The Highest Bounty

Chapter 312: Enter the site

On the projection of the communication crystal, Kepu's position is like a treasure trove, and his back is just the source of the mountains. But Guding also found a trace of anomaly. Kep's two eyes turned red, and even his hair turned blood red.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to succeed." Kepu's double pupils and hair quickly regained their original colors.

"Less nonsense, fulfill your promise, and tell me where did you hide Parma?" Guding asked coldly.

"In other words, your luck is really not bad, just happened to encounter the three-headed worm." Ke Pu's words made Guding stunned.

"Are you on this planet?" Guding reacted as soon as possible. All the probes on this planet had already lost their effect, and the sea emperor had already checked it. And the previous communication crystal was also put into the storage space, even if it is automatically opened, you can't see anything outside the storage space. Then only one problem can be explained. Kep ​​is on this planet, and he saw with his own eyes what had just happened.

"It seems that you are a little smarter than I thought." Kep did not deny the answer. "You can continue to guess, where am I?"

"Guding, I can't find the location, there is only that hidden ruin on this planet. That ruin was hidden by the upper spirits by special means, so I can avoid my exploration. If Kep is here On this planet, it must have been hiding in that ruin. "The sea emperor immediately understood that Kep had never left this planet at all.

"You are in the ruins of the upper god!" Gooding replied firmly.

"Oh, guess right ... you are a little smarter than I thought before." On the screen projection, Kepu stretched out his thumb and index finger leisurely and gestured about Guding's cleverness. The distance between fingers is no more than two millimeters. He closed one eye and carefully observed the gap between the **** with the other eye, asking casually. "Then do you know where exactly this ruin is?"

Gooding did not answer this question, but gave the last wanted coldly, "Hand over Parma, otherwise I will kill you!"

"Are you sure you have this strength?" Kepu raised his head and looked at Guding, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth. "I know, your seal ability has not been used. But you really think that I am here to deplete your seal ability? Then you are too naive, boy! I am a four-star median deity, just The depth of the divine source can crush you, making you completely inaccessible and unbreakable. Your sealing ability is for me. It is of no use at all. "

"I let you come here, just want you to help me hold down the three-headed worm, so I can take advantage of his absence and search for the treasure on the second floor of the site. There are two five-star central gods in this site Organized beasts guard, if I forcibly impact, the three-headed worm is also there, and I become one enemy three. Although it will not be defeated. But it is also very tricky, I must be injured. It is just that you come. So I borrow you Led him out and helped me to delay some time. It seems that your task is completed successfully, and I am also proceeding smoothly on my side. I just solved the two organs and beasts. Loud. You said. Isn't that both of us psychic? "Ke Pu smiled slightly with his head tilted. He liked the feeling of controlling everything.

"I'll say it again, hand over Parma!" Guding still gave his reply stubbornly.

Kep glanced at the smart watch in his hand. "It's more than six hours before the ten-day deadline. What are you in a hurry? We haven't seen it in such a long time. Isn't it good to narrate the old one? This attitude makes it really difficult to continue the topic. Since you do n’t want to talk, then I ’ll search for the treasure, you can do it yourself. Anyway, after you killed the three-headed worm, my promise It has been fulfilled, and you already know where I am. Bye ... "

The picture on the communication crystal quickly became dark, which is because the other party turned off the communication crystal. Guding had the urge to crush the messaging crystal.

"How do I feel that this kid is very arrogant?" The sea emperor couldn't help but spit.

"Emperor, can't you find the entrance to that site?" Guding felt that he couldn't drag it any longer. The guy Kep might have ran away after searching the site. This kind of thing is affirmed by his character. Can do it. If Parma cannot be rescued this time, next time I will not know when it will be.

"I really can't scan the location of the site, but I have recorded the process of the three-headed mob just floating up, and I can see where he appeared from the bottom of the sea. The point where he appeared should be the entrance and exit of the ruins." Haihuang I quickly found the coordinates of the point where the three-headed mob appeared from the bottom of the sea, but he was still a little uneasy.

"Guding, the coordinates were found. According to what I can't find at present, the ruins should be independent into a space. The scope of the ruins should not be submerged by seawater. But Kep also admitted that he Being a four-star central deity and being able to defeat two five-star central deity organs and beasts means that his actual combat power should be at least above the five stars. And seeing his eye pupil and hair color changes just now is obviously a battle Strength-enhancing exercises or supernatural powers. The most important thing is that he knows that your seal ability is not used, but he also knows the defect of that seal ability. As long as he crushes you with the **** source, you have no chance of winning. "

"I have to go regardless of the possibility of winning! I can't just watch Parma turn into a virus infectious body!" Guding's eyes revealed the rejection, "Tell me the location of the site."

After the sea emperor projected the map, Guding dived all the way.

Although his current cell synthesis index is strong enough to withstand the pressure of the deep sea, he is still only a flesh and blood living body, and the body needs oxygen for proper functioning. At this time, a small skill in the Vientiane Emperor's body came in handy, allowing him to control every pore of the body to take in the oxygen needed by the body to run in the water.

Soon, he sneaked into the location given on the map of the sea emperor.

Due to the huge size of the three-headed moth, the location of his appearance is not a point for Guding, but a range with a certain area. After finding a circle, Guding finally found the entrance behind a deep-sea coral.

His figure moved into it immediately.

After entering the ruins, Gooding set foot on a flat ground,

Here, it seems to be a huge underground cave, and indeed, as the giant crocodile said, as soon as you come in, you will feel a lot of god-like breath floating in the air.

Gooding looked up, there were many stalactites hanging above his head, and the sea emperor projected the detected map.

The map as a whole is in the shape of a vortex, with a total of three layers of vortexes, with an irregular dot in the middle. Guding's standing position is the outermost layer. But even though it is generally vortex-shaped, the road at the entrance is still tortuous, making people unsure of what they will encounter after the turn.

"There is no sign of life on the outermost layer. Kepu is on the second floor. He is the only one who has not seen Palma. There are organs and animal handles on the third floor and the middlemost position." Your own detection results.

"Parma is probably in his field." Gooding quickly gave his guess.

"This possibility is very high, because I can't explore this planet, only this site, there are none in the site, so it can only be in his field." The sea emperor said, and began to investigate the inside of the field. The situation, after a while, the internal situation of Kepu's realm was projected, and Parma was indeed inside.

In the projection, Parma was sleeping on the ground, breathing smoothly. This relieved Guding a little, because her condition looked much better than ten days ago, and there was no sign of virus infection.

Knowing that Parma was safe, Guding asked the sea emperor to switch the projection back to the map of the crypt in front of him.

According to the route indicated by the map, Guding was swiftly rushing. This area was so large that it was ridiculous, and there were stones blocking the sight everywhere. Guding finally found the entrance to the second floor.

The location of the entrance was blocked by two boulders, leaving only a gap in the thickness of the palm, allowing people to vaguely see the light coming out from behind, and to observe that the thickness of the two boulders is at least thousands of kilometers.

Not far from the gap, there is a blue stone monument half a person tall, with three lines carved on the stone monument:

[This is the entrance of the second floor. If you want to enter the second floor, it is easy to push two boulders away ~ ~ Remarks: The two boulders are banned, if not exceeded The power of the gods will not be damaged. 】

[Friendship Tip: Only those with the power above the median deity can push these two stones. Those who do n’t cultivate enough will try rashly. Be careful not to flash your waist. 】

Gooding naturally saw the friendly reminder, but he chose to ignore it directly.

His hands reached into the gap, exhausted the strength of the milk to break the two boulders, but the boulders didn't move at all.

Gooding tried several times, all with the same result, but he was not too stubborn. Therefore, his fist bombarded him, trying to completely collapse the two stones, but after the fist struck up, the stone not only did not produce any cracks, but also issued a force of anti-seismic force, flying Guding out. Guding's arm was numb under a strong backlash, and two phalanges on his fist were nearly fractured. It feels like the effect of ordinary humans hitting stones with their fists.

Guding only knew that what was carved on the bluestone was not a joke. He stood in front of the crack, hesitated for a moment, and took out the messaging crystal again ... (to be continued ...)

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