The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 480: New member-Scarlet

If the battle between Bufo and Carrot renders the competition of power to the extreme, then the battle of Guding and Scarlet is another route to take. The contest between them includes many factors such as strength, speed, moves, martial arts, etc. Comprehensive competition.

The two did not know how many times they collided in the void, and everyone only saw two phantoms, which flickered constantly in the void, and the roar of an impact continued to sound with a very high frequency.

Even Lilyat and they did not completely capture all the movements of the two of them.

It's not that if you don't catch it, it means they are worse than Crimson. Because there are many factors that affect the battle, they cannot be seen, and it does not mean that the body cannot keep up. Powerful people like Liliat and others have become instincts. They only need to judge the opponent's movements to respond correctly, and they don't necessarily have to see the opponent's movements.

The same is true for Guding and Crimson. They do n’t need to use their eyes to capture each other ’s movements. They only need to determine the exact position of the opponent through the distance, sound, light and shadow, etc. Moves to respond accordingly.

The collision between the two continued until the end of the battle between Bufo and Carrot, and it seemed that they could not separate the results.

The onlookers were also a bit surprised by the strength of Scarlet, because in addition to the top ten strong players in the rankings, many other strong players have already fought with Guding, and almost no one has reached the second move. The battle between Crimson and Guding has lasted for more than half an hour. The two have collided head-on thousands of times, and Crimson has not fallen, which is enough to illustrate the power of Crimson.

Hearing the roar on the other side completely quieted, Crimson knew that the battle between Bufo and Carlot should have ended, he suddenly withdrew from the battle circle with Guding. Guding did not continue to pursue.

"The battle between those two guys is over. Let's stop warming up." Crimson stood proudly not far from Guding. His snow-like white hair was windless and automatic.

Hearing Crimson, many onlookers were speechless. The two played for more than half an hour, and the movements were so fast that they could not be caught by the naked eye, but were they just warming up?

"Okay, if you lose, you will fulfill your commitment and become a member of our team." Guding grinned, and seemed to have decided on the other side.

The spectator who didn't quite understand what the two had agreed, only finally understood at this time that it was a gambling battle. If Crimson loses. Just join the Guding Pirates. Many people were shocked. The other members of the Guding team were already scary enough. Coupled with a scary battle and potential, the Guding pirate group would only become more powerful.

Among the spectators, there were also several members of the federal government. After hearing Gooding, their faces became bitter.

"If you lose, don't bother me in the future to join your pirate regiment. And I need you to help me arrange a battle with Big." Although Crimson knows that Guding's overall strength is stronger than himself, it is really in actual combat . The winner may not necessarily be stronger.

"No problem." Guding agreed readily.

Hearing Guding's reply, Crimson's palm shot, and the black sword took off directly, hovering in front of him, with the tip of the sword facing downwards, and slowly and automatically rotating around the point of the blade.

Crimson above the head. A projection slowly formed. It was a black robe man sitting on a throne forged with a black long sword. He held a golden long sword upside down in his hand. One part is inserted on the ground projected by the void.

"This is the emperor's projection!" Among the crowd watching the battle. Someone exclaimed.

Guding looked up at the projection and whispered in his mouth, "It seems to be different from the last emperor projection."

"Don't take it lightly. The last time his emperor projection was projected with the aid of a sword. This time, it was completely projected by himself, plus his own strength has also become a lot stronger, and the power is quite different." The sea emperor warned in Guding's ear.

"I know."

Guding secretly communicated with the sea emperor and glanced at the direction of Futu, and he soon made a decision.

Two palms stretched out, and a five-colored flame spewed out of the palm, quickly covering Gu Ding's whole body, "Feng Tian" finally opened with all his strength.

Every cell of Guding's entire human body has undergone a strange transformation into a humanoid creature composed entirely of flames.

This kind of state of Gooding, except for the members of the same team, has seen it for the first time, and almost everyone looked at this scene with surprise.

Some people also have doubts in their hearts, because the elementalization in front of the strong men of the same level actually has little effect on the battle situation.

In fact, elementalization of this ability is linked to the strength of the divine source, and the more evil people, the less they use it. Because the increase of the strength of the Divine Source must rely on the accumulation of the ranks, and the evil spirits are all strong players in the overstep battle, and their Divine Source is to a certain extent delayed.

However, some people who believe in Guding's strength do not think that Guding will do useless work. They were all looking forward to seeing what Guding would do next.

Guding's slender ten-handed fingers also began to produce strange handprints quickly, and the movement of the handprints was extremely smooth and rapid. No one would think that he was actually using this trick for the second time this time.

But within three or two seconds, the mark was formed in the void. The **** source in Guding's body poured into the mark madly, and it didn't stop until his **** source consumed more than half.

That mark suddenly undulated a ripple, but the ripple did not cause any substantial damage. But after the ripples oscillated, the sky quickly gloomed, and a strong sense of oppression passed down from the sky, making everyone feel a little uncomfortable.

Crimson looked up into the sky, and the vision of the world caused by Guding was indeed very interesting. He couldn't predict what would happen next.

Brows were slightly frowning, and he saw that there was no movement for a long time, and he was too lazy to wait any longer. His right hand extended and his **** pointed at Guding. The black sword in front of him finally moved, and instead of blasting out, he plunged deep into the ground.

When the black sword touched the ground, the whole piece of ground instantly cracked. Countless black sword lights burst from the ground and hit Guding directly. The number was at least millions, forming a sword light. ocean.

"Sha Yu Jianbu!"

Everyone vaguely heard that at the time of this outburst, Crimson's mouth softly spit out these four words.

All of a sudden, Gu Ding was surrounded by swords, and there was no possibility of dodge.

Just when everyone thought that Guding was about to lose, a breath of terror spread from the ground beneath them. Suddenly, a giant claw of fire appeared on the battlefield of Guding and Crimson without any warning, tearing the black sea of ​​sword light to the point of annihilation. But the giant hand did not disappear immediately, but slapped fiercely towards Crimson.

Crimson wanted to draw a sword to stop, but even under the blessing of the emperor's projection, his sword light that could destroy the five-star extreme **** was smashed directly by the giant hand, and then slapped Off myself.

With just one blow, the pale color almost exploded, and his figure flew out, crashing countless interceptors.

The emperor's projection above the scarlet color also dissipated automatically because the scarlet color was hit hard. Gooding knew that Crimson had completely lost its fighting power, he also automatically dispersed the flame claws, and the flame body also changed back to its original human form.

Hundreds of kilometers away, Crimson managed to climb out of a collapsing iceberg, took a few bottles of medicine, and drove towards the battlefield just now.

A few minutes later, he finally arrived at the scene and walked in front of Guding. "I lost ... the trick you just used, what is it called?"

"Fen Tian Yin!" Guding grinned.

"Burning Heavenly Seal, a very strong move, even after I summoned the Emperor's projection to bless the combat power, I can directly crush me." Crimson is a complete memory of Guding's move.

"Then ... the matter of joining the pirate group?" Gooding frowned at the scarlet color ~ ~ I was waiting for you at Sword Star and came to pick me up as soon as possible. "Crimson gave his location readily.

Everyone heard it, and was envious. The Guding Pirates recruited a strong member.

After chatting with Crimson, Guding looked at the time, and it was less than six hours before the end of the virtual world game. He looked towards the crowd and asked, "Is there anyone else to challenge?"

Two or three minutes passed, and no one responded.

"It seems that there is no one else." Budu walked slowly towards the direction of Gooding. "Since that is the case, you and I will come to the last battle!"


[At more than 11 o’clock last night, I heard a woman humming, and the rhythm of the white woman ghost in the ghost film is like the voice of the newly moved neighbor ’s TV. . Nima, in the big night, dare to watch some normal movies. ] (Unfinished to be continued ...) ()

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