The Highest Bounty

Chapter 307: Successive breakthrough

(Delivered in Chapter 2 ~)

The black engulfed flames continuously poured into the body of the beast, and the blood and bones of the beast were broken down into the purest energy, which was fed back to Guding's body.

In Guding's body, the black virus is like a bottomless giant hole, no matter how much energy comes in, it will be swallowed in a trickle.

The body of Guding is also undergoing rapid changes. Under the feedback of the black virus, the sixth gene chain in the body of Guding began to build quickly. At the same time as the construction of the gene chain, the cells in Guding began to undergo terrible division and regeneration. The comprehensive index of cells soared from the original 1 billion points, 2 billion, 3 billion, 4 billion ...

In less than two minutes, the sixth gene chain was completed, and Guding ’s cell index rose directly to 10 billion points before slowly slowing down. Then, a section of genes on the sixth gene chain began to change. The most unexpected thing for the sea emperor was that he had just mentioned the God Source with Guding. The God Source in Guding actually increased again ...

"Shenyuan actually increased again? It should be reasonable to say that this kind of thing should happen. Guding is not a **** at all. Why is this happening?" The Sea Emperor wondered, he kept exploring the depth of the gods in Guding. The growth rate has soared to three times the original before stopping.

At this time, the genetic paragraph changes in Guding's body finally ended, and a new ability was formed again.

[Special Ability: Energy Doppelganger]

[Ability Description 1: This is a very special avatar ability. It only needs to divide a part of the energy in a random proportion in the body to create an avatar with corresponding combat power. For example, if you use 50% of the energy to create an avatar, then the avatar's combat power is only 50% of the user's, and has all the abilities of the user except the taboo ability. 】

[Ability Description 2: The created avatars have independent thinking skills. 】

[Ability Description 3: As long as you have enough supplementary energy. You can create avatars without restrictions. The avatars that were created before will not disappear until the time limit is reached. 】

[Ability limit 1: The maximum energy capacity of the created avatar is 100% of the energy in the user's body, so the maximum combat power cannot exceed 100%. 】

[Capability limitation 2: Dopants must not be stored in storage spaces and other containers that cannot accommodate living organisms. 】

[Ability Limit 3: The maximum length of existence of each avatar shall not exceed one hour. 】

But this is not the end. After the emergence of this new ability, Guding's seventh gene chain was automatically constructed quickly. Gooding's cell index has risen again, from 10 billion to 20 billion, 30 billion, 40 billion ...

"The bodies of these 18 giant beasts are only one step away from the central spirit. The energy contained in flesh and blood can at least spawn a five-star lower spirit, not to mention eighteen giant beast crystals, which spawn a median spirit. It is possible to come out. But most of the five-star lower spirits are swallowed, and I can devour so much energy at a time, I am afraid that they will only explode. Guding has a special physique, and most of the energy is swallowed by the virus. The energy ratios are different. But this time, even if it is only 1% of the energy. It should not only improve Guding's genetic level, but I don't know what level of Guding will be promoted this time, and what kind of Guding will get. The ability ... "The Sea Emperor was slightly looking forward. He was witnessing the miracle that happened to Guding along the way, and every time he would surprise him.

The seventh gene chain was quickly built, and the cell comprehensive index rose to 100 billion points. The depth of the ancient source in Guding has tripled again.

And this time the mutation of the gene chain directly connected to the original violent gene paragraph. A triangular structure was formed on the ancient chain of genetics.

When this scene happened, the sea emperor looked dumbfounded. "This is the transformation of the gene chain from a linear form to a facial form. It stands to reason that this situation will only happen to the strong man who becomes a **** in the flesh. Once the linear gene chain becomes a plane, then this ability will become Destiny magic power. Guding's ability was supposed to be ... Grade III Advanced Iron Nugget! Now the destructive magic power after transformation is-Indestructible Golden Body! "

[Natural Supernatural Power: Indestructible Gold Body (Section 1)]

[Supernatural description 1: Passive permanent blessing 1000 times defense]

[Supernatural description 2: After the supernatural power is activated, it can hardly resist an attack by a strong person who surpasses the user's defense power by a whole large order. 】

[Magic restriction 1: The maximum blessing time is one hour]

[Magic restriction 2: You can only use it once every ten days. 】

After reading this supernatural description, the sea emperor still seemed a little dissatisfied. "Defense is enhanced, but the problem cannot be solved fundamentally. If it is a supernatural power with a high-speed regeneration ability, then it is a rebirth. If Guding can get this ability, he only needs to hide a drop of blood and he can die It ’s immortal. You do n’t have to worry about falling. It ’s a pity that there can only be one mortal supernatural power. ”

After the appearance of supernatural powers, Guding's genetic level has risen again, and the eighth and ninth gene chains have been continuously formed. Gooding's cell composite index also soared from 100 billion points to 10 trillion points. The intensity of Shenyuan has also been turned nine times.

These two genetic changes did not bring new capabilities, but promoted the original one-star martial arts field to the level of Samsung.

[Special ability: Samsung martial arts field (evolvable)]

[Ability description: suppress the opponent's power and speed to the original one-thirtieth, and increase his power and speed by thirty times. 】

[Ability limit: only open once every ten days]

The corpses of the 18 giant beasts were completely devoured, and there was not even one beast crystal left. After completing the mission, the black flame retracted into Guding.

And Guding finally woke up from a semi-decent state.

"Look at your current body data!" The sea emperor's voice sounded pleasant, and he projected Gooding's latest body data.

[Name: Guding]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 15】

【Gene Grade: Thirteen Orders】

[Comprehensive Cell Index: 10 trillion]

[Spirit Index: 10 trillion]

[Natural Supernatural Power: Indestructible Gold Body (Section 1)]

[Special ability 1: First-class advanced rage (evolvable)]

[Special ability 2: Three-level high-speed regeneration (evolvable)]

[Special ability 3: Level 1 higher damage stacking (curse ability) (evolvable)]

[Special Ability 4: Absolute Seal (Level 3 Taboo Force) (Evolvable)]

[Derivative Ability: Weakening Shackles (First Taboo Force) (Evolvable)]

[Special ability 5: second-level advanced repulsion (evolvable)]

[Special ability 6: Samsung martial arts field (evolvable)]

[Special ability 7: Flame of destruction]

[Special Ability 8: Inflammation]

[Special ability 9: Energy Doppelganger]

"There is one less data here, because you have not yet become a god, so it cannot be displayed." The sea emperor continued, "Your divine source energy value should have been equal to 2187 points, and now it has tripled four times. That is 177147 points. Although it is definitely still a little bit worse than the three-headed monster, but it is at least an energy level, he should not have exceeded one million points. However, your current God source points can already crush some one-star median Gods. "

"My base combat power is almost one-tenth of the one-star lower gods. Now the 50-fold increase in gold armament has no effect. My maximum combat power increase is only 10 times that of advanced rage. The damage stack is 1024 times. , 20 times the repulsive power, which is barely more than the power of the five-star lower gods. "Guding carefully looked at the detailed data of his body, and then looked at the descriptions of several new abilities. He was still not very satisfied with this effect. .

"You forgot the increase and weakening effect of the field." Haihuang reminded with a smile, "Do you know what is the essential difference between the Samsung field and the One Star field?"

"Isn't it just ten times, one thirty times?" Guding said disapprovingly.

"Of course not, this is not an essential difference." The sea emperor immediately corrected, "Every improvement in the field. It is very difficult. You upgrade two grades at once, and your luck is quite against the sky. Let me put it this way, the body has People in the Samsung field can ignore the gap in cultivation and directly force people in the one-star and two-star field into their own fields. Under normal circumstances, people who own the Samsung field are basically high-level gods. The strongest of heaven can elevate the realm to the level of Samsung before the median god. "

"You mean to say. As long as I don't meet the high gods or the gods in the middle gods, I can pull them into my own realm?" Gooding heard the news. He grinned slightly. "In this case, my strongest combat strength is almost comparable to six stars and close to seven stars. And my opponent's combat strength is reduced to one-thirtieth ..."

"Don't forget, you still have an immortal supernatural power." The sea emperor interjected again.

"The passive blessing effect of Indestructible Gold Body turned out to be 1000 times defense ~ ~ This is really a good thing. Due to the superposition of damage, my defense power has always been much weaker than the strongest attack power. Now my defense The strength is almost the same as my strongest attacking force. The biggest shortcoming brought about by the weak body was also completely compensated. "Guding looked very excited.

"There is also the ability of the energy avatar. In your storage space, there are more than a hundred energy gangsters alone, and there are a lot of source stones. Plus you absorb energy at a speed much faster than ordinary people. A large number of avatars can be made, "the sea emperor felt. Guding's fighting power has definitely become stronger this time.

After some excitement, Gooding looked at the calm sea. "Sea Emperor, it took me a lot of time to absorb the corpses of these beasts? Hasn't the three-headed mob yet moved?"

"Yes, you spent nearly forty minutes this time." The Sea Emperor also felt a little strange.

At this moment, the black clouds in the sky began to pile up quickly, and thunderous bursts of roar kept coming.

"This is ... the Devil-Jiao actually advanced ..." Guding looked up into the sky, and he knew what the signs meant. (To be continued ...)

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