The Highest Bounty

Chapter 274: Approved death penalty application

On the Griffon, Elizabeth frowned slightly. Watermark Advertisement Test Watermark Advertisement Test She knows very well that about the fact that she left Wangduxingyu, there must have been a response from the Congress. Sure enough, her encrypted mailbox quickly received the death penalty application submitted to the federal government by the Senate Speaker, and Senator Senna also copied the letter to her.

She read the contents of the letter carefully, and said that the Guding team's act of kidnapping the host was unforgivable and must be severely punished. In order to avoid this situation in the future, we must kill a lot. Therefore, the federal government was requested to approve the death penalty for all members of the Guding team.

After reading the letter, Elizabeth hesitated and forwarded it to Gooding.

After Guding finished reading, his face was not very beautiful either. He is not worried about his own safety, but because Dorcot is still on the worrying star. If Dorcot is caught, he may be sentenced to death.

The sea emperor was still shrouded by the glory of the gods, and there was no way to see the current situation of Docot, which made Guding vaguely disturbed.

And for this encrypted application, the Sea Emperor did not have sufficient authority to block it and could not prevent this from happening.

"About the death penalty application, I think it is necessary to tell you in detail. Your information is more complete, and the risk factor may be slightly lower." Elizabeth decided to explain to Guding in detail.

"Due to the previous era, the federal government overkilled interstellar pirates, and the federal government and other forces did not get good competition, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of geniuses and evils in the entire human race. Before this era began, the federal government changed its attitude towards all interstellar pirates and adopted lively countermeasures. Those who deliberately slaughtered interstellar pirates, regardless of their identity, would be severely punished. And for some unholy guys, every country of the universe Both the Lord and Congress have the authority to file an application for the death penalty. "

"Death penalty applications generally require sufficient reason to be approved by the Federal Government Headquarters after reading it. And although you are not kidnapping in nature this time, outsiders look no different from kidnapping. And my identity is very special. For kidnapping The crime of the country ’s owner. The probability of the death penalty application being approved is basically 100%. Because the federal government will not investigate these incidents in depth, they will at most just see if this is the case. As for the process and reasons of the incident, they do not I will take care of it. So the kidnapping of the country ’s hostess is enough to look at the title and let them issue the death penalty. "

"Once the death penalty application is approved, it is normally after the murderer is arrested. After review by the Federal Court, it is determined whether the death penalty is executed or changed to imprisonment. But in these years, the Federal Court has basically just passed the scene. The lawyer's repeated words are the result of the death penalty. Moreover, as soon as the death penalty is issued, all members of the federal government can kill the suspect on the spot. They will not be held accountable afterwards. "

"Another point may be the trouble you will encounter. Usually after the death penalty order is issued, the Congress will often issue a notice prohibiting the landing of suspects to all administrative planet ports in the jurisdiction. More than 90% of the administrative planets, Will strictly enforce this order and refuse the landing of the suspect spacecraft. And when necessary, they will use armor-piercing cannons and other weapons to drive and attack. You cannot land on the administrative planet, and your spacecraft will not get energy supplements and cannot be carried out. Long-distance transmission, the federal government will be much easier to capture. And in the starry sky, your golden eagle is not at all cheap, I am afraid that it will be smashed in a few seconds. Your team even has a demigod None, all of them are flesh and blood. Once the spaceship is destroyed, no one will survive. "

"To take a step back, even if you really landed on an administrative planet to replenish the spacecraft. All masters in the nearby star field will be rushing towards your landing point in the first time, wanting to cut Kill you. Because at this time they are not for money, but for the name. The last application for the death penalty of the Phantom Universe was more than 3,000 years ago, and the last time was more than 8,000 years ago. It ’s not even thousands of years later. If anyone grabs the head of your team, it will be able to spread the good news for thousands of years. There is also the fact that every time the death penalty is issued, the entire Philippine universe, the various departments of the federal government All of the masters will be out of the nest. There are hundreds of people in the demigod alone ... "

"You mean that as soon as the death penalty application is approved, the death penalty is issued. All the members of our team, like the members of the Dark Devil, have become the entire human enemy of the entire Philippine universe." Guding wrinkled slightly. Brows, he didn't expect the death penalty order to have such great power.

"Accurately, you are more miserable than the Dark Demon Domain. The members of the Dark Devil Domain have at least a force behind them, and the federal government cannot be without scruples. After their members were arrested, about 20% of them were not sentenced Death penalty, but long-term imprisonment. "

After listening to Elizabeth's description, Guding was speechless, and the sea emperor also chose to be silent.

At this moment, Beagle in the cell repair cabin opened his eyes, and before he could move, the sea emperor reminded Guding in his ear, "Big is awake!"

Gooding quickly appeared next to the repair cabin, "Big, are you okay?"

Bigger sat up holding the bulkhead of the repair cabin, and he looked around with some doubt, "Guding, this spaceship ... are there any other people?"

"We are only temporarily using this Grey Eagle, Lily and they are still on the Golden Eagle. We are now rushing to meet them." Guding knew that Bigger had many questions in his mind.

"We escaped from Poti's realm?" Bigger's memory before he fainted was hit by the god's corpse puppet, at that time everyone was trapped in Poti's realm.

"Well, Potty is dead," Gudin said of the matter, and his smile was bitter. "Unfortunately, we paid a lot."

"That god-level corpse puppet ..." Bigger wondered how Guding took everyone to escape. The corpse puppet could not be surpassed.

"That corpse puppet was also killed." Guding nodded.

"God-level corpse puppet?" Elizabeth walked over. "Is that why Bigger was injured?"

"Well." Gooding didn't deny it.

"However, the **** source of the corpse puppet is even stronger than me. Obviously it is the five-star lower gods. How do you kill such a powerful existence?" Elizabeth was puzzled.

"I have taboo power, don't you know?" Guding didn't tell the truth, he didn't know what kind of secret was inside him. During the battle with Poti, his sealing ability was unavailable, but outsiders didn't know it.

"No wonder ..." Elizabeth thought for a while, and it should be the only way for Guding to kill the five-star gods.

"You are the owner of the Philippine Charm Universe?" Bigger recognized Elizabeth too, he was a little startled, "You ... wouldn't you be a new member of our team?"

"Gooding has made an invitation," Elizabeth smiled, "but I didn't agree."

"Oh ..." Bigger didn't know what to do next, and scratched his head a little awkwardly.

Instead, Elizabeth praised him, "Your body is really very powerful, that kind of horrible source of God remains in the body for more than a month, you can still sit up now. I will refine the God Source for you , I thought that it would take at least two or three days for you to wake up. It took less than ten minutes before you woke up. "

"You treated me for this injury? Thank you!" Bigger knew why Elizabeth was here.

"No need to thank you, take good care of your wounds." Elizabeth turned around and whispered to Guding. "He is in such a physical condition that he can't join the war in a short period of time, otherwise he will have serious sequelae."

"I know, during this time I will try to avoid conflict with the federal government." Guding also nodded.


On Longwu star, Senna's communicator suddenly rang again. He has just issued an application for the death penalty, thinking about how to get his daughter out of this incident. Hearing the bell ringing, he glanced down at the signal and pressed the answer button.

"Senna, I have good news here." Opposite the communicator was Quinn's voice.

"What good news? Elizabeth is no longer on the worrying star. Are you sure of their position and re-projecting your will?" Senna thought that this possibility would be unlikely.

"That's not true, but a member of the Gooding team was caught by us ~ ~ When your death penalty application is approved, we will send him to the federal court. After setting the time and place of execution, Disclosure of the news, the team of Guding is brought in, and then the net is exhausted. Is my idea good? "Quinn smiled smugly.

"The idea is good, but with such an obvious trap, will they drill?" Senna thinks that if he is himself, he will definitely choose to abandon a dying member and will not drill this trap.

"Your daughter said that as long as there is a companion involved, no matter how obvious the trap is, Guding will step in without hesitation. I also read some information about the kid's behavior pattern. It is indeed the same as your daughter said, his companion is him The biggest weakness. But I also took a look at the growth of this team. If you let them grow, their team will become quite scary. As long as they are given enough time, it is possible to dominate the side of the universe. "Kui Because of this evaluation, it is not low.

At that moment, the call had not been hung up, and Senna ’s application for the death penalty was answered. The response from the federal government was only two words, “Approve!”


The third is presented. I will try to see if the fourth can be squeezed out. You do n’t have to wait, even if it is written, it is estimated to be very late ~

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