The Highest Bounty

Chapter 328: Game difficulty upgrade

[Sorry, this chapter is almost an hour late ...]

There is no night in this world. Two days passed, and the huge number of worms finally turned into corpses, and some of them were directly swallowed into nothingness by the flame of ancients.

The remaining insect corpses have been recovered into the storage space. The blood contained in these insect corpses has a very good effect on the cultivation of the ancient body of Vientiane. It's just that the source of God in Guding was so bad that he couldn't use flame to destroy it. Insect nuclei are also food that can improve strength for Tagore.

Neptune also counted their merits.

Gooding's merit has soared to more than 23 billion, ranking first.

Bigger's merits also surged to 5.6 billion, ranking second.

As for Tagore ’s merits, there are also 2.1 billion, which currently ranks third.

The reason why Gooding is so much higher than Bigger is that before the Bigger crossing, the Insect Tide has been killed by him for more than half, and his merits are calculated by five times. After Bigger became a demigod, the merit value was doubled. Tagore ’s merits are low because he ca n’t continue to transform for too long. After changing back to the original state, he completely gave up the extermination of the five-star elite insects.

After finishing the corpses, the two returned to the city with a cat.

Choosing to return to the city is also because Guding's body is indeed a bit tired. This high-intensity battle lasts too long, and he also needs time to replenish the **** source. Bigger has just been promoted to Demigod, and it also takes time to stabilize his cultivation. As for Tagore, it is completely non-human. Under this intensity of battle, there was no discomfort. After eating a few worms, it would be a tiger.

After the two returned to the city covered with blood and a cat, they also attracted the attention of many forces.

In fact, after the outbreak of the insect tide the next day. After waiting all day, many people could not help but went out to hunt.

At the moment, when they saw Guding coming back, someone stopped and asked about the situation. "Guding, have you encountered insect tide?"

"There was no outbreak of insect tide, there were only less than 20,000 insect beasts awakened in the insect nest, and the star rating was not high, we have been beheaded." Guding said. It was taught by the Emperor Neptune, and he feared that the Guding team would covet others. To kill a worm in a worm's nest, the merit is enough to make anyone jealous.

At the square, Liliat couldn't help vomiting when she saw the two men and one cat, "Have you been bathed in worm blood?"

"There is no water in the desert, and it is useless to change clothes. The body is dirty, so I will not change it at all." Guding grinned his white teeth.

"Then you stand firm!" Robert's muzzle suddenly came over. Powerful water jets are continuously sprayed from the muzzle, flushing the three instantly like a high-pressure water gun.

"It's so cool, where did this water come from?" Guding asked with a grin.

"I got a hot and cold switch to extract the water from the air." Robert retracted the muzzle and sat on the ground.

"The thing about the beast tide ..." Liliat was just interrupted by Gooding.

"Let's talk about it some time. It's not convenient to speak here. Let's see if we have advanced merit temples. Are there any good things." Guding Shenyuan swelled out and dried his clothes in an instant. Bigger and Tagore use the same method.

A group of people walked straight into the Hall of Merit. But some people have been silently paying attention to the actions of the Guding team.

"We have come in to visit the Hall of Merit yesterday when we were idle. One of the merits here is comparable to a 100-unit cosmic crystal. Unfortunately, the sum of our merits is less than one million points, and we ca n’t change anything good. "" Liliat explained.

"This ratio is the same as the points in the paradise, the merits of the three of us should be enough to buy a lot of things." Guding grinned.

"How many do you have? Hundreds of millions?" Elsa could not help asking, and gave a guessing order.

Liliat had been staring at Guding and Bigger, and they only smiled lightly when they saw them. She felt that this order of magnitude was not enough, "over one billion?"

"Don't ask, wait until there are no outsiders." Guding said, glancing at the others in the temple of merit. "Have you seen anything?"

"I actually took one, it was a little expensive." Liliat smirked. "I was a little worried that you can't afford it. But according to the current situation, you should not worry about this problem."

"What is it?" Gooding was a little curious, and for the first time he heard what Liliat said was expensive.

"It is the Soul Crystal, which is of great benefit to soul-cultivators. The gods of this thing are very much sought after, and I can use it with Dorcot. If you have enough merit, buy two for us." Lilia Te finally said, "A merit of 100 million points, equivalent to the universe crystal is 10 billion. In fact, if there is an auction, this thing is only a reserve price of at least 30 billion yuan. The equivalent of source stones is three million. With our current total wealth value of more than 5.3 million source stones, we can't buy two at the auction.

"Well, are there any other needs?" Gu Ding nodded indifferently.

"I only need this at the moment. The merit value is spent on the blade. For things that can be bought outside, let's not consider the merit value for the time being. Please ask them what else they need." Liliat said this. My own is also for Guding, fearing that he will spend his merits.

"What about Elsa?" Gooding turned to look at Elsa.

"I ... haven't figured it out yet." Elsa hesitated and shook her head.

Guding didn't think much, and turned to Docot.

"I'm the same as Lily." Docot thought for a moment, but still gave the answer. "The stronger the soul, the stronger the spiritual power."

"Robert, what do you want?"

"What I want is not very expensive. It is called Yuanneng Jingshi, one million meritorious service. If the merit value is enough, help me buy one hundred first. If it is not enough, I will save it later." Robert said this time. Instead of choosing things like materials, I chose source energy spar.

"The energy in the source energy spar not only allows Robert to advance, you can also use it to replenish the energy lost in the body. You should buy three thousand first, it should be enough for a while." The sea emperor was in the ear of Guding Explained.

"Tagore, Big. I won't buy it for you. If the two of you don't have enough merit, I will pass it on to you. I'm going in first!" Said Guding, stepping into the trading hut.

In the Hall of Merit, there is only one trading office, which is the black hut in the center of the hall. This cottage. Only one person can enter at a time, and it is completely able to isolate all investigations from the outside world, and even the investigation of the sea emperor will fail in front of this hut.

After stepping into the hut, Gooding first bought the two Sky Soul Crystals requested by Liliat and Dorcot, and then found the source energy crystal that Robert requested, and bought 3,000 as the sea emperor said.

Gooding's merits were instantly deducted by 3.2 billion points, leaving 20 billion plus a fraction.

"Emperor, help me to see. Something is more suitable for me." Looking at the massive information, Guding had no clue for a moment, so he could only ask the Emperor for help.

The Emperor glanced over, "There are indeed a lot of good things here. No wonder the federal government sends so many people in every time. Basically, there are many precious items below the extreme gods, even the extreme **** level items. A small amount. It stands to reason that this should not be a one-star site, one-star site. Generally, only the reward of the middle gods will be placed at most, and there will never be a reward of the upper gods. However, according to the difficulty, it is true. It ’s one star. If it ’s two stars, none of the people who came in this site can survive ... "

"Hey, don't consider this kind of problem at this time. The rewards are of high quality, which is a good thing for us. Hurry and help me see." Gu Ding was almost dizzy, and the items projected on the big screen in front of him were enough There are more than tens of thousands of species, and he is completely despised.

"Eh, there is even the flame of the star fire, so quickly exchange it!" The sea emperor shouted quickly.

"It's expensive. 5 billion ..." Gooding also saw the price of the tinder, but still bought it.

"This price is already cheap. The fire of the Star Fire ranks in the top five, comparable to the five-star class of gods, and it is the flame with the best quenching effect. If it is placed on the auction, the 500 billion universe crystal is only a base price. The final auction result is likely to be more than one trillion yuan. The equivalent of source stones is hundreds of millions, which is almost twenty times the total number of source stones of our team. "

After letting Guding photograph the fire, the Emperor soon found another item, "Guding, buy those dragon blood!"

Guding looked at a total of twelve bottles of dragon blood. Each bottle cost 500 million points. He was stunned. "What's the use of dragon blood?"

"It's useless for you, it's only useful for Elsa." The Emperor explained, "The Viking family is a very special family. Many of their abilities require dragon blood to activate and strengthen. And dragon blood The more powerful they are, the more powerful they will get. These twelve bottles are the blood of an extremely divine dragon clan. Each bottle is comparable to the four-star deity, and will bring great benefits to Elsa. "

"No wonder Elsa didn't say anything. It took 6 billion points to buy them all. She thought I wasn't enough, so I was embarrassed." Guding said, and bought them all.

Then I went through it and found nothing particularly useful. I just saw a four-star fetish-level sword, only 500 million merits. It is expected that the merit value of Bigger's side is definitely enough, and Guding did not shoot, but withdrew from the small black room. His merit score is only 9 billion worth of merit.

After Gooding stepped out of the little black house ~ ~ they directly pulled Liliat into their own realm and distributed all the items. Elsa was very surprised when she saw dragon blood. She knew that the price of every bottle of dragon blood was so high that Guding had bought it all.

"The twelve bottles of dragon blood add up to 6 billion merits. How much merit do you have?" Liliat and Elsa have nothing to say, naturally knowing the price of dragon blood that Elsa wants, she has some Asked in surprise.

"Before buying, there were more than 23.3 billion, but now there are only 9 billion." Guding did not hide.

"With so many merits, the insect tide really broke out?" Lilia Trema reacted. She knew that under normal circumstances, no one could get so many merits in just a few days.

"Yes, the three of us slaughtered more than 600,000 insects and beasts." Guding grinned, as if this was not a big deal.

After removing the field, Guding just stood firm and heard the old voice in the sky again, "Given that players have accumulated tens of billions of merit in just a few days, the difficulty of our game Start upgrading ... "(to be continued ...)

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