The Highest Bounty

Chapter 272: Death penalty application

More than two hours ago, forget the stars, the stars in the night sky.

Dorcot slept in the small hotel with exhaustion, and he knew that to leave, he had to wait for the **** to lift the radiance, and all he had to do was wait.

Medea had also arrived at the port at this time and saw the projection of the will of the **** named Quinn. At the moment of seeing each other, Medea recognized her. Because Quinn is Elizabeth ’s former ex-owner, there is only one person between Elizabeth and Elizabeth and Medea ’s grandfather.

The portraits of every sovereign are hung on the walls of the palace. Although Medea has not seen Quinn herself, she has seen her portrait in the corridor more than once, and she has also seen the introduction about her in the portrait.

Quinn is a real heroine, in the present words, a female man. During her reign, she barely intervened in government affairs and practiced all day long, and she was almost the sole agent of Congress. Of course, besides practicing, she also likes to challenge the strong. Every time she practiced, she would take the initiative to apply to Congress to leave Wangduxingyu and find some strong men to challenge. She doesn't even care about her opponent's identity at all, whether it is a person of the Federal Army, a person of the Liberty League, or a fugitive interstellar pirate, or even some killer organizations. As long as she is selected, she will challenge. In addition, the highest point record of the entire Philippine Universe Virtual Arena is also hers. Almost two thousand years have passed, and no one can exceed it.

"Admiral Quinn, I'm Medea of ​​the federal government, senior advisor to the military." Medea stepped forward and directly reported his identity.

"Are you the daughter of the Senate Speaker? You just follow me, you don't need to do other things." Quinn's projection of the will is exactly like her real person, and the huge will that Guding encountered before. The projection is completely different. "I just scanned the whole planet with Shennian. I did n’t find the smell of the little girl who is the current sovereign, not even the breath of Johnny and Relut. In this case, there are only two possibilities. One is that they have left the planet, and the other is pulled into the exclusive realm. "

"Johnny and Reluth?" Medea heard the names of these two people for the first time.

"It's two other defenders, all three-star gods." Quinn didn't intend to hide anything. She has always been the character of this female man.

"But isn't there only one deity guarding the Filipino universe? Shouldn't it be Queen Quinn?". Medea looked at Quinn somewhat puzzled. She had grown up so far and had never heard of two other guards. Her best friend Elizabeth never mentioned it, and her father never said it.

"I forgot, your authority is not enough to know about this matter, only the sovereign and the top of Congress have the authority to know. It seems that your father's public and private separation is still very clear, since it does not matter now. Don't talk to others Mention it. "Quinn continued.

"There are two other guards, so weird ..." Medea suddenly wondered if something was wrong, she whispered, "Gooding can use the power of the seal to take Elizabeth, the other two gods How did he deal with it? It is impossible to use this taboo power three times in a row? "

"What are you talking about? Do you know who the murderer is?" Medea's mumbled voice was still heard by Quinn clearly.

"Yes, according to the information I got before, the person who took Elizabeth must be Guding. But the Guding team should not have the strength to cope with the other two gods." It's Guding. However, judging from the fighting power displayed by the Gooding team a month ago, it was not enough to cope with the joint attack of two Samsung deities.

"Tell me about this ancient." Quinn suddenly raised some interest. She had no clues of her own, and now she suddenly got the clues of the suspects, and she naturally refused to let it go easily.

Medea immediately described the information of Guding and the other members of the team one by one. The information she provided was quite detailed. Basically, no one except the members of the Guding team collected so much information about them. It's just that Elizabeth and she had been following him before Guding had become an interplanetary pirate. They have not let go of all the details.

It took more than ten minutes to tell, plus the graphic projection of smart watches and fast-forward video materials, Quinn had almost the same information about Guding.

"He has the taboo power of the seal class, and indeed has the ability to take Elizabeth. However, the taboo power has strict use restrictions. We do not know about his taboo power. But the possibility of being able to use it three times in a row is not ruled out. According to common sense In short, it should be unlikely to use the fourth time. If you can use the fourth time, it is really not a taboo power. Therefore, we must find him in a short time, otherwise wait for his ability Once activated again, even I may be able to win. "Even the powerful Quinn has awe at the legendary taboo power, not to mention that Guding's taboo power is an inexplicable sealing ability.

Just when Quinn just knew who the real murderer was, the sound of mad alarm sounded on the Longwu star and in the Capitol.

The level of the alarm has climbed all the way, from the initial white without alarm to the yellow of the first level alarm, then to orange, then to red, then purple, but this is still not the end, the alarm level continues to climb upwards, until Black stopped. The entire parliament building was chaotic for a while.

Everyone knows what a black alarm means. For the entire Philippine Charm Universe, the black alarm will only sound when there is something wrong with the owner.

"Go and find out what happened to me!" Senna took the ashtray made of Dorat stone on the table fiercely, and the ashtray worth hundreds of thousands of units of cosmic crystal instantly turned into powder.

Several demigods hurried out of his office in panic, but no one noticed that there was no scratch left on the wooden desktop.

Senna, as the Speaker of the Congress, naturally got the news of Elizabeth's captivity from her daughter Medea at the first time. He asked Quinn to help, in fact, he wanted to put things down. After all, this time there are their own daughters. If something really happened to Elizabeth, Medea, as her entourage, must bear certain responsibilities. Although not necessarily punished, the indelible stains left in the archives are certain.

Black alarms usually sound in only two cases. The first case is when Elizabeth does not greet Congress. Leaving Wangdu Xingyu. If the Congress is notified in advance and approved by the Congress, this warning will be temporarily closed. Another case is the smart watch carried by Elizabeth, which detects that the host's body has entered a state of near death. This alarm function is different from the previous one and cannot be temporarily turned off.

Moreover, both of these alarms cannot be blocked by the outside world. Because the owner ’s smart watch and the host reserved on the Congress side are not simple network connections. It's an accompanying relationship. This kind of alert does not rely on the transmission of the network, but a neural transmission similar to biology. As long as Elizabeth's watch is abnormal, the host of the Congress will automatically have the same response.

Of course, these two alarms, although they are black alarms, have the same sound. But the prompt information is different. Senna also quickly received feedback here, this time the black alarm sounded. It's because Elizabeth left Wangduxingyu. He also guessed that Quinn hadn't had time to catch up, and the other party had already taken Elizabeth away. He first dialed Medea's number. He wanted to ask about the situation on Wang Youxing, but the prompt tone showed that he was not in the service area. He immediately guessed that it should be Quinn's god's glorious shield, and he quickly dialed Quinn's number.

"I'm about to dial your number. My projection of the will has arrived over there, I haven't found them. I need more manpower to find those places where they might hide ..." Quinn said directly.

"No, they have escaped from the Wangdu Star Realm. The black siren has just sounded on the side of Congress. Are there any clues on your side. Do you know who did this?" Senna said in a low voice. Obviously, he was very unhappy at this time.

"Listen to your daughter, it's the Guding team." Quinn directly gave the answer.

"The Guding team, do they have this kind of strength? Elizabeth itself is a four-star lower god, and she is negligent for a while. But the other two defenders are Samsung lower gods. How can the two join forces to lose?" Sen took right He expressed doubts about the name of the Guding team, but he was just a new pirate group that had just been up in recent months. He did not care too much.

"I have read some information about your newcomer team provided by your daughter. According to the current situation, they really do not have the strength to solve the three gods at once. But Guding's taboo ability is an unknown factor. It cannot be ruled out that he can use the seal three times in a row. It ’s possible. Moreover, after all, their team has been missing for a month, and it ’s possible to join a new powerful member. ”Quinn did n’t struggle with the problem of how Guding did it. She cares more about how to solve it. thing. "Your daughter has a better understanding of the whole thing. She has had contact with members of the Gooding team. They said they just wanted Elizabeth to do a favor. Elizabeth will come back safely in at most two to three hours. Would I project it over there? Unblock information ~ ~ Let her contact you directly? "

"No, let ’s keep it shielded for now. If you lift it now, there must be media that catches the shadows of the projection of the will of the gods. If Elizabeth ’s exile is exposed, it will greatly affect the public ’s influence on our Congress and the Federation. The trust of the government. And Elizabeth ’s image is likely to be discredited by some good people ... Wait until this matter is resolved, and then unblock it. Also, do n’t let any spaceships enter or leave the port to avoid leaks. ”Sen Obviously, he is very good at handling such crisis public relations.

"I know, I will control the will projection processing." Quinn has always been not good at this kind of public relations and the like. Naturally, what Senna said here, she will do it.

"As for the Gooding team, no matter whether Elizabeth will return safely within two or three hours as they said, our hunt for them will not be abandoned because of this. Whatever the behavior of the captivity is The purpose and nature are too bad. This kind of behavior can never be tolerated, otherwise it will happen for the second and third time. I will submit the death penalty application of all members of the Guding team to the federal government headquarters today If it goes well, the review and approval should come down tomorrow. This time we must kill a lot of people !!! "(To be continued ...)

ps: first sent to ~ ()

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