The Highest Bounty

Chapter 304: Foggy sea

(Sorry, this chapter is more than an hour late ... I really need to adjust my work schedule. I have n’t eaten dinner yet. I still have n’t caught up before twelve o'clock. I'm hungry now. .....)


The foggy sea is a sea on the Hafist star. The reason why there is such a name is that the ocean is foggy all year round and there is no sunlight. The area of ​​this ocean occupies 80% of the surface area of ​​the entire planet. Because of this, the planet used to have a large variety of marine life and a huge number. This also led to a large number of powerful infections in the ocean after the virus began to spread.

And the three-headed magician is the real overlord in the misty sea, and the level of the three-star median **** has a fighting power far exceeding that of the four-star median god. Even if he meets the median **** who first entered the five stars, he has the power to fight.

The golden eagle quickly sent Guding and his party to the designated location on the map, and then rose under the control of the sea emperor, exiting the planet's atmosphere. Sea Emperor and Robert left through the space portal.

Walking on the water is not difficult for Gu Ding and his colleagues. In fact, as long as Yuanli practiced to a certain level and control reached a certain level, he could stand on the water without falling. The principle is actually very simple. It is to wrap your feet with energy and control the energy to oscillate at the same time. That oscillating force will act on the water surface, which in turn produces buoyancy.

Just a few people had just jumped from the spaceship, and before they stood firm, a giant beast quickly leaped out of their feet.

It was a mutated white shark with a semi-real world. It was more than eighty meters long and jumped with a big mouth open. Bigger's thumb moved slightly, a tenth of the long knife was pulled out, and a horrible translucent knife flashed out, easily cutting the giant beast into two pieces from beginning to end. The black blood instantly impregnated the entire surface of the sea.

"Big, half god, try to refresh us as much as possible." Dokotel immediately protested.

"That is, half god, you and Guding are not allowed to shoot!" Liliat raised her fist at them.

"I'm happy to kill, verify what I have learned recently!" Elsa is fighting in a dream these days. She also didn't quite know what level her actual combat power had improved, but she was also eager to try.

The black blood quickly spread in the sea water. In a short time, it attracted a large group of white sharks, and immediately swallowed the beheaded white shark clean, and did not care about it. It is its own kind.

After sharing the beheaded white shark body, the white sharks attacked Guding and his party.

The three of Liliat also fought each other on the side and surrounded Guding and Bigger in the middle.

Tagore sat on Gooding's shoulder and licked his paw. It seems that they are not interested in these half-divine fish. Gooding and Bigger watched the play while watching if there was a stronger guy approaching.

The white sharks kept slamming their blood basins open, but they all fell into the sea one by one.

Among them, Dokot had the fastest killing speed. Under his control, eighteen demi-flying knives easily penetrated the bodies of those white sharks. Basically, two or three flying knives were transmitted through at the same time. Complete reimbursement.

Secondly, Liliat, she can kill a white shark with every shot. It's just that after all, it's just a thirteenth-order genome, and every time I pay attention to Gang Jin inside the firearm. It takes some time, so there is a gap of about half a second between each shot.

The most courageous is Elsa. She is in close combat. Each time the giant axe swings, it directly twists the white sharks into pieces, and the black flesh splashes around. Their strange strength of the Vikings really makes people feel incredible.

Less than three minutes. Hundreds of white sharks were slaughtered.

The entire surface of the sea was completely stained with black, and the air was filled with an unpleasant smell, which was like a dead fish exposed to the sun, which was disgusting.

The energy shock caused by a fierce battle made the mist around it slightly lighter. But soon it thickened again, and there was silence in the air.

Guding was slightly distracted, because he found that all these semi-divine white sharks were all flesh and blood life. "Are they all flesh and blood life bodies who are promoted to the **** level after being infected by the virus?"

And all other people's mental powers were all released, and they did not dare to slack off.

At this moment, there was a sound from the sea floor not far away. It was a giant giant, and the sound of the water flowing from the rapid rise.

"This time it seems to be a big guy, but the demigod's flesh can only attract some one-star or two-star lower spirits. You should be careful and it should not be difficult to deal with." Guding reminded several people at Liliat.

Some of Liliat's faces are dignified. The three of them have never faced a strong enemy of the spirit level. Guding said that, obviously they are preparing to let the three of them practice their hands. They should not be able to shoot in a short time. However, there were Guding and Bigger beside them, and there was not much fear in their hearts.

Elsa is not only not afraid, but even eager to try, because she can already kill the one-star gods in the illusion. At present, Liliat ’s illusion can only create one-star subordinate gods. After all, she still has limited mental strength.

The huge black figure rose quickly, the huge mouth wide open, and a strong attraction came out of his mouth, wanting to pull Guding and his party into it.

Gooding and Bigger jumped high, without being affected by the slightest suction.

The three of Liliat fell quickly, and Bigger's hand was already on the handle of the knife, ready to rescue him at any time.

Just as the three men were about to fall into the mouth of the giant monster, Liliat was the first to attack, and aimed at an eye of the giant monster in the air.

Seeing Liliat reacting, Docote hadn't waited for her to pull the trigger, and successively eighteen flying knives shot out in a spiral, taking another eye of the monster.

Elsa's eyes suddenly turned red, holding the giant axe in both hands and slashing toward the tongue in the giant's mouth.

A moment later, a wailing sounded, the giant animal turned over in the water, and its huge flat tail whipped towards the crowd.

At this moment, a phantom flashed, and the huge beast tail stiffened almost at the same time. Then the three of Liliat saw an incredible scene, the huge tail crashed into the water. After a while, another phantom flashed, but this time it was galloping towards Guding.

When the three of Liliat were worried, they suddenly discovered that the phantom was solid on Guding's shoulder, and it was Tagore. At the moment Tagore, a huge black nucleus was bitten in his mouth, the volume of that nucleus was no longer smaller than that of Tagore. However, Tagore opened his mouth indifferently and sucked it into his abdomen, but his shape did not change at all.

"Tagore is so strong now?" Gooding rubbed his head. He didn't expect Tagore's strength to progress so terribly after he was promoted to the demigod.

The giant monster in front of him is actually a two-star lower-level god. Lilyat and they want to cope with it. I am afraid it is a little difficult, because this monster has a stronger defense than ordinary two-star lower-level gods. And in this way, Tagore was easily separated by one claw. This is not possible with Samsung's lower gods. Tagore's combat power has reached at least four stars.

"Tagore, what is your strength now?" Liliat couldn't help asking.

"If you don't change your body, you can kill the ordinary four-star lower gods. If you change your body, you can fight like a six-star. You can't beat the seven-star peak." Tagore didn't hide his strength. "However, I am now a demigod, and you are still only 13th rank. I am better than you. It is normal to see that according to the current situation, when you reach the demigod, it should not be difficult to kill the second gods of Samsung . "

"Tagore is right, at present, in fact, you can all be regarded as evil spirits." Guding also nodded his agreement. "Your attack can hurt the big guy who just defended the **** above the two stars, indicating that your attack strength has been Being able to cause fatal injuries to one-star lower gods. Being able to cause fatal injuries means having the power to kill them. "

On the surface of the sea, the mutated giant body, which does not know what kind of species is more than 200 meters long, looks like a big ink-colored fish. But the head was a little bit infiltrating, and the mouth was like sharp teeth like a steel cone. The arrangement of the five eyes on the head was asymmetrical. It felt like it was distorted by the painter.

The fall of a two-star subordinate deity really shocked many guys who were not as powerful as the second-star deity, but the pervasive smell of blood also attracted some stronger prying eyes.

A cyan python leaped out of a cave under the sea, swaying in shape, and swiftly walked in the direction of Guding and his party. ~ ~ The python, which is hundreds of meters long and thick Nearly ten meters, the size is terrifying. This giant python has now practiced to the level of the four-star lower gods. In this sea area, it can be regarded as a powerful party. Smelling the **** smell of the powerful second-star deity, he was quickly awake while sleeping, and there was a feeling of hunger in his belly, all the way to the source of the **** smell.

Seeing a huge dark shadow approaching from under water, Guding quickly pulled Liliat and the three out of the battle circle, protecting him behind him.

The terrifying giant python swallowed the body of the previous giant fish in one gulp, and then continued to devour towards Bigger and Tagore.

But Tagore's eyes flashed a bit of war, and his claws were drawn out frantically. This time, he was really angry. The cat paw with only Guding's fingers thickened quickly after he swung it out, and his sharp claws bombarded the big mouth opened by the python.

The attack that carried the power of space tore the space into a terrible crack, and rammed into the big mouth of the python. The black limon was only a slight meal, and then only a snorting sound was heard, and the giant giant python's giant mouth was instantly torn in half. The huge figure of the giant python that hadn't been erected, collapsed and set off a huge wave on the sea. After that, the black blood quickly integrated into the sea and walked away in the distance ... (to be continued ...)

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