The Highest Bounty

Chapter 316: Special effects of cell enhancers

When counting the spoils, the sea emperor also discovered Parma's smart watch in the storage space of Kepu.

Gooding remembers that Kerp once said that Parma was studying the medicine to kill the virus, so he let the sea emperor invade Parma's storage space and found relevant information.

At the same time, Guding also informed Madike about Parma, and copied all the research materials of Parma and sent it to the past.

Madike is an S-level pharmacist who is not as good as Guding in refining talents, but after all, he is much more experienced than Guding. The most important point is that Madike's contacts in the Drug God Alliance are quite good. Even if he can't deduce the recipe for the virus release agent, he can also find other people to help.

In these few days, Guding has not been idle, he has been frantically upgrading his pharmacist level. The information given by Parma can only be understood by pharmacists above grade a. Guding tried to study for a while, but he was confused.

Others are researching the formula first, and researching the formula thoroughly before refining the pharmaceutical agent. But Guding learns the refining of pharmacy but the opposite is true. He first refines, and then in turn learns the medicinal properties of the pharmacy materials in the formula through the refining effect. Therefore, if he wants to understand Parma's information, he must first learn to refine the a-level potions, and then infer the medicinal properties of those a-level potions.

For ten days in a row, Guding spent in Yaowanggu, and all his training materials were provided by Madike for free. Ten days later, he finally refined all the conventional a-level potions. A-level pharmacy is already the highest level of intermediate-level pharmacy, and the refining of s-level pharmacy requires spiritual intervention. A pharmacist with insufficient mental strength can never be an s-class pharmacist.

After refining all the a-level pharmaceuticals, Guding has a deep understanding of the materials of a-level pharmaceuticals. He read through the information of Parma again. This time, he finally understood.

Parma has a certain degree of research on this type of virus and found that this virus likes to attach to the DNA chain of the parasite, but it is difficult to kill it targetedly. Therefore, she thought of a way to significantly reduce the adhesion of viral antennae. Let the virus lose its ability to attach. After a long time, the virus will starve to death because it can not get nutrition. Therefore, her idea is to create a slightly corrosive agent, which is not enough to damage the gene chain, but can effectively make the virus lose its ability to attach. In the case of a virus that is difficult to kill, this idea is actually feasible.

And Guding immediately made many ideas after seeing her thinking. He knows all the medicine materials below grade a, and instantly turns to three or four combinations. But it is not feasible. These kinds of formulas he thinks of will have a certain degree of corrosion effect on the user's gene chain.

While Guding was still thinking about this issue, he heard the voice of the sea emperor suddenly in his ear.

"Guding, I have configured the antidote."

Guding remembered that when the Emperor said this, after he was promoted from the ninth to the thirteenth, the Emperor opened several permissions, one of which was the advanced gene bank permission. He also stored the virus in Kepu. Conducted a series of analyses.

"I copied a lot of the virus in Kepu and tested the virus characteristics. I tried it for almost ten days. I finally found a way to kill the virus easily." Haihuang certainly wouldn't joke about this kind of thing. .

"This virus is extremely afraid of high temperature. In a petri dish, a temperature above 40 degrees can cause great harm to it. A temperature above 45 degrees can cause 100% death. So. According to this This characteristic only requires the internal temperature of the parasite to exceed 45 degrees, and all these viruses will die. "

"Pama is a seventh-order gene, and the internal environment of the body exceeds 45 degrees, which has little effect on her." Guding nodded. "So the medicine to be made now is a medicine to raise body temperature ... This is actually done by a cell fortifier. The accelerated division of cells will make the body temperature rise!"

Gooding didn't expect that the solution to this virus was actually so simple. He immediately contacted Bath and made an appointment with the planet he met to let Parma unblock it.

The next day, the spacecraft docked on a small planet and arrived without too many meetings.

"I didn't expect you to be so talented as a pharmacist. I made the antidote so quickly. You should be sure to call me over." Barn knocked on the door and entered the Golden Eagle.

Gooding grinned at Bath and didn't answer. After all, it was not himself but the sea emperor who thought of this method. He was not very embarrassed to take this kind of praise on his body.

Bath went to the ice coffin and pressed it with one hand. After a while, a crack appeared in the ice coffin. That crack was getting bigger and bigger, and soon spread to the entire ice coffin, and finally cracked completely. Those ice crystals are also automatically dispersed as mist. The frost on Parma also quickly faded at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Guding immediately injected a tube of perfect quality C-level cell enhancer into Parma.

"This is ... a cell enhancer ?!" Although Bath is not a pharmacist, he also recognized what Guding had just injected into Parma.

"Yes," Gooding told the principle, making everyone stunned. In fact, before this, Liliat and others did not know what the antidote that Guding said was.

The Parma of the seventh-order gene was actually supposed to be injected with Class D agents under normal circumstances, but Guding was worried that the Class D agents were not effective enough, so he directly injected Class C. And this bottle of perfect quality medicine was just refined by Guding the first day. There are not many other medicinal materials such as Guding here, but there are many materials such as cell fortifiers. Parma is already at the peak of the seventh-order genome, and can almost buy the eighth-order gene. The perfect quality of the medicine will not cause any side effects after injection, so Guding injected her with confidence.

After the medicine entered the body, the cells in Parma began to split wildly, and the body temperature also increased rapidly.

Soaring from the original thirty-six degrees, thirty-seven, thirty-eight ...

In less than three minutes, it soared to forty-five degrees, but this was not over, and her body temperature continued to rise.

Forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight ...

Until sixty-five degrees. Only then was it stable, and the sea emperor was also monitoring the condition inside her.

"Very well, the viruses in her body are dying in large quantities. As long as it lasts for more than half an hour at forty-five degrees, these viruses are absolutely dead."

Everyone waited patiently on the side, and Bath did not leave. He was afraid that Gooding would be unsuccessful. You also need to seal the Parma ice again.

Half an hour, usually pass very quickly, but these half an hour, but everyone is a little anxious, hoping to end soon.

After reaching sixty-five degrees, Parma's body temperature began to slowly decrease. When the time reached half an hour, it almost fell to fifty-five degrees.

"The virus in her body has been cleared," after the sea emperor checked it. Brought good news, but Parma hasn't turned around.

After about another hour, Parma's body temperature finally returned to normal temperature, and she finally opened her eyes. She was stunned when she saw Gooding.

"Sister Parma! You finally woke up." Gooding grinned.

"Are you Guding?" Parma couldn't believe it. "Why am I here?"

Gooding sees that Parma has indeed returned to normal, and then tells the story, and Parma remembers some things after listening. The two chatted at will, and Guding let Lily and others accompany him.

Gooding himself walked out of the cabin with Barn.

An extreme god. And it is the pinnacle of the extreme gods, only because of one sentence. The first thing I put down was to help. This made Guding understand that Bath was definitely not as simple as looking at himself.

Barn also seemed to guess what Guding was thinking. He stepped out of the cabin and said, "I know you have a lot of questions in my heart, but I'm sorry. I can't give an answer. Actually, about you, I I do n’t know much about it. But I know that your strength is far from the time to unravel the mystery. To put it bluntly, now you are not even qualified to see the mystery. "

"Okay, then. I have a question. If you are inconvenient to answer, you can keep silent, but please don't lie to me." Gudin finished the sentence, his voice came, he took a deep breath, and then again Start, "Are they ... alive?"

Who does the pronoun "them" refer to? Barn is naturally clear. He has been silent for a long time, and he seems to hesitate to give an answer.

Guding clenched his fists somewhat reluctantly, but he was asking a question in his heart, "Can't even this simple question give me an answer?" He didn't know that he should raise this question. Who.

Barn saw the unwillingness in Guding's eyes, and he nodded after all.

"Thank you!" Gooding just let go of his fist ~ ~ Emotions calmed down slowly.

"That little girl is okay, and I should go too." Barn said nothing more, just flashed away and disappeared.

Gooding also informed Madico about the recovery of Parma, and then turned back to the cabin.

"Sister Parma, you will have a good rest during this time. We are going to the Aur Astrology this time. It should be safe before entering the ruins of Aur. There is also an auction there, you can talk to Lily and Elsa strolled together. "Guding still didn't worry about throwing Palma on a planet casually, so he proposed to go to the Aur space.


(Hey, there are friends in the group who do n’t like the recent branch line plot ~~ I do n’t actually write a branch line that does n’t make sense. I write this branch line. One of the purposes is to bury the Kepu pit. , The other is to raise money for the auction, the protagonist is really too poor ~~ Fortunately, at the end of this period, you can return to the main plot. In fact, I clearly know that you want to see the protagonist and the federal government meet, the protagonist team rewards the amount The improvement, as well as plots such as the addition of new members. No matter how you write it, my main line will not deviate from these points, everyone can rest assured.

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