The Highest Bounty

Chapter 234: Skill rolling

Guding finally agreed to the challenge of the muscular man.

A **** position, even if it is only broken, is enough to cause a lot of mad competition among demigods. Because of the divine position, it means that the gods can be promoted directly from the demigod. This kind of thing is not a random guess for no reason, but a fact that many humans have confirmed in history.

Almost since ancient times, some people have been promoted to gods by devouring their gods. This is clearly recorded in historical facts. Moreover, there are more than 20 stories in the history of promotion to gods by devouring the gods from ancient times to modern times.

In addition to these historical stories, in this era, there was also a man named Raki in the sea of ​​the universe who promoted the gods by devouring the gods. So no one doubts the feasibility of using this method to promote gods.

For Godin, this deity is of little practical use. Because all members of the team are still far away from the promotion of gods. Moreover, once devouring other people's divine position, unless the divine position is stripped out and reunited with one's own divine position, the cultivation base will be restricted by the divine position engulfed and cannot be improved. Devouring the gods is a choice made by demigods who have determined that they are unlikely to be promoted before the end of Shou Yuan. Gooding agreed to the challenge because he had other plans for this god.

The muscular man's name is Marceau, an interstellar hunter with a genetic level of thirteenth order. His strength is not weak, and he is also known as a small interstellar hunter. But he made his debut for more than 800 years and hardly caught any famous interstellar pirates. Of course, it is not that the pirates he captures are weak. In fact, he has also captured interplanetary pirates with a reward of more than 8 billion universe coins. But the high reputation and high reward amount are not the same thing.

Kurd Brad's reward amount is also higher than that of Gooding, but his reputation is not as great as Gooding. Of course, he is also considered to be a very popular star pirate in recent times, but everyone pays less attention to him than Guding. Marceau has never caught a guy whose exposure rate is in the front line. A guy like Guding who has extremely high exposure rate has never even seen him before.

Of course, there are other members of the Guding team, and he knows that his chance of catching Guding is almost zero, so he challenges him, as long as he wins, even if he does not catch Guding, his fame will definitely have a great degree. Promotion. Not only that, the Childe family has already summoned sixteen interstellar hunters, including themselves, and told themselves that if they can drive Guding out of the Red Shield planet, they will get a double Guding reward reward. And enjoy the senior treatment in the Childe family, all products of the Childe family are 20% off, this treatment can only enjoy the demi-god.

That's why he put forward that kind of condition at the beginning. As long as Guding loses, he must leave Chidunxing immediately and never set foot on it. In fact, when he said that, Guding already knew that he must have been from the Childe family.

He admits that when Guding refused to challenge himself, he was really anxious. But he was also a little strange. In that case, he could lie, but he unconsciously blurted out the truth. He originally intended to keep that **** for his own use, because he was not far from being promoted to a demi-god. Immediately after he blurted out the secret, he immediately understood that even if he won the challenge with Guding, that divine position would certainly be untenable.

Guding took a step forward, and the surrounding people also spread apart, watching from afar.

Liliat and others also retreated a hundred meters away to avoid being affected by the battle.

If Gooding did not advance to the seventh-order genome, he had no chance of winning this battle. But fortunately, he was promoted to Tier 7, and he already had the power of Tier 13. This time, his opponent is also a melee combat, and the genetic level is the top of the thirteenth order. This will be a melee combat.

Guding's twelve-layer ultimate body technique is fully opened, and the increase in bronze-level armament and tri-polar raging is also opened. The basic combat strength of one million points was instantly increased to 6.4 billion points. Coupled with the special effect of the martial arts field, his combat strength can be said to directly break through the tens of billions mark. Coupled with the effect of damage stacking, it is enough to increase his maximum combat power to more than 50 billion points.

Looking at Guding's thin body, it looked much stronger under the support of muscles.

Marceau just raised the corner of his mouth, his muscles that had been spooled up again instantly, his whole body was much bigger than before. At the same time, in addition to muscles, there are bones, and his height has soared from more than two meters to more than two and five meters.

"It doesn't look very good. This ability of this guy is called Juhua, and it is similar to the madness. His strength and defense power have tripled in an instant, and his basic combat power was already 95 billion points About. Now his combat power has been directly increased to more than 280 billion ... "The sea emperor was slightly worried about Guding. "Are you sure you don't need that trick?"

"At this time, there is no need to expose all of your strength. Since you can't crush him with power, then crush him with skill." Guding obviously intends to have reservations.

A faint golden gangling penetrated from Guding's body and enveloped the entire body in an instant. Almost at the moment of covering, Guding's body suddenly disappeared.

He does not rely on speed, but the ultimate technique of the twelfth dark step. His movement speed is comparable to the special ability of instantaneous movement, and even practicing Bigger is unable to capture.

The location of Guding's flashing is on the left side of the opponent's head. Guding's body leaped high, and his body was upside down. One blow absolutely meant to carry a horrible golden gang, like a meteor hitting the opponent's left temple. The movements are so beautiful that the aesthetics of melee combat are used to the extreme in his moves.

"This trick is so beautiful, I also want to learn !!!" Elsa could not help but exclaimed.

Liliat only noticed at this moment that it seems that he met Guding from the beginning, his moves are so clean and beautiful, but now under the rendering of golden gangs, the original chic moves have become more beautiful . But she still pouted and said, "The action is beautiful, but now it is not a performance, but a real battle."

"His move is very practical," Bigger explained, "Don't think that his handstand is a useless performance. In fact, his move basically circumvents the opponent's counterattack in the first place. Because of the size of the opponent, Guding ’s shoulder-to-head distance is shorter than that of the opponent. His shot hits the temple, and everyone ’s instinctive first reaction should be to evade first, and then the left arm should be straight Straight counterattack, but you can't hit Guding with a straight swing. The opponent can't rely on instinct to act if he wants to hit him. He must readjust his brain and move the angle of his left arm upward. In this way, the opponent Will slow down, and when the other party reacts, Guding has long escaped from the other party's attack range. "

Guding's first blow will naturally not let go of the curse of stacking damage to the opponent, but the more than 10 billion attacks are almost tickling for Marceau, who has nearly 300 billion combat power. But for Guding, this is just a warm-up.

After the first blow, he didn't have any pause at all, his figure disappeared again instantly, and flashed to the right side of the opponent. The right elbow slammed into the opponent's lower right rib, and then disappeared again.

Before Marceau could react, Guding appeared quietly behind him, and his entire fist was completely wrapped in a dazzling golden awn, just like a small star. The violent gang fist, carrying that burning star, vented in the back of the opponent's head in horror.

This blow made Marceau dizzy, even blurring his eyes.

Guding seemed to have expected this, his figure suddenly flashed in front of Marceau, his hands propped on the ground, his figure twisted and raised violently. Over the throat of Marceau.

On the last blow, there was clearly a clicking sound of a broken throat bone.

After such a heavy blow, Marceau's figure leaned back instantly, and the severe pain made him cover his throat, even unable to control his figure that was about to fall.

But Guding knew that this level was not enough for the opponent to completely lose his combat effectiveness and admit defeat, so Guding's figure flashed again. This time it appeared again behind the opponent, **** extended, three fingers slammed out one after another, and bombarded Marceau's neck with thunder.

There was a severe pain in Marcasso's back neck. His eyes suddenly went black and he passed out.

Guding's repeated attacks were almost perfectly suppressed. Although it was not the kind of violent suppression before, this battle made people see his horror more. All the positions he attacked were the weakest points of the body's defense.

The defensive power of these positions is dozens or even hundreds of times lower than that of other parts of the body. UU reading and after being hit, they will produce some special effects, so Guding can easily succeed.

Marceau had passed out, and the result of this battle was self-evident.

The fighting video was also recorded by many people. The sea emperor blocked their communication, and did not block other functions.

The action of Guding's battle is more beautiful than any previous battle. Because most of the time before, he was crushed by strength, so there was no need to do so many fancy moves. But in this battle, Gooding's defense can't even take the opponent's blow, and he can only take this approach.

Seeing Marso, who had passed away, had recovered his original shape, Guding walked over.

"His body is okay, just the coma caused by your attack on the back of the neck. As for the heaviest injury on the body, there is only the fracture of the larynx bone. You only need to drink some cell repair agent and recuperate for a few days." The sea emperor scanned A glance at Marceau's body came to this conclusion.

Gooding took out the magic-proof handcuffs made by Robert from the storage space, locked Marceau's hands and waited for the other person to wake up. rs ()

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