The Highest Bounty

Chapter 208: Carole

After leaving the interstellar storm, Guding once again found time to enter the enchanted paradise. He did not know how many questions the Sea Emperor's answer caused to the anonymous answerer.

Of course, no one knows that the answering person is Gooding, except for the top management.

However, some people have also distinguished that there is a possibility that more than 90% of this kind of thing is done by newly joined members. If it is an old member, there is no need to leave the points for so long without giving a reply. But there are three other new members who joined the same period as Guding. During the five days when Guding was absent, only one of them had landed in the paradise, and it has been tried by many people, knowing that his points are zero. Therefore, only this person was excluded.

As soon as he logged into the Fairyland, Gu Ding found out that 567,000 points had all been credited. Obviously, all the answers answered by the sea emperor were accepted as the correct answers. He was going to the exchange to help Robert to see if he could change to the remaining materials, and by the way, look for any items that would allow him to break through the existing ranks.

In accordance with the rules of the enchanted paradise, all new functions must be activated on the spot by themselves. Under the guidance of the sea emperor, Guding used the transmission function to directly transfer to the entrance of the exchange.

Entering the exchange, he found the remaining four items on the original list. There are three of them, which can be purchased with Guding's existing points, but there is another thing called "energy matrix", which requires more than 8 million points to exchange one.

"What is this energy matrix? It's even more expensive than many gods?" Guding could not help whispering.

"The energy matrix is ​​a necessary item for the evolution of metallic life forms into supermetal life forms, because only the energy matrix emits energy. In order to maximize the characteristics of supermetals." It is not the sea king who answers this question. Is a woman.

The woman's characteristics are very obvious, her long hair at the waist. There are ten different colors. From left to right, the layers are arranged, and the distance between each layer is the same. It doesn't look messy, but gives a very orderly feeling. And the nails of her fingers. There are also ten completely different colors. What is more noticeable is that she is wearing a clean white lady's suit, which contrasts sharply with the color of her hair and her fingers, but gives an unusual sense of harmony. Because of this strange dress, Guding ignored the perfect match of the delicate facial features on her face.

"Are you a newcomer?" The woman walked slowly towards Guding. The pink high-heeled soles of her feet hit the ground with a crisp sound, but it didn't feel like noise, but more like sweet. Notes. When she came to Guding, she stopped. Reach out. "My name is Karel. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, my name is Guding." Guding saw other people for the first time in the paradise. This woman knows just by dressing up that she cannot be the same virtual character.

"When did you join. It looks very real." Carole was quite sure that the other person was a newcomer, because she could see that Guding's genetic level was not high.

"Joined five days ago." Guding did not intend to conceal anything, and the other party looked harmless.

"Five days ago? Ask the question on the first floor of the tower, wouldn't it be you who solved it?" Carle actually wanted to find the person who helped himself these days.

Hearing this question, Guding hesitated a little. He was not afraid of being troubled. He never feared any challenge. The main thing is that the sea emperor reminded him at first that he should keep a low profile.

Seeing his hesitation, Carole basically knew, "Here is a bit nasty, and I like to challenge the newcomers who just got points and play points gambling. But it doesn't matter, you can just tell me alone, I won't To anyone else. "

"Admit it, this woman is not simple. If you don't admit it, she will dig it out sooner or later. It will be more embarrassing when the lies are exposed." The Emperor Hai also just checked the information of this woman. not simple.

Gooding said, "I can solve those problems."

"The previous question about water body on the top of the list was asked by me. Thank you for your answer, I got a lot of gains." Carrele smiled lightly, "I was actually curious about you How did you know this sequence, but after looking at the other questions you answered, I felt that there was no need to ask this question. Because it is obvious that you did not come to this conclusion from your own research, and those questions cover too wide a range , And many questions can only be asked after the research reaches a certain depth. One cannot be proficient in so many fields. So I judged that you should have invaded the secret database of Skynet and got some To the answer. "

"The explanation is quite reasonable," Guding did not admit, nor did he deny the answer.

"You should have more than 50,000 points now? For members less than a half-god, this is a huge amount of wealth." Carole saw that Guding was unwilling to discuss this topic, and did not delve into it.

"But at present, it is not enough." Guding shook his head and smiled. The energy matrix Robert wanted was difficult to obtain in the short term. With 8 million points, it is estimated that all the possessions of a median deity in Enchanted Paradise are so many, and now he is not even a god.

"Do you want the energy matrix? That thing is only useful for metal living beings. For other types of living beings, it has no value. The concentration camp set the price so high, in fact, to prevent someone from buying it from here, Sell ​​at a high price. If you really want it, the only way is to solve the problems left by a few middle gods. "Speaking of which, Carole secretly looked at Guding and wanted to see how Guding would react. "However, the spirit has completely changed into another kind of living body, and it is estimated that the mentality will also change a lot. Any questions will be raised, and no one can predict it. Moreover, if you want to go to the fourth level, you have to wait for the combat power to reach the middle After the deity, you must first answer the three questions posed by the next deity. So, no matter how you look at it, eight million points are difficult to get. "

"I'll wait for a while," Guding knew that Carole was right, he decided to wait and see for a while, too high-profile will only cause some unnecessary attention. At present, the question answered by the sea emperor is only below the level of the demi-god. If you can directly answer the problem of the median god, Guding will definitely receive the attention of the real god, and this kind of attention may not be well-intentioned.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. You can go shopping slowly." Carole looked at the time, greeted Guding, and left the exchange.

Gooding stayed in the exchange and checked three other materials. According to the name and quantity of the Robert newspaper, the total cost would be almost 20,000 points. Guding immediately placed an order and selected Problan Star as the delivery location.

With more than 36,000 points left, Guding intends to buy something that can enhance his strength. "Ocean, what can break my current genetic blockade and bring me to the seventh level?"

"You need a more violent energy impact, and then considering the fit with the sun's truth, the core crystal should be the most suitable." The sea emperor suggested, "The price of the core crystal is about 1 billion universe coins. One, if you redeem your points here, it will be 1,000 points. "

After the sea emperor finished speaking, he entered the words "geocrystalline crystal" in the inventory, but he didn't expect the system to display "This product is temporarily out of stock".

Gooding looked at him for a moment, "No?"

"This should not be considered a rare item. If it is out of stock, it is likely that there are too many people in need." This search result is obviously beyond the expectations of the sea emperor, but the sea emperor thinks about it and understands why the core spar Sales will be so large. Most of the demon concentration camps are the same demon members as Guding. The stronger the combat power, the greater the difficulty of each advancement. Therefore, when a breakthrough is needed, it is easy for everyone to think of the use of rock crystal.

Although I did n’t buy the core spar this time, I had already ordered the remaining three materials besides the energy matrix for Robert, but it was a worthwhile trip.

Gooding, who had withdrawn from the enchanted paradise, continued to start a new practice in his bedroom.

After that, Guding and his team spent eleven days ~ ~ before the spacecraft arrived at Planet Problan.

In this eleven-day journey, Liliat finally managed to break through to the ninth-order genome. Not only that, her mental strength has also risen to 1 million points, and her cell comprehensive index has also increased from more than 13,000 points to 300,000 points. Her cell comprehensive index has increased so fast because it has broken through the ninth level. After that, the black crystals she ate were replaced with the same ones as Elsa. Liliat finally surpassed Guding again in the strength of the cell's comprehensive index. This kind of thing happened for the first time since leaving the Korla star in the gray star field.

Guding doesn't seem to care much about the fact that he has become the person with the lowest cell synthesis index in the entire team. This did not disturb his practice rhythm. He still ate black crystals every day and practiced vigorously. Gang Jin's practice seems to be more difficult as he gets to the back. Before arriving at Guding and arriving at the port, he has just successfully constructed the third great cycle in his body.

As soon as the Golden Eagle docked at the port, everyone couldn't wait to go underground. It has been more than half a month since the departure of the planet Fest, the spacecraft has not docked on any planet ’s port, and Guding and his team have indeed suffocated.

As soon as he walked out of the hatch, Guding's communicator rang, and he looked at the number, which was a long list of garbled characters ...

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