The Highest Bounty

Chapter 266: God of War

The Phantom Universe has always claimed that there is only one **** guarding the world. The actual number of gods is only known to the host and the upper levels of Congress. Even Medea who grew up with Elizabeth did not know.

Because as the head of a country, there are too many secrets to know, it is impossible for the federal government to allow the retired head to sway around. They only give two options to the retired sovereign, one is to go to the outer realm, which is actually a change of exile. The other is to continue to stay in the Philippine Charm Universe and become a guardian. This is a change of captivity.

Of course, in addition to selecting from the retired country, the defenders have other methods of selection. For example, the retired from the military department, from the captured interstellar pirates ...

The original identity of Johnny and Reluth was the interstellar pirates in the universe. After being captured by the federal government, they reached an agreement with the federal government to guard the Philippine universe. It is actually wise for them to make this choice. If they choose to be held in prison, they basically lose their freedom completely. Although staying in the Philippine Charm Universe is not as comfortable as before, the federal government will provide various cultivation resources. The most important point is that the period of confinement and the term of imprisonment sentenced are exactly the same. As soon as the period of imprisonment has passed, they will fully recover their freedom.

Of course, the guardians are not all kinds of interstellar pirates. Like the members of the Dark Devil, the murderous ones, the federal government will not consider it at all, and there are some mental abnormalities. Like the lunatics, the federal government will not release them from prison. The federal government also dare not release the overlords who can set off storm waves in the universe with their own strength. Most of the people who can act as guards are not bad in nature, do not have too many murders, and perform well in prison.

Johnny and Reluth had a leisurely life after serving as guards. Basically, most of the time I practiced in the giant wood forest of Forgetting Stars. In the giant wood forest, not only the blood of various beasts contains huge energy, but also the fruit of many trees contains a lot of energy. Therefore, the two people collect all kinds of fruits and animal blood in the forest all the year round. Before they came to the Philippine Universe, they were only one-star gods. Now Johnny has been guarding the Philippine Universe for more than 120 years, and has been promoted from a one-star **** to the peak of Samsung. Only one step away can enter the four-star threshold. Lei Lute has been guarding for more than 80 years, and has just been promoted to Samsung in the first two years. Without this giant wood forest, it would be nice to be promoted to one star in a hundred years, which is why the two simply lived in that forest.

Although these fruits and beast blood contain a lot of energy, they only have an effect on the lower gods. For the other defender who has reached the peak of the five stars and has only broken through to the median god, it is almost useless . Therefore, the **** chose to guard Longwuxing. Perform submerged repairs.

Of course, Guding would not know this information. He only knew from Elizabeth that there were two gods on the planet. At this time, it is the two gods who are in trouble.

Elizabeth Beagle's treatment cannot be interrupted, so he chose to intercept.

Step out. After reporting his name, Guding took off his mask and wig.

"It really is him!" Reluth saw Guding's true appearance. He looked down at the reward order again, and then nodded very surely.

"I have seen it with the real eye. This kid is Gooding. He came here after disguising with his companion, in order to find Elizabeth to heal his partner." Johnny said that Elizabeth used to use the real Eyed person.

"Where did you hide Elizabeth?" The fat man Lelutra asked immediately.

The two guards of the two of them although the main task is to guard the dangerous situation in the universe. Not Elizabeth's bodyguard, but if the host is in danger, they also belong to their negligence. In the event of negligence, the period of guarding will be extended, and it is likely to be transferred to other universes. Reluth and Johnny are not worried about the extension of their years. They are worried about being transferred away. Once transferred away, those resources of the Giant Wood Forest have nothing to do with them.

"Hand over Elizabeth immediately, otherwise we will treat you rudely." Johnny suddenly thought of the consequences and was nervous.

"She is in my field now, do you dare to enter?". Gooding grinned, Johnny and Relut were stronger than him. He couldn't force them into his own domain, and he could only invite Jun into the urn.

Johnny seemed to be more cautious. He used the real eye on Guding when Guding was on the Elizabeth car. He dug some of the information in Guding's memory and knew some things about Guding. But the Real Eye can only be activated once in ten days. As for where Gooding hid Elizabeth, he did not know, because when he used the Real Eye, he had not hidden Elizabeth. For Guding's field, he also knows that he has a 90% suppression effect and a tenfold increase in combat effectiveness. Therefore, he seemed hesitant.

Relut looked at Johnny with some doubt. He knew that Johnny had used the real eye on Gooding. Seeing Johnny's reaction, he couldn't help but ask, "Is his field strong?".

"The 90% suppression effect on the enemy has a tenfold increase in his own combat power." Johnny's face was not good-looking.

"Suppress 90%, you and I are not two-star gods? He does n’t even reach the deity, and his field strength is limited. At the most, he will collapse when he suffers two or three blows. And we have two people, what is he afraid of "Lehrot doesn't think that this field will work very well, because after all, the combat power is too different. If it is also a Samsung deity, the effect in this field is quite scary. But sadly, Guding didn't even reach the demigod. "If Elizabeth is dead ... you know the consequences."

Johnny was finally persuaded and nodded. "Okay, just enter. It's just a field that has just taken shape. With our combat power, we will collapse after a few attacks. Boy, pull us in, We will not resist. "

Gooden was relieved when the two agreed, and he was originally worried that the two would not be fooled. If that is the case, this battle will probably be more difficult. Because in his own field, the opponent is suppressed by 90%, and his combat power is increased tenfold, which means that he can fight more than two stars. But outside, there is no such advantage.

Gu Ding appeared in front of the two people, less than ten meters away from the two people, raised his hands and raised them into his own area. Then, he also appeared in the field.

Johnny and Reluth, who entered the field of ancients, looked around and looked at this barren space, and they felt a little funny. The field of Gooding is obviously just formed, and the solidity of this field will not be high. The three originally estimated that they could escape after three bombardments. After seeing this situation, they felt that the field would collapse completely with a maximum of two bombardments.

Of course, they also immediately discovered that there were four demigods in Guding ’s field, and all four of them were completely destroyed with arms, and the repair speed was extremely slow, obviously in a state of extreme lack of energy. Will fall completely. But the four were all demigods, and they did not see Elizabeth, as Guding said before.

"Hello, kid, wouldn't you deceive us into your field?" Johnny reacted in the first time.

"Yes, because I will solve you in the field, I will relax a little bit." Guding has all the power increase effects on his body. His voice has just fallen, and his figure flashes between the two, carrying a black **** Fist and leg strength hit the two at the same time. He pulled the two into the battle circle at once, in order to prevent any one of them from bombing the field and fleeing.

The two were caught off guard and were bombarded. Guding also secretly planted the curse of the superimposed injury, and then continued to pursue.

"I thought you were so powerful. The attack just now just barely reached the level of one-star combat power." Reluth sneered a bit disdainfully after being attacked by Guding.

On the other side, Johnny's memory mining of Gooding is only partially completed. When searching for the ability part, just after detecting the ability in the first martial arts field, Guding's recorded brain wave automatically collapsed. He knew that there was such a field about Guding's ability, and he was totally unaware of the supernatural curse-like ability of superimposing damage ~ ~. Seeing Guding so pretentious before, he thought that Guding was in the field, the combat power would be stronger, but he didn't expect that it was only a one-star level. "If you only have this level, we can easily catch you any one."

Guding was not angry, but he grinned and launched a second attack on the two.

This time, Johnny and Reluth did not take a defensive posture, but chose to take the initiative to attack. But with the special feature of Dark Step, Gu Ding's body style is much more subtle than the two, and the two make another move. This time, the power of the attack was twice that of the previous one.

Johnny and Reluth also noticed Gooding's growth, but they didn't care.

"Strength has increased a little, but for us it is no different from tickling." Reluth chose to sneer scornfully. "No matter how delicate your body is, you can't break our defense, it's just a waste of time. I can completely ignore your attack and collapse your field directly. "

Reluth said, directly gathered Shenyuan towards his right foot, then lifted one foot high, and stepped down hard. "I want to see if you can withstand several bombardments in this field!" (To be continued ...) ()

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