The Highest Bounty

Chapter 248: bad news

House is a slightly thin middle-aged man with a gray beard and short curly hair. At this moment, he looked at Liliat and Elsa badly and asked directly, "You should have hacked into our system, and then transferred your appointment to the second place ?!" I check our appointment list every day before leaving work, and I remember clearly the order of patient appointments before I left work yesterday. "

Liliat knew that it would not work without acknowledging, she immediately responded, "Doctor, save our father, we have no choice but to do so ..."

As he said, the tear glands poured out like a river that broke through the dike.

Elsa was a little surprised to see Liliat ’s reaction. She was not as good as Liliat, and she could not squeeze tears. She could only stare at the doctor with a pair of innocent big eyes and played a pitiful look Looks like.

On one side is the tears offensive of Xi Lila, on the other side is the gaze attack of poor Barra's innocent eyes. And the attack was still the two unlucky dead.

Rao is that House is usually not close to human beings, and in this case it has completely fallen.

"It's okay, don't cry." House still said with a straight face, "If you rank yourself in front of the heart attacker, then I won't accept a patient like you anyway today. But you I put myself in the second place, and there is no big problem behind the patient. I will make an exception for you this time, and I wo n’t do it in the future! Well, let me take a look at the patient. "

Liliat and Elsa both gave way.

Above the bed, Bigger, who had put on his mask, lay there quietly, with Tagore lying on the edge of his head.

"What's wrong with this cat? It also looks like it was hit hard." Haus frowned slightly. "I'm not a pet hospital here."

At this time Liliat's ear heard the voice of the sea emperor, she explained according to what the sea emperor said. "This cat is our pet Carter. Last night, we just settled in Dongta Star. My father said that he would take Carter to go shopping, and when we packed up and went to find them, we found out that they had become like this. So We immediately injected them with cell repair agent and performed emergency treatment. Then we found you. "

"To such a degree of bone fragmentation, there is really no doctor to deal with Dong Taxing." House directly began to check Bige's body. He also knew why these two little girls would find themselves Too.

Being able to rank in the top ten of the entire Philippine Charm Universe, House will, of course, will not be simple surgery. He is also a thirteenth-order gene body, possessing a powerful ability to compare with a demigod, capable of simultaneously controlling three hundred threads of thought to perform subtle levels of work. For him, these intellective threads are even more flexible than his own hands. It is also more reliable.

"Adeline, push people into the operating room, and then help me prepare the s-class bone remodeling agent, and reserve an extra large cell repair capsule." House has also not received such a difficult case for more than a month He also seemed a little excited.

Bigger and Tagore were immediately pushed into the operating room.

The two women were sitting outside the operating room, waiting patiently.

In the operating room, House quickly became busy, and an invisible thread of thought penetrated into Bigger's body. Walking around in his body, looking for various bone fragments. And quickly stitched together. The operation of this operation is undoubtedly extremely vast. Because the bones in Bige ’s body have broken into thousands of pieces, House not only needs to find these thousands of pieces, but also stitches them in the correct position. It feels like they are playing with thousands of different sizes and shapes Jigsaw puzzle of different materials.

The time for Yaoshixing to rotate one circle is 36 hours, from 10 am to 18 noon. Eight hours passed, and the operating room lights remained on.

"It won't be a problem. This doctor is the best. He will definitely be able to cure Bigger and Tagore." Liliat said comfortably when she saw Elsa sitting on the sideline listlessly. "From last night to now we haven't eaten anything. I'll buy some. What do you want to eat?"

"Just buy some, I'm not hungry now." Elsa, who has always been irresistible to food, said this at this time, which was obviously a sign of depression.

"Then I will go. You are waiting here. If there is any news, I will immediately notify me." Liliat turned and left.

House's private clinic, opened next to the bustling downtown, is not large in scale. This location is also convenient for shopping nearby. In fact, not many people know that he is the legendary doctor, who thought he was just the same name as the legendary doctor. To some extent, he is actually in a semi-reclusive state. Help some ordinary people look at some minor problems, and can't make a few dollars a year. However, his savings are enough for him to spend a lifetime.

Liliat just bought some lighter food and drinks and returned to the clinic. She went back to the operating room and sat down. The operating room lights were still on. Liliat didn't ask much when she saw Elsa's expression. Elsa just grabbed a loaf of bread casually and gnawed it slowly. Liliat also silently ate her own food and continued to wait patiently.

During the time when Haus operated on Bigger in the clinic, Guding's body also changed on the golden eagle. The golden gang in his body was finally completely converted into the **** source. The strength of the divine source even surpassed those of the one-star lower spirits, and was infinitely close to the strength of the two-star lower spirits.

After the formation of the super-large circle, Guding's soul space automatically burst out a Mars. If the sea emperor saw it, he must know that it was the **** fire that was produced after the sun was trained to the extreme, but this fire but Different from the golden color of the star fire, it is the same black color as the **** source in Guding.

After the appearance of Mars, the unknown black energy source extended a tentacle, directly entered the space of Gooding's soul through the physical barrier, and quickly rushed toward the black Mars. In an instant, the Mars burned like crazy. From the original size of sesame seeds, it quickly swelled into a cup of black flames several meters high. Blinking in the soul space, that is the real fire!

After Li Jin was completely transformed into a **** source, the cells in Guding seemed to be stimulated by some external force, and he began to strengthen and split madly, even splitting directly. The original cell index of 1 million points. In less than half an hour, it soared to 10 million points, and the genetic chain that trapped Guding at the seventh-order gene level finally could not bear the impact of energy and burst, allowing Guding to enter the eighth order.

After entering the eighth-order genome, the cell comprehensive index in Guding once again soared, which was directly raised to 100 million points. At the same time, the fourth gene chain is also quickly condensed and formed, so that the original triple helix structure directly becomes a quad helix.

More specifically, the gene segment on the third gene chain due to the Budo force field has once again changed. A branch was directly separated and embedded in the fourth gene chain, which also caused a change in a paragraph of the gene in the fourth gene chain. Not only that, except for the black gene chain, several other chains with special abilities in Guding's body have undergone various morphological changes at the same time, and they are all large-scale genetic changes.

When the changes in Guding's body completely stabilized, it was already nine o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky had just begun to dim.

The sea emperor has been trying to detect the changes in Guding's body. So when the strange energy source disappeared, Guding's body data was found:

[Name: Guding]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 15】

【Gene Grade: Eight Orders】

[Comprehensive Cell Index: 100 million]

[Spirit Index: 100 million]

[Special ability 1: First-class advanced rage (evolvable)]

[Special ability 2: Three-level high-speed regeneration (evolvable)]

[Special ability 3: Level 1 higher damage stacking (curse ability) (evolvable)]

[Special Ability 4: Absolute Seal (Secondary Taboo Power) (Evolvable)]

[Special ability 5: Three-level advanced iron block (evolvable)]

[Special ability 6: Second-level advanced repulsion (evolvable)]

[Special ability 7: One-star martial arts field (evolvable)]

[Ability Description: Suppress the opponent's strength and speed by 90%, and increase his own strength and speed by 10 times. 】

[Ability limit: only open once every ten days]

And at this time. Guding finally opened his eyes, just to see the projection released by the sea emperor.

He discovered that his original ordinary abilities had all evolved into advanced abilities. Even the original advanced abilities have been promoted by one rank. Not only that, the original martial arts force field has evolved directly into the martial arts field, not only to suppress the opponents to become stronger. And there are only a few restrictions on the original use conditions. It stands to reason that the basic combat power originally only increased to 10 million points ~ ~ has also been directly increased to 100 million points. This time, Guding's fighting power can be described as a real skyrocket.

But, while seeing the good news of Gooding. There was bad news from Dr. House's clinic.

The door of the operating room was pushed open, and Dr. House's face was heavy.

His expression made Liliat and Elsa's mood sink to the bottom.

"Sorry, although the operation was very successful, I successfully spliced ​​his bones and repaired his internal organs. But the divine source remaining in his body is still continually destroying his body, even in the cell repair compartment, The destruction scope of the **** source is still slowly expanding. At this current rate, I expect him to live for less than a month. With this kind of injury, the entire Philippine Charm Universe, only the master who has become a **** may have a way. "

"Also, that cat ’s physique is very special. I want to give it a surgical treatment, but I ca n’t break its defenses at all. And I also found that human medicine has no effect on its injuries. So, I also Helpless. I'm really sorry ... However, its injury hasn't worsened. I think it should be self-healing, and there should be no risk of life in the short term. "(Unfinished ...) ()

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