The Highest Bounty

Chapter 243: Dragon Slayer's Axe

In Poti's exclusive realm, there are 321 tombs. Except for the tombs of the three demigods, the demigod powerhouses buried in the other tombs begin to break through the ground. Some of them were already bombarded by Guding, instead of climbing out of the soil, they climbed up directly from the ground. After a quick glance, they locked the target on Guding and his party.

Although there was still no movement under the largest tomb of the gods, for Guding and others who were trapped in the field, the difference was not much.

Neptune had long anticipated Poti's domain attack pattern, and he also told Guding about the method of domain destruction. Just with Guding's strength, it can't be done at all.

Gooding, Big and Elsa are in a corner, protecting Liliat and Tagore in the middle.

Several demigod corpses pounced on the first time, Bige's long sword waved out, and a black crescent knife squirted out, and the three demigod corpses puppets were immediately cut off and turned into energy fragments.

Bigger could not kill Poti with a knife. One reason was that Poti was only one chance away from becoming a god. She was only one **** from the true god. As long as she encounters a suitable opportunity, she can instantly condense her **** and become a god. The other is that Poti itself is a five-star demon. The energy storage in her body is hundreds of times that of ordinary demigods. Naturally, it is not so easy to be killed. Most of these demigods buried here are just ordinary demigods, and it is okay to deal with people who are generally less than the demigod's strength, but in front of Bigger, only the beheaded.

Although there is no problem with Bigger. But Elsa and Gooding are not so relaxed.

Elsa was agitated with red energy, clutching the giant axe of her height in her hand. The giant axe didn't know what material it was, and it could even cause damage to the demigod. But after all, she is only the eleventh-order genome. Even with this increase in combat power, she can defeat the thirteenth-order peak genome, but it is indeed a bit difficult for her to want to kill the demigod.

The two demigods rushed to her in the first time. She could only wield a giant axe and barely proceed to the left.

After killing three of his opponents, Bigger. As soon as he discovered the situation on Elsa's side, he continued to wave out his sword and helped Elsa to kill the two demigods.

On Guding's side, he fully opened all abilities except the absolute seal, and increased his combat power to hundreds of billions of points. With the damage superimposed, his maximum combat strength even reached more than 500 billion points. And the two demigods who pounced on Guding also entered the demigod state soon. The combat strength is less than 200 billion points.

However, even if the combat strength is not weak, Guding barehanded can't do any damage to any demigod. Therefore, Guding used the axe that had been slaughtered from the dragon before. Since the unlocking ability of the sea emperor was not enough to lift the seal of the axe, Guding could only use it, he did not know. Will it have any effect.

As a powerful melee warrior, one of the qualities you must have is that you can easily get started with other weapons. The use of an axe is also a challenge to Guding.

Gooding held his axe upwards, and the superb axe cut it out. The seemingly inconspicuous rusty axe cut through the neck of a demi-god like a tofu. The demigod's head flew in an instant. The body broke into pieces.

Strangely, the fragments were absorbed by the axe.

Guding turned around again. The axe easily crossed the waist and abdomen of the second demigod, and the demigod's body collapsed in an instant, and was completely absorbed by the axe.

Guding felt a little strange looking at the axe in his hand, "This thing is so easy to use, and it can also absorb energy fragments."

But he just sent out a emotion, the second wave of attacks had begun, and a group of demigods rushed up.

With this axe in hand, the three demigods were instantly killed by Guding. The axe seemed to be becoming stronger during the process of absorbing energy. Guding just swung out an axe, and a golden edge flashed in the void, and the three demi-gods were cut instantly. His killing speed is comparable to that of Bigger.

And Elsa on the other side was undoubtedly given away a lot of pressure.

Elsa only needs to block a little, and not letting her opponent approach Liliat. Bigger and Gooding will also kill their opponents in the first place.

After several waves of attacks, Guding discovered that with this axe, his combat power was not important anymore, because the power of this axe has been increasing.

Gooding even took this axe to kill a "demoth demon" ranking, the 87th existence.

You know, the guys on the demigods list are basically out of the scope of ordinary people. Eighty-seventh, it seems that the ranking is not high, but so many of the gods in the universe can rank in the top 100, and their natural strength is quite good. And the one who can rank 87th in a second is only possible by the guy who is ranked in the top ten on the demigod list. But if it is not Guding who has this axe, with his combat power, I am afraid that even the opponent's defense cannot be broken.

More than three hundred puppets were solved by Guding and Bigger in less than ten minutes. Bigger was a little breathless because of the huge cost of the previous battle with Poti. Guding, under the guidance of the axe, became more and more fierce.

At this time, Potty had also arrived at the Child's house, and under the arrangement of Ross, she temporarily stayed overnight. Rose led her to a room before leaving.

After entering the room, Poti immediately looked up the situation in his field. According to what she had expected, under the repeated attacks of more than three hundred puppets, the strength of Guding could not be supported. Gooding's strength, when she had just battled with Ross, she already saw that it was not enough to affect the demigods of the demigod level ~ ~ and Elsa started from scratch in the battle with herself just now There was no shot until the end, obviously it should be due to lack of strength. Plus a Liliat who can't help, and Tagore who was hit hard. She also admits that Bigger's personal strength is really strong, but after all, he consumed a lot of energy in the battle with himself, and with so many trailing guys, it certainly can't support it for too long.

However, as soon as she stepped into her own field, she immediately felt that the number of her corpses had dropped by more than 120, which made her a little stunned. "How could this be? How is it possible?"

"What's impossible? Since you shut us into the realm, you should also be prepared to make the realm upset by us." Gooding smiled with a little sarcasm, "Moreover, I would also like to know that when we will What will happen after all the corpse puppets are slaughtered here. "

Poti took a deep breath, and then looked at Guding, "You really shouldn't provoke me. Since things have reached this point, then I also let you see the real horror in this field ..." ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. To read.)

ps: I admit that this chapter has a few words, and it will break out tomorrow ~~ ()

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