The Highest Bounty

Chapter 290: The crisis is coming!

(The second one is sent to you. After dinner, come back to the third chapter. Well, do n’t keep the ticket if you have the ticket on the last day of July today, it will be invalid tomorrow ~~)

Under Willis's carrying, the crowd quickly appeared at the entrance of the giant wood forest.

Rao Shiguding and his party had already seen the fruit in this forest in advance. Looking at these huge plants in the forest, several people were still a little stunned.

"That mushroom is so tall ... at least more than three meters?" Elsa pointed to a mushroom not far away and couldn't help wondering.

"Is this tree at least fifty meters in diameter?" Docote looked up at the big tree in front of everyone, and was shocked.

Even Guding, for a moment, had some difficulty withdrawing his gaze.

"On this stele, the rules here are carved. You should take a good look at yourself, don't go against it!" Willis said suddenly. "Also, you should not have the blood collection tools. I still have three bloodthirsty here. The mouthparts of the mosquitoes will be given to you. As for the tools for holding blood, I do n’t need to provide them? Any porcelain or glass container can be used. "

After finishing the talk, he handed three pieces of steel tubes nearly two meters long to Guding, "The bloodthirsty mosquito is a third-order monster with a strength comparable to the upper gods. This mouthpiece can easily penetrate this forest. The defense of those first-order monsters. "

"Thank you, uncle!" Guding grinned and took the three mouthparts that Willis handed over.

"Then I'll go first, you only have ten hours, hurry up on your own time." Willis said, his body leaped up, and Quinn followed him galloping away immediately.

Although Guding also wanted to see Willis fight with the bloodthirsty magic vine, but he also knew that with his current strength. In fact, I didn't see any fame when I went there, it was just a waste of time. And now he does n’t even reach the demigod, and he does n’t know how far away from the median god, it is better to take more animal blood during these times. He was also grateful to Willis in his heart, not only brought his own group into the giant wood forest. He even gave himself a blood collection tool.

What Guding did n’t know was that there was actually a reason why Willis took care of himself and his party. As a supervisor of the federal government, he is a region within the jurisdiction of the Philippines, and it is his job to strengthen the ban on the giant wood forest every 100 years. The last time the ban was strengthened. It should have been completed a month ago. He delayed this because of some personal matters. As a result, the bloodthirsty magic vine found the weak point of the prohibition and transmitted the projection of will.

Although he rushed towards the Philippine Charm Universe as soon as he noticed the fluctuation of the prohibition, he was still late. If it is not Guding, I am afraid that all the gods and demigods of the entire Longwu Star will be killed at this time. The owner of the Philippine universe. Members of Congress, no one can survive. If things really go in that direction, it becomes a major mistake of your own. Not only is the position made by the inspection difficult to guarantee, but it may be severely released to the battlefield in the outland. When he thought about the cruel environment in Outland, a little cold sweat oozed from his back.

Willis is very grateful to Gooding. Although two town guards died, there were more than a dozen demigods. But by his means, walking the relationship can still be suppressed. So when Senna said Guding they were not eligible to enter the giant wood forest, he reprimanded Senna for a meal.

He did not refuse Quinn ’s request. He knew that at Quinn ’s level, she was very eager to break through to the median god. For himself, letting the opponent watch the battle is just a matter of raising hands. The life of the gods is long. Maybe the other day the other party is better than himself, and he sometimes has to ask the other party for help.

After Willis and Quinn left. In the vast forest, only Guding and his party remained.

Guding looked back and saw the inscription at the entrance, with some text engraved on it, and there are a few things that really need attention:

[Do not kill the beasts in the forest. Offenders kill without amnesty! 】

[The amount of blood taken from each animal must not exceed ten liters each time. After the blood is drawn, the captured animals must be released. Offenders kill without amnesty! 】

[You can only pick the ripe spirits, if you are not mature, you are not allowed to pick them. Offenders kill without amnesty! 】

[Do not deliberately destroy all flowers and trees in the forest. Offenders kill without amnesty. 】

"The rules on the inscription, let's take a closer look, don't go against it." Gooding said to everyone, "Well, time is limited, I will assign a team. Liliat and Robert, Tagore, Big and Elsa. A group, a group of me and the sea emperor. Bigger just after that battle, there is no way to return to the peak state in a short period of time, so Tagore, do n’t just play and watch them. There are also Big and Elsa. , Also looked at Tagore, do n’t let it cause anything, all the beasts here ca n’t be killed, at most can only take ten liters of blood. Now three groups of people, each choose a direction, after the time is up, go back Assemble here. If you encounter any unsolvable troubles halfway, contact the Emperor, I will also let the Emperor pay attention to your development at any time. "

Subsequently, Gooding handed over two mouthparts to Robert and Bigger respectively, and the three groups of talents dispersed.

"This forest is mainly divided into three layers: the outer layer, the inner layer and the core area. Bigger and Robert, you try to keep it in the outer layer. The outer layer is basically a one-star or two-star beast, and occasionally Samsung. The number is very small. As for the inner layer, they are all above Samsung, and most of the four-star combat power. As for the core layer, they are basically five-star combat power beasts, and a small number of four-star combat power community beasts. , You can take advantage of the current flame state has not disappeared, you can first mix in the circle. "The sea emperor gave guidance to everyone, and also marked the animal distribution map for everyone on the map.

Under the guidance of the sea emperor, Gu Ding rose from the sky and drove all the way to the core area.

The two groups, Robert and Bigger, quickly met their first goals.

With Robert's strength, the frozen rays were shot directly, easily freezing the huge rabbit, and began to take blood.

On the Big side, although Big can't use the big move in a short time, the one-star and two-star gods are really not a big challenge for him. They also encountered a rabbit, and Bigger didn't do it at all. With Elsa's help, Tagore didn't even change shape, and easily resolved the battle.

Just after flying to the core area, Guding heard the roar of battle in the distance. The roar made the whole ground tremble, and many beasts fled quickly. He knew that that bloodthirsty magic vine and Willis had a war. The roar lasted less than half a minute, and then completely stopped. Guding guessed that the bloodthirsty magic vine had been solved by Willis. After all, Willis is a powerful upper-level deity, and his projection of will is also a higher-level deity. Although he does not know how many stars it is, it must be stronger than the bloodthirsty demon vine that is only the middle-level deity. Because even if it is just a one-star supernatural being, its combat power is a thousand times stronger than that of a five-star supernatural god. Suppressing each other in half a minute is not an exaggeration.

"Emperor, have their battles been recorded?" Gooding quickly asked, after the last time he cultivated for promotion, the authority of the emperor was also elevated again, and the dynamics of the gods can be detected.

"Their battle is not over, the bloodthirsty magic vine has escaped, and the breath of that bloodthirsty magic vine is a little strange ..." The voice of the sea emperor was a little uncertain.

"Escaped ?!" Guding felt a little strange. In the absolute gap in combat power, in fact, according to common sense, it is difficult to escape. "Then record it on your side first, I will find time to look at it."

Guding finished, galloping toward the coordinates given by the sea emperor's first four-star herd.

After seeing the herd, Guding grinned. This is a wave of wolves. The number is not many, there are almost fifty. Guding swooped down directly into the pack of wolves, his fists and feet blasted out one after another, and the shape of a giant beast continued to collapse. Within a minute, a giant wolf standing steadily was gone. From beginning to end, the claws and teeth of those giant wolves did not hurt Guding.

Gooding took out the tube-like mouthpiece and easily plunged into the fur of a giant wolf, much easier than Gooding had imagined, and he began to take blood one by one.

Fifty-six giant wolves, almost reaching the fortieth, the sea emperor's voice suddenly rushed, "Guding, run away !!! That bloodthirsty demon vine is coming in the direction you are!"

Guding frowned, pulling out the blood-sucking mouthparts, quickly rising up and escaping toward the outer periphery of the forest. Guding is a fighting madman, but he is not a person without self-knowledge. The bloodthirsty magic vine can escape from the hands of a higher **** like Willis. It's that simple. At least Gooding himself knew that even Willis, who was just a projection of the will, could kill himself easily with just one move.

"Guding, move in the direction of ten o'clock, so that you can meet Willis with them at the fastest speed." The voice of the sea emperor came again.

Gooding immediately adjusted his direction and accelerated away.

He heard clearly that he had just flew not far away, and behind him came a cry of the wolf, and he knew what it was like without looking back.

Hundreds of sturdy rattans rose up from the ground one by one, and quickly rolled up the giant wolf, tearing and twisting, just a moment, fifty-six giant wolves were completely crushed . The fur, muscles, and bones were all crushed into powder, and the scarlet blood burst into the ground, completely dyeing the ground into a blood river.

After discovering Guding, who was fleeing in a hurry, the bloodthirsty magic vine made an angry and mad howl, and several black-golden vines rushed in the direction of Guding at a speed several times that of Guding Strangling past ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. To read.)

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