The Highest Bounty

Chapter 237: Restaurant encounter

Rose was sitting in his room, watching Gooding ’s latest battle video and about the god, while listening to his report.

"You mean, you stared for two days, and all the members of their entire team did not practice, and they spent all kinds of eating, drinking, and playing in two days?" After listening to his report, Ross frowned slightly. .

"He has that **** in hand, and the news of the auction has been released, and the auction conditions are also very clear. All the gods who have shot will lose their qualifications for the auction. Without the gods who have shot, their team does indeed rely on the strength of Bigger There are no fearful opponents. "Lucia on the side didn't find anything strange.

"Big of their team is indeed very strong, but this should not be the reason why they are not preparing for battle." Ross shook his head. "Gudin is not stupid, he should be able to easily find our thirteenth order genotype strong man. There are more than twenty people, and even more than a dozen or so are hundreds of people. He also knows clearly that no matter how strong Beagle is, he ca n’t take care of all of them in a scuffle. "

"You mean, they still have a hole card? And this hole card gives them a certain chance of winning this time?" The more Lucia thought, the more likely it was.

"Before they came, they would never know that Marceau would be provocative, let alone get that **** position. But they still chose to come to show that they were fully prepared. From Skynet, it is not difficult to know Our family has a demigod guarding, and their actions will definitely not ignore the fighting power of the demigod of our family. That is to say, they should have a way to deal with the demigod. That god, for them, It ’s just making things easier. It ’s obvious from the video that Guding does n’t fear the demigods at all. ”Ross said. The video projection was fixed on the scene where Guding and Meyer talked. In Guding's eyes, there was no awe at all.

"How many demigods did Guding's auction attract?" Ross stared at the frozen video projection for a moment, and asked again.

"Little Master, if not counting the ancestors, eleven people have arrived. It is only now at noon. It is estimated that some people will arrive before the auction starts."

"Okay, Gudin continued to stare there, and immediately noticed any movement." Ross nodded, then looked at Lucia. "Let's go eat something, this kind of dinner is usually not full. Eat more at noon and you wo n’t be hungry at night. "

"I know there is a newly opened store recently. The business is very good and the evaluation is very high. I have a friend who just visited yesterday and said that it is particularly good. Let's go to that one today." Lucia is not a standard though Eat food, but she likes to try new things. Whenever a new restaurant or a new clothing or jewelry store is out, she is always interested in trying it out. "I'm going to treat you, just for the compensation you have been detained in these days. After all, it's because of my whistleblowing that you were locked in."

"Don't feel sorry. I happened to be thinking quietly over the past few days, trying to understand a lot of things." Rose didn't care too much about his confinement. "However, since you are willing to treat guests, I naturally will not refuse."


The Guding team is also gathering in a snack bar at the moment, sitting in a circle, eating very lively.

The reason why not go to high-end restaurants. the reason is simple. The most authentic snacks are generally found in small streets and alleys. The things in high-end restaurants are usually exquisitely made, but they may not be really delicious.

and. Searching for local food scores is also done by the sea emperor in the blink of an eye. As for all kinds of well-regarded special dishes, Neptune can find them with little effort. So Guding and his party, every time they go to a planet, basically eat and play with the highest praise.

However, these two days, the sea emperor has always been a little uneasy. He always vaguely felt that something would happen. Therefore, his detection system was run over and over again, but he never found anything. Since Guding was promoted to the seventh-order gene, in addition to the gene library function being opened to the intermediate level, his detection radius has also been expanded to a thousand kilometers.

The detection radius of a thousand kilometers has actually included everything in the Childe family, but the Emperor still did not find out what caused the uneasiness, because the Childe family did not find anything unusual. .

He even had some doubts whether the Childe family hid a defensive guard, because only the deity could shield his investigations, so that he could not notice the slightest abnormality. But according to the development history of the Childe family for so many years, this possibility is almost zero.

Just as everyone was eating happily, a black predator stopped outside the restaurant.

The predator is a high-end sports car brand under the Childe family. Even the lowest configuration requires tens of millions of universe coins. The one that stays outside the door is the latest model that was just listed two weeks ago. The whole body is silver-white. This car is called Platinum Lady and has a market price of 800 million universe coins. Only those who have been granted a knighthood by the federal government are eligible to purchase, and only one purchase is allowed.

This small restaurant is not large in scale, and it is newly opened, and the price is relatively close to the people. So most of the people who come here to eat are ordinary working-class people, and few can afford predators. Therefore, that car quickly attracted the attention of many people.

But what is more remarkable is that the other two black giant armor also stopped.

This type of giant armor is basically a bodyguard only. Sure enough, six people, including the driver, came out of the two cars, all of which were a bit scary.

But the predator pushed out of the door were two young boys and girls, the man in a suit and leather shoes, his hair was very neatly combed, a smart look. That face was extremely beautiful, but at a glance, he knew that he was not very old, and it should be about sixteen. As for the girl, a purple long dress is slightly elegant, but her doll-like face easily reveals her age, at most 16 or 7 years old.

The appearance of the boys and girls has aroused the attention of many people, and Guding and his colleagues looked in that direction.

"It's Ross!" Gooding recognized the opponent at a glance, and the Emperor showed him Ross's information before, and there were also photos of Ross.

"Is he Ross Child?" Lilia Tezai carefully looked at each other, and came to a conclusion. "Real people look better than photos."

Elsa also echoed. "Really handsome."

"Are we going to do it?". Since Bige recovered his fighting power, he seems to have refused any kind of battle.

"Don't hurry, wait for the dinner." Guding looked away from Rose and continued to eat, as if he didn't care about the other party's existence.

When Lily and others saw that Guding had no intention of starting, they all looked back. Eat their own food.

"Why do you have to wait for the night? Now that he has just a few bodyguards, is it not good to do him?". Elsa asked somewhat unclearly.

"I said that I would attend his adult ceremony, if you do it before the adult ceremony, then his adult ceremony will be completely immersed, and it will become that I am not talking." Gooding ’s reason is very simple, he said he will attend the other party The adult ceremony, then he will inevitably appear in the adult ceremony of the other party.

Hearing this explanation, others no longer ask other related questions.

At this time, Ross and Lucia also entered this small restaurant surrounded by several bodyguards.

As soon as Rose entered the door, he discovered the existence of Guding and his party. Because the size of Bigger and Robert is so dazzling. When he saw the Guding team, he was stunned for a moment, and he did not expect to be able to meet in such a place. Rose remembered that there was a word in the ancient times; "The road of the enemy is narrow", describing this situation as more appropriate at this time.

Noting Rose's anomaly, Lucia also looked in the direction of his gaze, and when she saw that the Guding team was all there, she groaned. Gently pushed Rose walking in front, lowering his voice. "Go to the box upstairs, hurry up. Don't be found by them."

At this time, Guding seemed to inadvertently flick towards the two, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Lucia had a bad idea in her heart. Guding's smile clearly told him that he had discovered their existence. But the strange thing is that he did not make any other response. Instead, they watched the two go upstairs in the private room.

After entering the private room, Lucia was slightly relieved. "Let the family send more people to come. The six bodyguards are too few."

"Don't be nervous, Guding won't shoot." Rose said firmly.

"Don't be so sure. We have only six bodyguards and two of them are only twelfth-order genomes. Now is the best opportunity to do it. If it is me, I definitely choose to do it now." Lucia said anxiously. .

"Guding said before that I want to attend my adult ceremony. Now that the adult ceremony hasn't started, he won't do it." Ross gave a very certain inference. "Besides, let's do it. The moment we just came in, they did it. Don't be so nervous, order it. Let's eat something."

After about ten minutes, the meal of the Guding team finally ended.

"Let's go, let's say hello to the young master of Childe's house." Gooding finished his checkout at the front desk and waved at the crowd.

A group of people walked toward the second floor in abundance, and the bodyguards of the Child family naturally knew that Guding and his entourage were standing in front of Guding.

"Don't be so nervous, I just have something to discuss with your young master." Guding did not break in.

"Let them come in!" Rose's voice came from inside the box. The bodyguard headed by ~ then reluctantly opened the door of the box, and Guding and his party entered. The six bodyguards also followed.

It could have seated a box of twelve people, and it seemed a little crowded at the moment.

Rose sits in place, his eyes on Guding, "just say anything."

"Tonight is your adult ceremony. As long as you are in front of everyone in the adult ceremony, apologize to Lily. I can stop the whole thing, of course, you can also choose to refuse, then you will bear the consequences." With these words, "You have an afternoon to consider my proposal."

After listening to Gooding ’s proposal, Rose raised his lips slightly and shook his head. “Without an afternoon, I will reply to you now. I will not apologize. If you have nothing else, I ’ve not finished my lunch here. ... "

"Very good, see you at night!" Guding dropped this sentence and turned directly towards the box. (To be continued ...) ()

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