said, projecting pictures of Tulu and Ghost Walker.

The middle-aged man on the left, who is about the same height as Bigger, has a muscular knot and a greasy look, is a picture of the Dark Demon. The other was thin and slightly rickety, his skin showed a rock-like color, a pair of eyeballs were completely non-human blood red, he could not see the pupils and irises, and his hands did not have fingers, and both elbows were down Spikes, showing the color of sauce purple above the spikes, seems to be quenched.

While Guding was still looking at the two pictures, the battle circle where Hammer Cable was located suddenly changed ... ()

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