The Highest Bounty

Chapter 217: I am a chef

In this forest, Bigger stayed for twenty-nine days.

After the battle with Halle, his fighting instinct was finally fully awakened, and he no longer hid in a corner, but looked around for the powerful.

During this period, he also encountered many demon like Halle who can fight across several ranks. There are killers lurking in the shadows, fierce offensive gunners, melee strongmen with excellent combat capabilities, but without exception, they are all beheaded.

Twenty-nine days later, when he cut the last opponent under the knife, the surrounding environment finally changed again.

The man in black robe appeared again, "Big, I have to admit that your performance during this time was really amazing. Twenty-nine days, although not many people died under your sword, almost all of them It ’s a good player. You have n’t been killed and become a killing machine. But you only passed the first round of this game, and the second round has just started. "

"Do you know? I made a total of 1,000 like the kind of forest you were in before. That is to say, there are 999 people who have become winners like you. The best performer among them, With one person, 8,335 people were slaughtered, and they successfully entered the second round in less than five days. You killed the least people and entered the second round the slowest, but it is undeniable The thing is, your progress is really great. "

"As for the second round of the game, it's very simple. One thousand of you will be kept in the same closed room, but only one person can come out alive. In that closed room, there is no food and no water. When thousands of people breathe at the same time, the oxygen there is only enough to support one hour. So, I think all players should know what to do. "The black robe said. Bigger blinked, and the surrounding environment changed again.

He looked towards the surroundings. He was inside a huge building. In addition, he was suspended in a huge "birdcage" suspended in midair, just like everyone else.

The "birdcage" slowly landed on the ground. After about two minutes, it finally touched the ground.

The door of the "Bird Cage" also popped open almost automatically at the same time, and Bigger immediately ran out. You can't move freely in the cage, and the guy who encounters a long-range attack will become a living target.

Others also reacted immediately.

These people are also worthy of being the best ones who survived the melee battle in the forest. Their survival skills are far more comparable.

Bigger had just popped out, and not far away two people were staring at him at the same time. Because in this thousand people, Bigger is the thinnest and thinnest, and solves the weak. Striving for more oxygen is the first criterion for many people to act.

There are also a few people who disdain to bully the weak, all mourning for Bigger in their hearts, they do not know whether Bigger is good or bad, even passed the ten thousand people in the forest. But looking at his size, most people think he is just lucky. Because in the case of forest melee, as long as the hiding is good, it is very advantageous. Seeing the last two strong men lose both sides. Then it is not impossible to do it by collecting fishermen.

Of course, not many people think that Bigger entered this round with real strength.

But the next scene. Quickly let everyone have a new understanding of Beagle.

The two men who attacked Bigger from two different directions saw the knife flash just as they approached Bigger's side.

With only one knife, Bigger cut the two men completely, and the silver blade of light flew across like lightning. Then it turned into nothingness. At this time, Bigger had returned to the sword and sheathed, standing silently, and swept the people indifferently.

This time the thunder-like shot shocked many people, most people dare not fight his idea again. And there are a few extremely powerful guys. They were even more excited by Bige's knife, and they started a crazy killing mode.

Less than half an hour, there were only seven people left in the room of a thousand people.

Bigger had completely adapted to the killing, the corpses on the ground, stumps, blood, internal organs, and the smell of corpses in the air, which did not affect him.

The other six people have different performances, and two of them are particularly excited. They should be because there are too many killings, and their wisdom has been affected by some killings.

Bigger set his sights on another teenager, who looked like he was 13 or 14 years old. Apart from himself, he was the youngest, but he also used a knife.

He noticed Bigger's gaze, and the young boy looked at him too. He had noticed Bigger's existence early. In these half-hours, Bigger only shot three times, each time he was hit back by an attack, and each time he killed his opponent. As a warrior with the talent of evildoers in the sword path, he can feel that Beagle's sword technique is at least a master level. He is also somewhat unimaginable, the other party is obviously younger than himself, why the comprehension on the sword has already surpassed himself. The war in his heart was ignited when Bigger first shot the sword.

But Big can also see that this young man's comprehension on the sword is not as good as his own, but it is not that he is not as good as himself, so there is no place to learn from. Your own knife is a knife of killing. It is overbearing and simple. It only takes human life. And the young man's knife is vaguely emperor-like and extremely atmospheric. The identity of those who can use this knife technique must be extraordinary.

The moment they hit their eyes, they pulled out their swords at the first time.

The shots of the two immediately triggered the movements of the other five.

The two guys whose sanity was affected by the killing were obviously attracted by Bigger's Killing Knife and rushed towards Bigger. The other three are in a dogfight.

It turned into a dozen and three beagles without showing any panic. His overbearing knife swayed and took the throat of the teenager in front.

The young boy quickly blocked, and Bigger's sword was heavy. Although the young boy's block saved his life, he was shocked. Bigger's sword turned, like a spirit snake, and picked up on the throats of the other two. His move actually came from Halle's swordsmanship. He turned to the midway of the attack directly, making his attacks endless without changing his moves.

The two guys whose thoughts were killed by killing had no mind to block at the moment. They walked completely with injury-for-injury play, ignoring Bigger's knife like his throat. Instead, he waved the giant axe and sledgehammer in his hand and attacked Bigger.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Bigger's knife speed suddenly doubled more than once, a silver flash flashed, and two heads were thrown high.

"Two idiots!" Bigger gave his own evaluation. He shot before to actually test the teenager. I wanted to see more of the young man's knife skills, so I didn't use all my strength. The two guys who were killed and killed, without knowing the strength of their opponents, were undoubtedly stupid. This style of play is really difficult for opponents who are similar to themselves, but for opponents who are much stronger than themselves, that is the act of death, and they have paid the price at this time.

The two men were beheaded with a knife, leaving the remaining four people in fear of Beagle. Everyone can see that because of the combat effectiveness of the two men. But even so, Bigger still didn't make a second shot, that obviously Bigger's strength is definitely overwhelming everyone here.

Although the young man did not want others to participate in his fight, he just saw the speed of Beagle ’s knife double, which meant that Beagle actually had a hand in the fight against himself, which also meant that he and he were not at a level The presence.

After being aware of this huge threat, the remaining four people finally had the same idea and first teamed up to kill Bigger.

Bigger also noticed the killing intentions of the others. He didn't pay much attention to it, he just stood there waiting for others to attack.

The woman using a long whip moved first. Her long whip, like a black viper, struck Beagle's right hand holding the knife. Obviously, Bigger is good at swordsmanship. If his hand with a knife is pinned, the combat power will undoubtedly drop by more than half.

Bigger did not stop the other party's behavior, but let the other party's long whip wrap around his right hand.

Others did not expect it to be so easy. Suddenly, he rushed up immediately.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Bigger's right thumb flicked, the long knife fell on his left hand. The left hand knife hit the cross without hitting it in the slightest, among the three. Immediately, two people were cut. The teenager noticed the danger when he changed hands, ducked aside, and avoided the fatal blow.

The face of the woman holding the long whip suddenly became very ugly.

"I'm a chef, and the knives of both hands must be equally good." Bigger explained.

Hearing this, the young boy was about to cry. "The knife is so good that he can still be a cook, so what is my knife ..."

"Sorry, two, I must complete the so-called trial of the black robe **** as soon as possible. Our captain is still waiting for me to go back to dinner." Bigger said, dragging the knife towards the two.

After struggling, the long whip woman was still beheaded by Bigger. The young man who used a long sword was also mercilessly beheaded after a complete set of swordsmanship.

After killing the boy with a knife and the woman with a long whip ~ ~ Bige shouted towards the sky, "Hey, the second round is over, let's start the third round as soon as possible! I'm in a hurry! "

"Very good, very good!" The black-robed man appeared again without any warning. "After killing so many people, he wasn't affected by the killing at all."

"You don't have to talk so much nonsense anymore, I'm not afraid of you anymore. Even if any trials come, after completion, send me back to where I should go as soon as possible." Bigger stood in front of the black robe At this moment, his psychology has no fear.

"Really? The third round is a battle of life and death in the ring. In this round, everyone will restore their true rank. I have selected a hundred people, all of whom survived the trial you just experienced. Guys, the highest genetic level has a demigod level. You have to go through ninety-nine battles, and you must maintain a full victory before you can leave. "The black robe explained the rules for the next round.

"Why bother? Ninety-nine people go together. I'll hurry back to cook." Bigger's eyes did not seem to be a joke, but really challenged ninety-nine people.

"In that case, it is as you wish!" The black robe stared at Big for a long while, and after confirming that he was serious, he nodded. (To be continued ...) ()

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