The Highest Bounty

Chapter 247: Shelling the Childe family

The Red Shield Star, which has been completely destroyed by the square of Squirre, has lost its shining lights and is bleak. Even the starlight in the sky is blocked by thick clouds, making it difficult to see what is going on in this dark night.

After Potty's exclusive field broke down, the figures of Liliat gradually showed up, watching the huge demon face above Guding's head gradually disperse, Liliat and Elsa slowly recovered. But they couldn't help but wonder if everything they saw before was true.

When the demon face completely dissipated, Guding's heartbeat and brain activity resumed operation almost at the same time. Although the sea emperor didn't know what happened, he was relieved.

This battle with the Dark Devil, although it was won, was also a terrible victory. Robert lost his energy source and returned to the state of the metal ball. Bigger and Tagore suffered heavy losses and completely lost their fighting power. Although Guding is no longer in danger of life, it seems that there is no sign of waking up. The only ones who have not been harmed are Liliat and Elsa and the sea emperor in the form of watches.

"Lily, Elsa, don't be stunned. Hurry to bring Gooding, Bigger and Tagore back to the spacecraft. We must leave the planet as soon as possible. This is the site of the Childe family, once that Rose Chai Erde found that we lost most of the team's fighting power, he will never let us leave. "

When the two women were standing at the same place and were at a loss, the voice of the sea emperor suddenly came to their ears, reassuring them a little, and immediately followed suit.

Elsa and Liliat carried Bigger and Gooding respectively, but they had no more hands to place Tagore. The two women looked at each other, and Liliat's eyes finally fell on Elsa's chest. Elsa also lowered her eyes to her chest, and then looked up at Tagore's body, towards Lilia. Nodded. She put Bigger aside and grabbed Tagore on the ground. Directly between his chest. Looking down, Tagore was just stuck, and she nodded in satisfaction, then went back and picked up Beagle again. Liliat was envious behind her.

The two women ran all the way. Soon he returned to the spaceship at the port.

Two people and one cat were placed on the combined sofa in the living room, and the two women did not know what to do.

“Big and Tagore ’s injuries are very serious, and you must find a doctor for treatment as soon as possible. In particular, Bigger ’s bones are basically broken, and the internal organs are damaged in many places. It ’s not just a few bottles of cell repair agent Yes, the s-class cell repair agent that he was injected before can only guarantee that his injury will not deteriorate further. Although Tagore ’s injury is not serious, it is not much better, and I have also checked his body structure and Human beings are different. The cell structure is also different from other genetic beasts. The cell repair agent that was injected before him has no effect on his body. Therefore, we also need to find a doctor for treatment as soon as possible to prevent his injury from further deterioration. . "

"How about Guding? Is he okay?" Liliat asked with some concern, and Elsa looked at Guding with some concern.

Hear this question. The emperor hesitated for a moment because he didn't know what the situation was for Guding now. It stands to reason that humans generally die if they lose more than one-third of their blood. Guding has lost two-thirds of his blood, and indeed has experienced the death process of cardiac arrest and brain activity. But after the magic face disappeared, his life characteristics had completely stabilized. It's no different than before, but it just didn't wake up.

The most special thing is that the sea emperor noticed that there was a huge energy source in Guding's body, but he could not investigate further, because the energy radiation transmitted by the energy source directly blocked his exploration. Neptune can only choose to maintain a wait-and-see attitude. He felt that even if Guding was sent to the hospital, he would certainly not be able to detect any problems like himself. However, in order to avoid panic between the two women, the emperor chose a lie in good faith, "Guding was only because of the previous battle. The energy loss in the body was relatively serious, and he himself was not injured. Now his body has entered self-sleep State, in this state, his body will recover faster. As long as his body recovers completely, he will wake up. "

"How long is that?" Liliat asked.

"I can't be sure now, because there is a huge energy source in his body that is obstructing my detection. I still can't detect the specific recovery of his body, so I can't calculate his wake-up time." For Lilia This question asked by the sea emperor really couldn't answer, because he didn't know what was going on inside Guding at all.

Although there were still some doubts in my heart, the two women still believed in the attitude of trust. Haihuang and Guding have known each other longer than everyone else, and he has always been Guding's most trusted partner, so he said Guding is fine, and Guding will definitely be fine.

The sea emperor lied to his companion for the first time. Although it was out of good intentions, he still felt a little uncomfortable. If he had done it before, he must have chosen to tell the truth, not to hide it. But in this case, he still chose Guding's way of thinking, took care of the feelings of Liliat and Elsa, and told a lie. But he also knew that he was right to do so, because he saw that the spirit of the two women was a little bit more cheering than before.

"Then let's leave the planet as soon as possible to find a doctor!" Although Gooding had no problem, Bigger and Tagore urgently needed treatment, and Liliat knew that he and Elsa must be strong. She managed to squeeze out a smile and raised her fist to encourage Elsa.

"Hmm!" Elsa nodded vigorously.

"Leaving Red Shield Star is for sure, but before that, we have one more thing to do." The sea emperor's voice suddenly sounded a bit nasty.

"What is it?" The two women asked in unison.

"We came to Chidun Star to avenge you for Lily, but this thing hasn't been done yet. If Guding wakes up and knows that we haven't done this well, he will definitely be unhappy." The Haihuang knew Guding very well temper.

"Isn't the woman in the Dark Demon Realm already dead?" Liliat asked strangely.

"She's dead, revenge is only half done. And the child of the Child family, he is the real initiator. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here, neither of them would be injured." Haihuang The thing that injured Bigger's several people also fell on Ross Child, but speaking of it. He really can't get away from it.

"Emperor, wouldn't you want to bombard their house?" Hearing the emperor's words, Liliat guessed his plan the first time. She also experienced the Fengyuanxing shelling incident with Guding, the scene of the shelling of the Onassis family. She still remembers it clearly.

"What do you think of this idea?" The sea emperor asked with a smile.



Both women agreed with the plan.

The golden eagle slowly rose in the port of Chidunxing. After being raised to a certain level, the spacecraft suddenly stayed in mid-air and suspended. The occurrence of this scene immediately caught the attention of the staff of the Port Authority. Although it was already early in the morning, the Port Authority was still on duty.

Looking at the scene happening in the camera, the port officer on duty for the first day immediately pressed the sound button according to the emergency treatment method he had learned before, shouting at the golden eagle, "The golden eagle No. This kind of suspension is not allowed in the air of the port, your behavior is extremely dangerous. Now you have only two options, one is to dock the spacecraft immediately, and the other is to leave Chidunxing immediately. But you are dangerous The behavior will be recorded by us and handed over to the Hong Kong Department of Public Affairs. When you land on the next planet, you will be given punishment ... "

The young man's eyes were not on the monitor at this time, but on the projection of his smart watch, loudly reading the rules and regulations displayed on the projection.

The Sea Emperor would not take his threats naturally. Robert had moved his hands and feet on the armor-piercing cannons on the first day of his arrival. Now his hand movements have completely failed. The network control has also been completely cut off by the sea emperor. He scanned the location of Ross Childe, the guy was playing chess with people on Skynet. The sea emperor locked his position. Adjusted the muzzle and aimed at the room where he was.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three consecutive gunshots were heard.

Three elliptical white light **** pulled three tails in the air, just like three comet speeds that were so terrifying that they smashed towards the mansion where the Childe family is located.

The sea emperor projected the child's video, and Liliat and Elsa clearly saw three white artillery fires fall into Rose Child's room without any errors. The white firelight rose up at night, illuminating the entire Childe's house like a day. Ross Child's room was instantly turned into a piece of powder.

The sea emperor uses a particle annihilation cannon, and everything that is hit will be annihilated into elementary particles. But the attack of the sea emperor did not spread to other rooms. Because the whole thing was planned by Ross Childe alone, it has nothing to do with anyone else in the Childe family. As for the twelfth and thirteenth order genomes that worked with Guding before, they only had to make moves to ensure the safety of Ross Child. What's more, the people who shot have basically been killed ~ ~ The young man of the Hong Kong Department didn't stop talking about the rules and regulations until he heard the gunshot, turned his head and looked at the monitoring screen. He froze a bit at the muzzle extending from the Golden Eagle. But he also quickly responded, cutting into the launch system of the armor-piercing gun with one click, but found that the system network was disconnected. In desperation, he reached out and pressed the big red skull button, which was the emergency button to manually start the armor-piercing gun, but still no one armor-piercing gun launched an attack. He pressed again several times, and still nothing happened. He realized then that the armor-piercing gun must have been moved.

"We should go!" Said the sea emperor, controlling the golden eagle to begin to climb quickly. After a few seconds, the golden eagle completely broke away from the atmosphere of the red shield star and disappeared quickly from everyone's vision ...


Yesterday I wanted to explode four chapters to let everyone refresh. This chapter was actually coded before 11pm yesterday, but I found that I did a stupid thing before uploading. I accidentally overwritten the latest manuscript with the original manuscript. As a result, the chapter that was coded in a few hours was not directly Too. At that time, the whole person was depressed. I downloaded several softwares and wanted to fix them. After 12:30, I still couldn't find them. I had to recode it again this morning ... I am still in a depressed mood, so I hope for comfort ~~ ()

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