The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 469: Liliat vs Minina

The loss of Huck has made Guding's points soar to more than 8 million, replacing the original 13th place of Huck in the points ranking. . 23u. Watch the latest and most complete novels

Found that Guding's points suddenly skyrocketed, and many people in the flame zone were a little panicked.

In fact, in addition to the people in the Flame Zone, there are also many strong players in other regions that noticed the change in the Guding Points. Many of these people have noticed the existence of Huck. Although they do n’t know how strong Huck is, they can easily judge by looking at his points jumped to the thirteenth place in a short time. His strength is at least among the top. And Huck ’s name disappeared from the rankings, and Guding replaced it. It ’s not difficult to imagine what happened just now.

Of course, not everyone has this kind of self-knowledge.

"That guy named Huck, I have n’t heard it. It seems that he did n’t even rank the demigod ’s list. He actually ranked 13th in the overall list. Gooding ’s luck is really good. In a district, these more than 7 million points are simply sent. If you change to me, I will be the first to plunder the guy. "It is a young man who ranks 800 points outside, he completely imagined No, Huck ’s true strength is not weaker than that of Gooding, but not everyone thinks so.

"Although that little guy named Huck looks like a little unknown character, but in less than half a day, he climbed to the thirteenth place in the leaderboard. It will definitely not be a simple thing. A hard-working person only The top powerhouses who climbed into the top 20 know what it means to be ranked 13th, which is definitely not possible by luck. With the passage of time, the level of the scoreboard will actually get closer and closer to this virtual Ranking of players in the world in combat strength.

For other people's concerns, Gooding ignored much. The matter of Huck bothered him a little. Stayed in place for a while before leaving, looking for his next goal.

In the Purple Thunder area at this time, Liliat was stared by some interested people. She is still ranked first in the points rankings, the total points have reached as high as 40 million, which makes her a bright goal. In the entire virtual world, the vast majority of powerful people are monitoring her movements. Many powerhouses in Zilei District found out that she was also in Zilei District. All rushed towards her location.

Not everyone is going to Liliat, some people just use Liliat as a bait, and their purpose is to rob others.

Some people arrived at the scene to see Liliat's strength and temporarily changed their mind. The target was transferred from the original Liliat to other people.

In a world of thunder, Lilia stood tall above the head of a purple electric thunder jellyfish. The purple electric thunder jelly had a length of several thousand meters, and it revealed that it was six or seven hundred meters from the ground. Belonging to this piece of thunder world, Samsung's extreme spiritual life. This is also the ultimate intensity that Liliat can control after performing pupil surgery.

In addition to the giant purple electric thunder jelly, Liliat also controlled more than ten red horned rhinoceros, all of which belonged to the two-star extreme gods. Each one is only hundreds of meters high, and the physical body is powerful. The human beings who are very divine in Samsung.

Such an army, most of the guys who want to deal with Liliat have decisively admitted after seeing it. It also includes several strong men who are not weaker than Liliat. It is not difficult for them to fight against a two-star or three-star extreme spirit virtual life, but they encounter a group. There is absolutely no chance of winning.

Liliat stood on the top of the purple electric thunderclap, bowing her head and gazing at everything. Suddenly, a black awn lifted from below and straightened himself, Liliat frowned, under his toes. The figure jumped, avoiding that attack. She was a little surprised that, under the protection of the herd, there were still people who dared to attack herself.

But her accident lasted only a moment, and she noticed a trace of murderous intention behind her. The killing intent was extremely weak, and the convergence was excellent. If Liliat hadn't dealt with some special Zerg, she would have no way to detect it.

At the first moment when he sensed the killing intention, Liliat jumped directly from the top of the purple electric thunder jelly without looking back. Before her figure fell to the ground, she heard a whine of the huge purple lightning thunderclap, and then her huge body fell to the ground.

Liliat also noticed that the purple lightning thunder jelly was killed by a blow through the brain. As the body of the purple lightning thunder jelly gradually disappeared, Liliat knew that this time he really met his opponent . Because even Elsa and Dorcot can't do a trick to kill this purple lightning thunder. This time's opponents, even if they are not as strong as Guding, should not be far behind.

After Liliat looked at the body of the Purple Electric Thunder Jiao, the direction of the murderous intention.

With the disintegration of the huge body, she finally saw her opponent's appearance.

It was a girl who looked younger than her age. She had short black hair and bright black eyes. The slightly curved long eyelashes were obviously born. On that thin face, the expression was cold and cold.

The girl was holding a black dagger in each hand. The two daggers did not look like a product of this era. They were staring at Lilyat coldly at the moment.

"Who are you? Why attack me?" Liliat was puzzled. She didn't know where the other party came from. Before entering the game, she carefully checked the information of all the people on the demigods list. On that list, there were less than ten people who could pose a threat to herself. The girl in front of her is obviously not one of those people. .

"Her name is Minina, and the strongest combat strength she is currently showing is the four-star extreme spirit, and the slaughter speed is not slower than that of Futu. The reason why the points are not ranked high is because she distributed the points to others. I also I do n’t know what she came from, and I could n’t find any information about her on Skynet. ”The voice of the sea emperor clearly passed into Liliat ’s ear. By."

Liliat finished listening, frowning slightly, and she didn't expect to encounter such a tricky guy so quickly. She thought that in this virtual world, only Fudou could compete with Guding, but she didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary little girl had such strength. Originally, she planned to test the strength of her opponent first, but after hearing the words from the sea emperor, she knew that there was no need to test.

Minnea also did not intend to answer Liliat ’s question. Her figure was like a black shadow, and appeared in front of Liliat in a flash.

And Liliat's double pupils instantly became golden, and at the moment of seeing those eyes, Minina's movements suddenly stopped. She has been entered into the illusion by Lilia.

In the illusion, Minina ’s movements were not static. Her dagger directly penetrated Liliat ’s throat, and her figure appeared behind Liliat. She turned her head and watched Liliat's body slowly disintegrate in the air. Then she put away the dagger, and a few leaps left the place, not even checking her soaring points.

But not far away, she suddenly stopped, because in front of her was blocked by several purple lightning thunder jiao.

Minina has a moment of doubt in her heart, because this area is a five-star upper **** area. It stands to reason that there should not be a virtual life of extreme gods. But she quickly put this doubt behind her, because Liliat had also controlled a purple electric thunder jelly, and it was possible that Liliat had brought this area before.

In one thought, her two-handed dagger reappeared, her figure jumped up, and appeared behind two giant beasts. The two daggers brought up two black awns, cutting off the heads of the two giant beasts.

The rest of the Purple Electric Thunder Jiao immediately launched an attack on Minina, and opened her mouth with numerous purple arcs.

Minina evaded all attacks by just stepping out, and then she turned on the Holocaust mode, where two daggers became the blades of death, continually harvesting the lives of these giant beasts. In less than half a minute, all eight monsters were slaughtered.

When the last purple lightning thunder fell down and disappeared into fragments, Minina Anna frowned a little at the next scene she saw. The number of eight purple lightning thunderbirds stopped in front has doubled to sixteen.

After spending a lot of effort to kill them all, the number of purple electric thunder jelly doubled again and became thirty-two. She suddenly realized that she might have been hit by Liliat's illusion. But in the face of the soul strength completely crushing his opponent, if you want to break the illusion, you only have to boil the opponent's soul power completely, there is no other way. She can only continue to slaughter, anyway, this illusion does not consume her much, and these three Samsung extreme virtual creatures pose little threat to her, as long as they are not hit.

But after several rounds of killings, Minina has become more and more headache, because the number of purple electric lightning larvae is increasing. Covering all the areas where she can dodge makes her extremely embarrassed.

After failing to dodge, she was struck by an electric arc, and her body was numb, and the dodge was interrupted. Several purple lightning thunderbirds also noticed this, and quickly sprayed more arcs to strike. Seven or eight arcs fell on Minina at the same time, causing her body to start to disintegrate.

At this time, Liliat's illusion was finally lifted. Looking at Minina, who began to disintegrate, she quickly walked over, "What the **** are you?"

"You are strong ... see you next time!"

When Liliat heard a voice behind her, she immediately turned her head to see that Minina ’s figure behind her quickly faded away, and the disintegrating body in front of her became a slap. White rag doll.

"What a great stand-in technique, even I have been deceived. This must be a true magic skill." The voice of the sea emperor also rang in Liliat's ear.

Liliat picked up the doll, a thoughtful look. (To be continued ...)

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