The Highest Bounty

Chapter 281: Bloodthirsty Devil

"I don't think it's impossible to win a challenge alone, and I don't mind if I go together."

Although this sentence sounds provocative to outsiders, it is not a simple provocation, but Guding said it after careful consideration. He said this, one was eager to save Docot, and the other more important reason was that several of his ability to increase the use of time limit. Although these powers of increase have now been promoted to higher levels, the time limit has not disappeared, but has been extended from the original half an hour to three hours.

For three hours, if the people near the execution stand all challenged one by one, they didn't know whether it was enough, so Guding chose to fight quickly.

Now that Guding opened this mouth, many demigods who are hostile camps will naturally not be polite. Numerous hidden demigods all showed their bodies and surrounded Guding and others.

A tall, muscular guy stood up first, "Guding, the death penalty has been approved by the federal government. For us, all the members of your team are all citizens of our cosmic universe. Rival enemy. This is not a challenge platform for the virtual arena, and there is no single challenge rule at all. Anyone from the Filipino Universe will be reasonable for you to shoot ... "

Guding saw that he hadn't finished talking for a long time, knowing that he might still intend to continue the long talk, and interrupted directly, "Do it, don't talk nonsense."

The muscular man was interrupted by Gooding, and his face was suddenly not very good-looking. He waved at the crowd behind him, "Everyone!"

Hundreds of demigods shot at the same time under his cry.

The six Guding also spread out, and the scene was suddenly chaotic.

Guding has the largest number of people besieging Guding, but Guding sees no panic, every punch, one finger. One foot can disperse the body of a demi-god, making it completely lose its combat power.

In just over ten seconds, the number of siegeers around him was half that.

On the other side, Robert was the fastest to clean up. He turned his fingers into a machine gun, and countless white beams shot from his fingertips. Under the continuous fire, many demigods couldn't even get close, and many of them also began to show a state of collapse after being hit many times, and quickly left the battle circle.

There are no enemies in the place where Big Knife passes, but everything that is touched is cut by the waist without any suspense.

Tagore over there. It was still in the form of the kitten, but his speed was so fast that Elizabeth could only barely catch it, let alone these demigods. Every scratch is a head smash.

Elsa's red eyes danced the giant axe in her hand. Although her attack speed was not faster than that of Beagle, it was the same as Beagle, but anyone who touched her red axe. All of them were instantly twisted into pieces and completely lost their fighting power.

Liliat ’s state is special. Her eyes were completely transformed into gold, and the intensity of the black flame in her hands was more than ten times higher than before, but everyone who was contaminated by the flames issued a painful wailing and rolled painfully on the ground. According to what the emperor said, this is a kind of self-hypnosis performed by Liliat, which can increase her combat power by dozens or even hundreds of times in a short time.

After a punch dispersed a demi-god's body. Gooding looked up to find the next target, but found that within the battle circle, except for the six people of his team, there was no one intact demigod standing.

Until this time, Guding finally stopped his shot. Because more than one hundred and ten demi-gods were present, under the attack of six people, they completely lost the power to fight again. But this was less than three minutes from the start of the battle.

Gooding looked at Senna next to Elizabeth, "Who else?"

At this moment, the environment in front of Guding suddenly changed, he looked around, he knew who he should be pulled into the field.

"And us!" At this time, two figures appeared before Guding.

Looking at the two people, one tall and one short, Guding will naturally not forget the two guys who were fooled into the field by themselves and then robbed of their smart watches.

"Good two uncles!" Guding grinned.

"Small sets are close, your kid is insidious enough to deceive us into your realm, not to mention, but also steal all the things in our storage space!" Leirut was angry.

"Pulling you into our field this time, I don't believe it. Without your weird field suppression, you can still win!" Johnny was also full of indignation.

"However, even if there is no field suppression now, I should still be able to win you." Guding is very aware of his strength increase. The magic weapon of the previous magical creature, the strength is between the two.

"Outside the realm, we are more powerful than the giant python. But in my realm, your failure must be a foregone conclusion." Johnny seemed very confident.

After hearing this, Guding looked around strangely, and found nothing unusual. He asked with some doubt, "Is there anything special in your field?"

At this moment, the voice of the sea emperor suddenly came, "Guding, the rattan around here is a little weird. It's a bit like a mutant plant cultivated by Lingyang, and the life fluctuation intensity is very strong, almost comparable to the five-star lower gods. If I don't have If they guessed wrong, they should want to use the power of this plant to deal with you. "

Johnny also quite proudly said, "Did you see those rattans? This kind of rattan is called the bloodthirsty magic vine. It is a unique species in the giant wood forest. It is also the top of the biological chain in the giant wood forest. Eat all kinds of living things. This root was cultivated in my own field. Every once in a while, I will release it for hunting. By now more than 100 years have passed, it has grown to a five-star position. The degree of the gods. "

"Giant Wood Forest?" There is indeed a forbidden area on the map of Wang Youxing in Guding's impression. The name is the Giant Wood Forest. "Have all the spirit fruits and animal blood in your storage space been obtained from the forest that forgets the star?"

"Your kid still has a face to tell us the fruit and animal blood!" Leirut listened to Gooding again about the stolen storage space of his two people, and he became angry.

"Reluth, he's already a dead man. It's okay to tell him." Johnny didn't care. "Indeed, all the beast blood and the spirit fruit were obtained from there. However, the forest was banned by the supernatural power of the federal government. Only those with special authority in the federal government are eligible to enter. And, If the combat power is less than one star under the gods, you can only die if you go in, because all the creatures in that area are above the one star under the gods. "

"Thank you for telling me this, but it's a pity that I'm not likely to go to the second time to forget the worry star." Guding actually wanted more animal blood and Lingguo, because the sea emperor said. The energy contained in these things can benefit even the lower gods.

"It's really impossible for you to go for the second time ..." Johnny said, his fingers reaching into his mouth and whistling. The whistle was clear and high, and under the spread of Johnny's Divine Source, it quickly scoured to every corner of the field space.

When Guding heard the whistle, he also felt that the ground in the whole field began to tremble. The sturdy rattan that was still still was also after the whistle. It seemed that living creatures began to twist quickly.

"By the way, the bloodthirsty magic vine has a very strong sense of protection for the territory. In addition to our breeders, when there are living creatures within the territory, they will hunt wildly. Even if they are not hungry, they will kill them. Wrapped in special secretions, their secretions can break down the body of the prey into pure energy and condense into energy spheres wrapped in green cocoons. Unfortunately, those energy **** are regarded as supreme treasures by them, once approached . We as a breeder will all be attacked. "Johnny really sounded sorry when he said this.

Johnny's words had just fallen, and several thick canes of adult arms suddenly burst from the ground, sweeping in the direction of Gooding.

Guding's toes are a little bit, and his body immediately retreated, trying to avoid the entanglement of the vines. But the vine seemed to have eyes. Continue to meander out like a shadow.

Guding frowned, and a black flame sprang up frantically from his body, instantly flooding his body. Among the two palms, the black firelight nearly a meter high flickered. Guding turned his palm into a fist, suddenly stopped his backward steps, his fists slammed out, and collided with the blue vines.

Under this impact, Guding's figure flew out in an instant, but the vines wrapped in black flames also rolled wildly on the ground, and at the same time a strange hissing noise came from the distance. But the sound didn't sound like pain, but more like anger. The black flame was not easily extinguished. It was only a few seconds later. The cyan vines chasing Guding became black charcoal, but the black flame continued to spread upward.

Under the burning of the black flame, Guding also clearly felt that several pure energies were introduced into his body. He knew that this was a special effect brought by the black flames, and gave him energy feedback. But at the same time, he also saw another shocking scene, the part of the blue vine that was wrapped in black flames was automatically broken, and the broken position again grew new rattan at the terror speed visible to the naked eye.

But this time, the blue vine did not immediately attack, it seems to have some scruples about the black flame ~ ~ Watch your feet! "The emperor reminded suddenly."

After a few seconds, dozens of green vines suddenly shot out of the ground. The green vine was half as thick as the previous green, and the thickness of the adult thigh was almost the same. Guding's body suddenly jumped, evading, and the flames of both fists bombarded again. The black flame engulfed the dozens of green rattan in an instant, but this time, the green rattan did not immediately wither, and the black flame swallowed nearly ten times slower. The burnt rattan continued to shoot in the direction of Gooding.

Guding stepped out in a dark manner, flashing aside, avoiding the blow.

"Guding, this will definitely not work. Although this plant is not energetic, it has the characteristics of energetic life. As long as there is enough energy in the body, he can regenerate indefinitely. I calculated his regeneration rate, which is sufficient Twenty times as much as the five-star lower gods. And I also discovered that there are thirty-nine energy spheres in his root system. Even if your damage stack reaches ten times, the strongest combat power is barely reaching the five-star lower gods. The intensity of it can't cause him any fatal damage. If you use it like this, you will lose only you. "

(Sorry, it ’s almost seven o’clock to send off my friends ...)

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