The Highest Bounty

Chapter 279: The real power of the Gooding team

Gooding is here!

The news reached the ears of Elizabeth and many powerful people at the same time that Guding broke through the identity verification office of Wangdu Xingyu.

After a few seconds, all the smartwatches on the entire Longwu star, including ordinary residents, lit up almost simultaneously and ejected a video. The twelve destroyers exploded at the same time in the video, setting off a blaze. After the fire flashed, a black and white golden eagle drove slowly ...

The Guding team is using this special method to announce to everyone: I am coming!

Dorcot looked at the video of a smart watch ejected from a military member not far away. His mouth was slightly raised. He knew that Guding and other partners had come to Longwuxing for himself.

"It's so arrogant!" Senna couldn't help but scolded.

"They really dare to come." Quinn raised her eyebrows. She originally thought that she was sitting alone, and the other team was unlikely to come. But I did not expect that the other party really appeared, and still appeared in such a high-profile and provocative manner.

At the port of Longwuxing, 360 destroyer guns that were 100 times more powerful than armor-piercing cannons were switched to hand action mode, completely cutting off the network connection, and the muzzles were all facing the sky, as if waiting for something. These 360 ​​cannons are the ultimate weapon of the Philippine Charm Universe. Even if the Titan Defense ship, which is said to be the most powerful defense, is attacked, it may be torn to pieces by artillery fire in an instant.

But in this case, a black and white golden eagle appeared after all. The spacecraft passed through the atmosphere alone and landed slowly.

Three hundred and sixty destruction guns began to lock in the target under artificial work. After two or three seconds, several crew members pressed the launch button. But strangely, no gunshots sounded.

"Pure machinery can also be controlled remotely. These people haven't even learned their fur." ​​Robert's metal cheeks showed a humanized smile. "The destruction guns are not as powerful as 1 / 10,000 of our time. The production level is just the level of a junior apprentice. If you give me enough materials and energy sources, I can make it within an hour. Make a real destruction gun that destroys the planet with one blow. Captain, I think We need to put a door on our spaceship, as for the material ... "

Guding and his colleagues heard a chill, and it seemed that after replacing Robert's energy source with an energy matrix, Robert not only rose to the rank of God, but his character also began to take the terror-belly route. Some words he said sometimes gave People bring a sense of thrill. According to what the emperor said, after the promotion of the gods, Robert should have restored his original character. Robert was originally the chief designer and manufacturer of the war equipment of the mechanical family in the Middle Ages tens of billions of years ago.

In Long Wuxing's battery control room, there was a mess. Many crew members frantically pressed the shooting button, but none of the gunfires sounded.

Under everyone's attention, the black and white golden eagle was steadily parked on an open space in the port. Then the hatch opened and the crowd led by Gooding slowly stepped out.

The occurrence of this scene was seen in the eyes of many people near the execution platform because of all the monitoring in this neighborhood. Neptunus did not block. The gang of Congress, the video projection at the moment. Everything is clearly displayed.

This is also the first show of the Guding team after more than a month of silence. There are a lot of team members.

Just after getting off the spaceship, Guding suddenly stopped in front of a surveillance camera and looked up at the camera, "Hello everyone, I am Guding. I am here on Longwuxing. There is no maliciousness. Just because we The doctors in the team were arrested, and we came to take the people back, that's all. As for the reason for Docott's arrest, I know many people would like to know, but there are some things I can't say. Even if it is misunderstood by people all over the world , I ca n’t say either. What I can say is that there is only one thing. My Gooding and all my team members are not terrorists. The death penalty order, our team can bear it, but we have never done the crimes given by Congress. , We don't accept it either. "

This video was quickly sent to Skynet by Haihuang.

As for what Guding said, only the senior members of Congress and Elizabeth understand.

His meaning is very clear, because of Elizabeth ’s identity, we will not tell anyone what happened. Therefore, we can bear this misunderstanding and the death penalty of the people, but we do not accept the charge of kidnapping on your Congress.

People on this side of the Congress finally felt a little relieved. In fact, they had always been worried that Gooding would poke out the truth. In that case, the public's trust in Elizabeth will be seriously affected. The Congress, the sovereign, the military department, and the federal government represent the positive image. A sovereign, ran to heal the interstellar pirates, this kind of thing is really ridiculous. Moreover, the captivity from the Wangdu Xingyu is also a serious blow to the Congress and the Military Department. Once it is known to the public, it will greatly affect the reputation of the Congress and the Military Department. That's why, the crimes of Guding's group are only two words-top secret! ! !

The reason why Gooding did n’t say it was of course not to consider the face of Congress. He was thinking for Elizabeth, not wanting her to make bad rumors when she was about to resign. Therefore, he chose to bear this misunderstanding from the public for Elizabeth.

After the sea emperor released this video, many people chose to trust the Gooding team. The reason is very simple. The Congress is obscured, and after Guding published the video, he did not express any rebuttal opinions. In fact, it is the default of what Guding said is the fact. Although everyone does not know what this fact is, but from the reaction of Congress, the Guding team should be innocent.

There are also many powerful interstellar pirate teams wondering what Guding did.

After making this statement, Guding, led by the sea emperor, took Liliat and his entourage along the way to the direction of the execution platform.

Before they left the port, they were stopped by a group of demigods.

This group of demi-gods, a total of seven people, all dressed in the work clothes of the Hong Kong Department, covered with large cloaks, apparently all the guys in the Hong Kong Department of identity. In this kind of big cloak, only strong men above the rank of general in the military department are eligible to wear it.

"If you are allowed to leave the port, it is the dereliction of duty of our Port Department. If you want to go to the execution ground, you must pass our level first." The man headed must have all white hair and wrinkles on his face. This is what Shou Yuan will do. sign. But this age of demigods usually also means extremely powerful.

Guding just shook his head, sighed slightly, and said to Bigger and other people beside him, "Try not to kill."

When he said this, everyone was shocked.

The seven demi-gods headed by the white-haired old man also shot angrily.

"Your little doll is so big!" The old man with white hair went straight to Guding. At the same time, he also attacked Guding with an old man with a knife, and his hair was already pale. Obviously these two are the strongest two of the team, want to kill Guding in one fell swoop. The other five met with the other members of the Guding team and wanted to buy time for the two old men.

In just a moment, the two old men had already rushed to Guding. When everyone saw Gooding didn't move, they thought he was frightened, but he slowly raised his hand and stretched out his two fingers. Two black fingers flew out at a terrifying speed and instantly penetrated the two old men body of. The two bodies collapsed nearly half of them after passing through their fingers, and it took almost all the divine sources of the whole body to restore their bodies. However, under the blow, the two also completely lost their fighting power.

The speed of the two fingers, even the two Samsung gods hidden in the dark, Johnny and Leloutte, could only barely catch. The two looked at each other and saw the horror in their respective eyes. They knew that Guding had become stronger again. Even Quinn, who was sitting beside Elizabeth, saw a flash of strange color in her eyes when she saw these two fingers.

At the same time that the two old men were out of the game, five others were also out of the game.

Among them, Bigger just waved a knife lightly, and his opponent was directly slashed. Tagore, who jumped from Guding's shoulder, shouted a demigod into a roar. Robert's palm turned into a gun barrel, shooting a white beam, blasting his opponent through. A strange force penetrated into Elsa's giant axe, shaking the opponent's upper body into powder. And Liliat also changed her previous fighting style. On the palm of her hand, the black flame diffused out and wrapped around the opponent's body. In the flame of the package, a crazy howling came instantly.

This time, the true display of the team's combat power surprised everyone.

The seven demi-gods were all solved by a single blow by members of the Gooding team. In addition to the fighting power of Bigger and Robert, which everyone had expected before, the fighting power of the rest, including Guding, exceeded everyone's imagination.

The occurrence of this scene was also connected to Skynet by the live broadcast of the sea emperor, which caused a lot of residents of the Philippine Charm Universe and several universes sharing the Internet to watch. Of course, there are many stargazing pirates.

"Wipe, the Guding team is so good now, even a pet has this kind of combat power ..."

"It's too scary ~ ~ Two fingers solve two demigod pinnacle powerhouses, how did Guding cultivate?"

"Is this the real power of the Guding team? No wonder any member can be rewarded with 5 billion universe coins."

The six Gudings were very decent in their shots, which just wiped out all the energy in the opponent's body, letting the opponent lose their combat power, but not lethal. After glancing at the seven people and confirming that they had lost their fighting power, Guding waved, "Let's go!"

No one knew that in the depths of a distant palace in a dark palace, a woman stared at Guding in the video projection, whispering in her mouth.

"At this level, even if it is put into the sea of ​​the universe, it is barely able to be regarded as a second-class list. It is a bit interesting. Unfortunately, it is still a green apple. I really look forward to you growing up ... Hahahaha ..."


(Written by Little Apple reminds me of a lyrics: "You are my little apple ..." Well, the second chapter update may be later ~) (To be continued ...)

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