The Highest Bounty

Chapter 334: The level of relics has been raised again

Hearing the sound of God's God source, both of them were shocked. At this time, they were in the intermittent period of the outbreak of the insect tide. Both of them stepped out in an instant and appeared beside Guding.

"Guding, the Zerg Mother Emperor, did you see it with your own eyes?" Kas asked the authenticity of the information.

"It doesn't matter if you see it with your own eyes. The important thing is, are you really sure that the mutant Zerg are undergoing mutual evolution?" Star also cares about the truth of this matter.

Listening to Starr ’s words, Gooding still knew for the first time that Zerg ’s practice even had a professional name called Mutual Evolution.

"I'm 100% sure that my detection results will not go wrong." Gooding's answer was firm. "Don't tell other teams about this matter. The three of us know it. Others know that it will only cause panic."

"I called the rest of our team." Star quickly whispered to the other members' ears.

And Cass hesitated, and rushed to the other members.

Soon, the three teams were all gathered.

Seeing the three teams gathered together, many other teams were a little surprised.

"How did the Gooding team, the Liberty League team and the team get together?"

"What are you discussing? Can't you tell everyone publicly?" Someone expressed dissatisfaction.

"Some things, we know it's useless. Our strength is self-protection. There are really no plans, and we can't execute them." Some people also understood.

But some people also found that after Guding said, all the members of the other two teams looked a little unsightly.

Guding quickly told the news of the evolution of mutant insects and beasts, and then put forward the idea of ​​killing the mother emperor in advance, wanting everyone to help out.

"Destroy the Queen Mother? Isn't it possible?" In that, the blonde young man named Odin spoke first. "I still think it's better to hide in the palace of merit or hide in the square."

"To be honest, I think so too." Fritz, an ice ability player of the Liberal Union, also nodded in agreement. "Because it is too difficult to kill the empress, if it fails, it is likely to cause the three five-star insect beasts. Commander's anger. If those three five-star insect beasts commanded, none of us here would be their enemies. Moreover, the merit of hiding in the Hall of Merit is not high, only 10,000 points a day. Those with more values ​​can be allocated a bit to others, so that those with insufficient merit can live out. "

"According to the current rules, a person really only needs 10,000 merit points a day. But the rules of the game in this space may not be changed. The first change of the rules of the game before is because someone has received tens of billions of merit points. Let the difficulty of the game be upgraded to one and a half stars. Now the mother emperor has changed. The difficulty of the game is automatically upgraded to almost the level of the two-star ruins. I guess the rules of the game may change again. By then, is it a day for a person? As long as the merit is worth 10,000 points, I ’m not sure. ”Guding ’s remarks were actually copied from the sea emperor. The sea emperor had raised such concerns before.

"Although there is such a possibility, but you are too unfounded, right?" Odin smiled disdainfully.

And this time. The insect tide came again, and everyone had to temporarily disperse.

After more than three hours. This wave of insects was finally wiped out.

Star is preparing to go to Guding again to discuss the matter of the Emperor Zerg, but the sky once again sounded the old man's voice.

"Tell everyone a little bad news. There have been some changes on the side of the Zerg Mother Emperor, which made the worms and babies it breeds, although the number is relatively small. But they are all of the median **** level. This also makes this site passive. Raised to the level of two stars. "

"Since the ruins have been promoted to the level of two stars, then I will open the access rights of the median god. Moreover, the star rating of the ruins will not decline in the future, and will always maintain the level of two stars. The process of upgrading the star will take about three days In these three days, there will be no outbreak of insects, everyone can do whatever they want. After three days, the entrance of the site will be open until the end of the game, but everyone can only enter, not out The maximum number of people the site can accommodate has also been increased from 10,000 to 50,000. "

"Of course, considering that many people may hide in the Hall of Merit or in the area covered by the square after this difficulty increase, so I will modify the rules of merit values ​​that enter the Hall of Merit and the square, and enter the merit on the first day. In the temple or the square, each person must pay 1 million merits. After that, the merit value required for each entry will double, two million the next day, four million the third day ... and so on. This rule, Effective three days later. "

"After three days, you still have to wait for 14 days before the site is closed. If you stay in the site, it will cost 8.192 billion merit points on the 14th day, and it will cost you from the first to the 14th day 163.83 billion merits, which is only the merit value one person needs to consume. If calculated in this way, only four people who can stay in the Hall of Merit for fourteen days are Guding, Big, Elsa, and Liliat. Only. "

"Old man, I have a question!" Guding suddenly said, "Does your doubling algorithm start automatically doubling directly after three days, or double according to the number of people entering the day? If I enter the first day, I did n’t enter the middle interval for a few days, and the next time I enter, will the double interval be doubled? "

"It is calculated according to the number of days the person enters," the old man's voice heard, "The number of days that did not enter is not doubled. If a person enters it on the first day, it costs one million credits, and there is no entry between the two days. , And enter it again on the fourth day, the merit value spent on the fourth day is only two million, not eight million. "

The old man's explanation made Guding slightly relieved, but the others' faces were not easy. The vast majority of the people present did not save one million merit points.

"Senior, I also have a problem." This time it was Star of the Liberty League. "If we just want to go to the Hall of Merit to exchange items for merit, only to go in for a few minutes, is it also deducted according to the merit value of the whole day?"

"As long as you enter the Hall of Merit or Plaza, the corresponding merit value will be automatically deducted, no matter how long you stay. But in turn, after the merit value is deducted, you can enter and leave within 24 hours. These two areas will not be deducted for merits for the second time. ”The old man ’s explanation made people feel a little helpless.“ If you do n’t want to be deducted for merits, you can take advantage of these three days to quickly advance all the things you want to change. Change it. If there are no other questions, I will say so much. I hope you can have fun in the next three days. "

After the old man's voice disappeared, a group of people and people from the Freedom Alliance flashed to Guding.

"Guding, we must do everything possible to get rid of the Queen Mother." It was Starr of the Liberal Union, who looked very serious.

"The way to hide in the Gongde Hall and the square is not working. I calculated it. If you want to hide for 14 days, it will cost billions of merit." Kas also nodded.

"But, will there be a median deity to join in? Should I be able to share a little pressure?" Guding also heard the rule change that the old man said. After three days, the site was promoted to two stars, and the median deity could enter as soon as possible.

"Things are not as simple as you think," Starr explained by shaking his head. "The large-scale auction of the Aur Astrology was opened three to five days after the ruins were closed. Because there are many items flowing from the ruins every time, the auction The auction site requires statistics and appraisal of the auction items. This process takes time. That is to say, the auction will not start until seventeen to nineteen days. "

"And this auction usually lasts for ten days. The first five days are all auctioned with one- or two-star fetish items. The three-star and above artifacts will only appear after the sixth day. And four stars The above artifacts are the finale of the last day. "

"Except for those of us who have entered the ruins ~ ~ No one will arrive in the Aur space too early. The central deity, at most, arrives two or three days before the auction of the Samsung deity, at that time The auction has been open for two or three days, and the ruins have been closed for a long time. As for the entire Aur constellation, perhaps only the federal government ’s Gatins is the median god. And he, as the official designation of the federal government, this The **** who opened the second relic will never enter this relic. Because the order he got from above is just to **** us in and out of the relic, no matter what happens in the relic, it is not his power. "

Several members of the company did not know much about this kind of thing, but Starr made a clear analysis. Obviously, he did a lot of homework before entering the ruins.

"We can only rely on ourselves now!" Stare glanced at everyone in front of him, including Guding, his tone was very firm.

"We have three super-explosion particle annihilation bombs, as long as the distance is enough, the power is enough to kill the empress and the Zerg leaders. The only question now is how can we bury the shells in the empress's hiding place. Fortunately, insect The tide stopped, and we have three days to consider this issue. "In fact, Guding's consideration from the beginning was to kill the empress, because shrinking was never his choice. And he already has the means to kill the empress, which shows that killing the empress is not an impossible thing, but only needs to find the right way. (To be continued ...)

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