The Highest Bounty

Chapter 212: Changed history

[Gagen 16, sorry, I forgot to write in the title ~]

Early the next morning, the prison door was wide open, and after breakfast, it was time for the prisoner to work.

The so-called juvenile labor reform criminals mean that prisons have to squat and work hard labor reforms.

Bigger and Bayer's job is to help people clean up the spaceship in the spaceship repair shop. This job is the easiest of all types of work, which is why they are always bullied by others.

This type of work is rotated every three months, according to the lottery, and no exchange is allowed. Bigger has already won this job twice in a row, and Bayer has also won this job for the second time. Originally, Bigger had drawn twice in succession, and some people thought he cheated. In addition, Bayer, who lived in the same room as him, was also drawn. Everyone thought he cheated. The most important point is that there is only one spaceship repair shop for this type of work, and only two places are needed. Therefore, the two of them caused dissatisfaction with many other juvenile offenders.

Due to the lottery of the type of work, the two often find fault. That Brie thought that Bigger had a way to cheat, and always wanted to force Bigger to speak up, so every time he saw him, he embarrassed him. In fact, by pressing twice, he was really just lucky.

Bigger and Bayer had breakfast and were soon sent to a repair shop near the port. The owner of the repair shop was so stingy that he would not even give a sip to the water, but if he thought of paying a low price for the young offender to work for himself, he knew that this kind of character was definitely not good. The special solvent used to clean the spacecraft in the repair shop is not the water that can be used for drinking. When the two drink water, they must go to the bathroom. There is a sink outside the bathroom with a rusty faucet. However, even if it is just tap water, they are drinking it secretly. Fear of being seen by the owner of the repair shop.

Working in the repair shop all morning, at noon, the two were escorted back to prison.

At noon, after lunch, it is time to let go of the wind. The so-called letting go is to allow prisoners free time. At this time. Each prison cell fence is open.

As usual, Bigger will hide in the cubicle where he lives, and refuse to come out. Those who Bree will pull him out for a beating. But this time, Bigger did not hide in the cubicle, but appeared on the field of the wind with great care.

He was no longer the helpless child of the year, and after running with Guding, he had also seen many real strongmen. He was also injured during the battle, in fact skin and skin injuries are the slightest.

No Bige was found in the cubicle. Brie returned to the field with a group of men, and finally saw Big, and a group of people immediately gathered around.

"Dare to show up now? It seems that your courage is getting bigger and bigger." Brie's sneered expression.

"I am not only coming today, I am coming every day," Bigger said indifferently. "Scumbags who are bullying and hard-working are talking about people like you."

Everyone didn't expect the cowardly little man to dare to quit, and looked at Bigger with some surprise.

"You're looking for death!" Brie heard Bigger's back mouth and froze for a moment, before reacting after a while. "Beat me. Beat me to death!"

A group of people gathered around immediately, and Bigger curled up. Embraced his head with both hands and endured it silently. Between the gap between his two feet, he saw the knife that he had brought to the massacre. The knife was hanging around the waist of a guard. When he saw the knife, he squeezed it out frantically and grabbed the knife. Then directly cut off half of Brie's head. But this time, he didn't do anything. He just quietly endured the pain caused by the fist and foot together, waiting for it to end, even the pain did not make a noise.

The crowd played around for ten minutes. I didn't hear the sound, and I was a little worried that Bigger was killed, so I stopped.

Bigger stood up, "If it's over, can I go now?"

"Keep beating him!" Bree became more and more angry. This time Bige was so stiff. This was something he didn't expect. He must convince Bige.

The crowd beat around for more than half an hour, and stopped until their hands and feet were weak.

Bigger stood up again and wiped his nose, "Can I go now?"

"He must have secretly practiced defensive skills, becoming more resistant than before." One person secretly lowered his voice by Bree.

Brie himself was sore with hands and feet, so he didn't need energy. Although he was unhappy, he knew that it didn't make any sense to continue. Moreover, the one-hour venting time has been delayed for more than forty minutes, and he only said sternly, "Tomorrow we will continue, we must fight until you are convinced!"

At this moment, Brie saw Peel sneaking in this direction not far away, waved towards the crowd, and surrounded him.

Peel saw the situation was not good, dodge around, but was quickly surrounded by a group of people.

Bigger frowned slightly. He wanted to make his appearance for Peer, but there was a pain in his internal organs. Only then did he know that he had suffered more than just a bruise on the outside, this body was too weak, and the internal organs were also shaken under this level of attack. If you are attacked again, it may cause internal organs to move. This injury is fatal to ordinary people. He had no choice but to look on the side, watching Peel's head besieged by a group of people and beaten wildly.

Pell's painful cry not only did not stop Bree and others to stop, but increased his energy. The thrill they didn't find in Bigger before, and finally found it in Bayer, and they started to get more and more ruthless. Peel held his head and looked helplessly in the direction of Bigger, his eyes revealing the smell of asking for help. Bigger closed his eyes slowly. Although Peel was also thin, Bigger knew he was better than his own. Being beaten is just a skin injury, and there will not be too many problems. There is no need to risk your own life.

But Pell did not think so. He thought Big must have secretly practiced defensive exercises, so he could not be afraid of them. He hated Bigger in his heart, his help was completely ignored, Bigger was capable but refused to come forward for himself, and secretly practiced defensive exercises and did not share it with himself. The more he thinks, the more he feels wronged, and the more he thinks, the more he hates the world.

Suddenly, through a gap in one's legs, he saw a guard not far away with a long knife in his waist. A crazy thought suddenly rose from his heart, "Grab the knife and kill them !! ! "

The moment this thought rose, he got out of a crotch, rolled over and rolled over to the guard to grab the long knife. Pulling out the knife, Peel rushed towards the group of Brie.

Seeing this scene, Bigger was completely dumbfounded, "How could this happen? The person who robbed the knife was clearly me, and Peer was not beaten that time ... Did history change because of my different choices?"

Everything was out of control on the field. Peel raised his knife and madly chased Brie who had bullied himself. The people of Brie had already fled around, but Peel chased Brie to death.

The guards were also in a panic. It was just a juvenile prison, and no one expected it to happen. Many of these guards came in through the back door, not even regular soldiers, and had no experience dealing with such things at all. In this prison, there are no long-range weapons, so a group of guards are chasing behind Pell.

However, the eventuality still happened. In a panic, Bree suddenly tripped over his shoelaces and Peel, who was chased behind, cut off half of his head.

The brain plasma was scattered like pink tofu brain, and the thick blood oozed out constantly, quickly covering the surrounding area of ​​about two meters.

Bigger squeezed his fists, this scene is a replica of the scene he encountered in the past, but the details are slightly different.

Pell didn't stop because he killed one person. He took a long knife and continued to chase after the one who had beaten himself. The man was still immersed in shock, and it was too late when he responded. Peel stabbed him in the stomach with a knife, a white knife inserted through his chest, and a red knife coming out from behind.

The death of the second person plunged the entire juvenile prison into a complete panic. All kinds of crazy roaring sounds resisted, and they couldn't hear these people crying for help. If Brie ’s death shocked them, then the death of the second person completely put everyone in a state of panic, because it meant that Peer with the knife was completely mad ~ ~ Regret there will be a third person, the fourth person was killed ...

This scene is the same as Bigger's memory, except for changing the protagonist.

"If you go on like this, he will kill everyone in the prison. What should I do?" Bigger frowned, and he already knew how things would go, which was not the result he wanted to see. And if you continue to develop according to that model, you will be killed by Pell and fall from the third layer of the dream to the fourth layer.

Once in the fourth floor, things are more troublesome, and the time ratio increases to ten thousand to one. One day outside, the dream is almost thirty years old. One thousand two hundred years can only last for more than forty days, and I will die because of aging.

"It's not possible to grab a knife. The knife must have been touched by someone else's hands and feet. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to kill everyone like a watermelon. The knife should be the same. The current strength of the body can't confront Peer at all, let alone take the knife. What should I do now? "Bigger frowned. In the past, when the team encountered any problems, most of them were Guding and the sea emperor. The others just gave some simple suggestions, and Bigger is generally just the listener. This time he was asked to come up with his own idea, he really didn't know what to do. (To be continued ...) (To be continued ...) ()

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