The Highest Bounty

Chapter 255: Magical ban

Docote did not expect that he would be defeated so badly. He originally thought that even if Guding's strength was improved overnight, he would at most be as good as his own. But he didn't expect that Guding's field directly suppressed his strength to only 10%, and he was completely exploded less than ten seconds after the battle actually started. Fortunately, the two chatted in front for a while, making outsiders think that the two should have a fierce battle. He didn't realize until now that there are people outside, and there are days outside, and he challenged Marken as soon as he came up, and he was a bit overestimating himself.

"I lost ..." Faced with Marken's problem, Docott admitted frankly. He turned to Guding. "Guding, I want to join your team."

"Welcome, we are just missing a doctor." Guding actually had the idea of ​​inviting Docot, because his ability to transfer damage is indeed very special, even if he does not have other medical skills, that ability is enough to deal with most problems. . Moreover, Docote's own strength is actually not weak. If it is not suppressed by his own field, he cannot win so easily.

"I have two requirements that I hope you can meet, Captain. The first one is, if you let me be a doctor, I need a pharmacist who can refine medicinal products with more than high-quality, and help me to make the medicinal preparations when necessary. The second is that every time my strength improves, I need a strong enough opponent to challenge me. "

"Both of these conditions can be met." Guding nodded. "I am a pharmacist who can refine medicinal products with high quality and above. Although I can only make d-class medicament at most, I will take time to improve me. Pharmacist level. As long as you need opponents, there will be no shortage, whether you are looking for me, or looking for Big. Or looking for the enemy. You should also know that our team has caused many things to come out, the enemy will not Short."

At this time, Marken walked over, raised his thumb at Guding, and then took out five golden bottles from the storage space. He handed it to Guding, "There are five gold arms here. Since Dorcot joined your team, it ’s okay to send you one more. Thanks to Guding, I finally got rid of this piece of brown sugar."

"When I win Gooding and Bigger, I will come back to challenge you." Docote was still fighting.

"Let ’s talk about it at that time, the universe sea is very wide, and there are more people stronger than me. The demigod rankings, if there are no special changes. Only one hundred years will have a complete update. Usually only the fallen name will disappear, and the people behind will automatically Moving forward. Our rankings are all over a hundred years ago, and no one knows how many new strongmen have emerged in this century. In addition to the falling strongmen, missing strongmen without any news in a hundred years will also People in the Star Pavilion are removed from the ranking. Therefore, there are actually a lot of unknown powerhouses. "

"In addition to the demigod ranking list, there is a Fengyun list in the universe. On the Fengyun list, there are powerful people who have not reached the demigod at the genetic level. There are 108 people on the list, including 26 people. Has the power to kill a one-star lower god. This list is updated every three years. One person steadily occupies the first place ninety-nine times because he has beheaded two five-star lower gods. That guy's name is very strange, It ’s called Futu, and I do n’t know if it ’s a title or something. ”

"Futu ..." Gooding instantly remembered the name. At present, the sea emperor only has the right to view the information of Philippine Universe and several astronomical countries shared with Philippine Universe's state-owned network. In addition, the network rights of other universes are closed. It must be in the universe before it can be opened. Therefore, he can't view the information in the sea of ​​the universe, nor can he see the leaderboard. The reason why the demigod leaderboard was known before was because the demigod leaderboard was also reposted on the Philippine Charm Kingdom network. The forwarder should be someone who has been to the universe sea.

"I will give you a list three years ago, as well as the personal information of the 26 powerful men who can beheaded the gods." Marken said, sending the list and some information to Guding.

"Thank you!" Although Guding could find the information of these people soon after entering the cosmic sea, he knew in advance that it would be better to give himself a motivation.

After sending off Marken, Dorcot returned to his Griffon to pick up things. He planned to move into the Golden Eagle, and then sold the Grey Eagle to sell for some money.

But this idea was rejected by Guding, "Keep it, this spaceship can't sell a few dollars, and we can use it occasionally."

"But I don't have that much storage space ..." Docote pointed to his smart watch. His watches are indeed just ordinary commercial styles. Obviously after he became an interstellar pirate, his life was not very satisfactory.

"My storage space is enough." Every time Guding gets a smart watch or a smart ring, the storage space is directly absorbed by the sea emperor to expand, including the Poti's smart ring last time.

Speaking of Poti's smart ring, Guding just glanced at it. The universe coin alone is more than 30 billion yuan, which is six or seven times his own net worth. There are more than one hundred source stones, three weapons of the gods, and then a pile of miscellaneous things.

After Dokot finished packing, Guding directly collected his spaceship into his storage ring, and then returned to the Golden Eagle.

"Lily, Elsa, we have a new member to join." Back to the spacecraft, Gooding introduced the two women.

Liliat and Elsa had just been standing beside Bigger, and did not know about the battle between Gooding and Docot. Hearing Guding recruit a doctor, the two talked politely for a while, and the team did need a doctor.

"Docot, can Bigger really only live a month? Is there any other doctor who can cure his injury?" Liliat was still a little unwilling.

"Big's injury is not an ordinary injury. You may not have dealt with the demigod. The source of the **** is a very strange energy. The source of the true **** has the imprint function and it is difficult to expel. However, I He ’s capable of always transferring out the injuries in Bige ’s body and letting him live forever, but that ’s all. As long as the **** source in his body is not removed in a day, he wo n’t wake up, and his injuries will also It continues to deteriorate every day. Only the gods who truly possess the divine position can erase the mark on the source and expel it from the body of Beagle. "Docote explained the situation of Beagle's injury on the other side in detail.

"Sea Emperor, let's go directly to Wangdu Xingyu and ask Elizabeth for help." Gooding made a decision.

"But will she help? He is the owner of the Philippine Charm Universe, and we are interstellar pirates." Liliat felt that things were not that simple. The opposition of identities determined that Elizabeth could not be a friend.

"In the Philippine Charm Universe, we only know her god, there is no other choice." Of course, Guding knows what Liliat is worried about, "Sea Emperor, you dock the spaceship two or three stars from the Wangdu star field. Far away, I will dive into Dokote's Griffon by myself. "

"Are you sure you want to do this? Although this can avoid the risks of Lily and Elsa, you have a high chance of being caught, and Bigger is likely to fall into the hands of the Federal Army. Grid is very fragile now. If it falls into the hands of the federal government, it is likely to be brainwashed by the people of the federal government with illusions and then reawakened. It is impossible to hide the federal government from the emperor's projections on him. This This kind of person who may become a great power in the future, the federal government will do everything possible to grasp it in your own hands. As for you, it is very likely that you will be sentenced to more than hundreds of years of imprisonment. " forecast result.

"You are talking about the worst case, but Bigger will not be so easily controlled, and I will not be so easily caught. Even if there is only a very small chance of success, we have to give it a try. Moreover, use gold to arm After that, my combat strength has improved again. The highest combat strength was originally only the strength of a star, but after a 50-fold increase, it can barely reach the strength of Samsung. In addition to my domain effect, in addition to Elizabeth, those I should be able to crush the demigods. "Guding still has more confidence in himself.

"Don't forget, in addition to Elizabeth, there is another **** guarding the Philippine Charm Universe, and that guy stays in the King Capital Star Zone for a long time," the sea emperor reminded.

"So, this time requires you to teach me magic skills and supernatural powers to make me stronger ~ ~ Gooding grinned," It should take a lot of time from here to Wangduxingyu? "

"At least nineteen space shuttles are used. After each shuttle, the spacecraft's usual automatic energy recovery is completely insufficient. It must be recharged. If the people in the spacecraft repair shop use extreme speed recharging, it can usually be recharged in about a day. Good. But after each speed charge, at least two normal charges are required to re-use the speed charge. The normal charge takes two days at a time. Therefore, it takes at least about 30 days to arrive. "

"Thirty days is enough!" Gooding believed that in thirty days, he could learn at least one magic skill or supernatural power.

"Actually, I have been hesitating about this matter, because you are still a flesh and blood life, and most of the divine skills and supernatural powers that the gods can use cannot be used by you. But the non-divine skills cannot produce enough of your combat power. Amplification effect. "The Sea Emperor did not expect Guding to condense the source of God so early, but disturbed the cultivation plan he had originally formulated for Guding. "I have a set of magical power bans here, which can produce a relatively large increase in combat power in this situation, but there is a side effect-your body can never be energized in the future ..." (To be continued ...)

ps: I do n’t know if I can get out in the next chapter, I ’ll do my best ~ I suggest you watch it tomorrow, do n’t stay up late.

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