The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 483: Mutation rises sharply! Gooding out?

The battle between Guding and Futu suddenly evolved into a battle between the real dragon and the emperor.

Seeing the emperor Zipao leaping, the real dragon was not at all weak.

The true dragon, and even the best among the ancient gods and beasts, has been cultivated to the extreme, and can even detach from the true god.

The true fire dragon called by Guding is naturally not a real true dragon, but is only a special effect of the practice method, which is formed by pulling a breath of true dragon.

The emperor realized a martial art conception to the ultimate powerful existence, and at least possessed the peak fighting power among the true gods. Because of this, once a powerful person who understands the same martial art conception appears to have an extremely remarkable existence, there will be a certain chance to trigger the mark left by the emperor.

The so-called emperor projection is actually just a virtual image formed by the warrior by visualizing the emperor's seal. It is only because of the seal that the virtual image can increase the warrior's combat power and play some auxiliary functions. Because it is only a virtual shadow projected, and only plays an auxiliary role, the strength of the emperor's projection is usually affected by the warrior's own combat power.

Of course, the origin of the Emperor's projection is unknown to many people, including Gooding and the Sea Emperor. The Sea Emperor's authority is not enough to view the corresponding information.

Although the battle between the real dragon and the emperor in the void is quite different from the battle between the real dragon and the emperor, it is not a hierarchical battle at all. However, due to the fact that the fighting power of Guding and Futu is already very powerful, the battle effect between the two is also terrifying.

Many people have some doubts that if they are given enough time, they may be able to dismantle the virtual world.

Because each impact will cause the entire virtual world to tremble.

The aftermath generated by each impact is like a tide of extinction, and the crowd watching is like a canoe in a giant tide. Some spectators who were not strong enough were directly eliminated by the aftermath.

If Mike is not protected by Liliat, I am afraid that he will be sent out of the game as early as the first wave of impact.

You know, what is left in this virtual world today is not a simple existence. Those who can survive to the present are extremely powerful beings among evil spirits.

The vast majority of people retreated tens of thousands of kilometers away. Although they wanted to watch the battle, they had no energy ban. Joining the past to watch the battle is an act of death.

Even Liliat pushed them hundreds of kilometers away. They also completely gave up watching the game. Anyway, the entire process will be recorded by the sea emperor. They don't need to spend their lives watching the game.

Of course, there are a few guys who are not afraid of death and still haven't evacuated, including the girl named Minina.

Guding and Budu naturally will not care about the existence of spectators, and they have no time to ignore. The source of the gods in the body is constantly moving towards the two giant monsters in the void. Each impact of the two giant beasts is a huge consumption.

But two. No one is willing to admit defeat, frantically consuming the source energy spar in their storage space, supplementing themselves with energy.

Under the roar of the real dragon, the giant claws slammed towards the Emperor Zipao time and time again, drawing countless large trenches on the ground with no visible bottom. The ravines criss-cross and crisscross, and the length can hardly be seen from the side. I am afraid that every track has at least tens of thousands of kilometers.

The Emperor Zipao burst into bursts again and again, with purple fingers passing one after another, like a sharp swordmand, wherever he passed, nothing was broken. The iceberg collapsed. The volcano collapsed, the boulders shattered, and even the wind and thunder collapsed directly under the finger.

This battle lasted more than an hour.

"Haha, happy!" Futu suddenly laughed, "Guding. You and I will continue to fight like this, and there will be no result. It's just that the source of energy can be consumed before anyone."

"You mean ... you want to play bigger?" Guding probably guessed the other party's idea, but he also had the idea.

"Yes. It's just some moves, once used. I can't take it myself, and I might get you out of the game. If you don't want it, then we'll be a tie." Bu Tu's words not only failed to stop Guding, on the contrary, made Guding's fighting intention more aloof.

"A real battle is only a matter of victory or defeat, and a draw is not a result at all." Guding frowned, "What's more, no matter what kind of battle is eliminated, it will never be me."

"It seems that you are the same kind of person as me." Futu sighed, "Then come!"

Bu Tu Tu said nothing, and innumerably pinched out numerous intricate seals.

Under his feet, a golden pattern slowly gathered, and a breeze swelled in the pattern, lifting his hat that had never been lifted, revealing his determined face.

Minina, they saw it clearly. On the forehead of Futu, a black weblike pattern of countless black chains emerged. After a long time, the black chain seemed to be exposed to high temperature and began to dissolve quickly, until finally, it disappeared invisible.

On the forehead of Futu, a golden peculiar mark appeared slowly. At the same time, a phantom was slowly condensed on the top of Butou's head. The phantom gradually solidified before people could see clearly. It turned out to be a golden eyeball.

At the moment when the eyeball appeared, the emperor projection originally summoned by Futu dissipated invisible.

On the other side, Guding slowly closed his eyes.

He was immersed in his mind, wandering in his soul space, looking for the breath of the demon face before, and soon, he appeared before a black door.

The whole door is made of ferrous metal, revealing a strange sense of coldness, but it gives Guding a familiar feeling. The door is carved with strange characters, large and small, square and round, and the arrangement angle is also different. The lines on the door frame are like countless fine chains, and they are like strange ciphertexts from another world, revealing a strange taste.

Just as Guding was about to reach out and touch, he suddenly heard a barking dog.

He looked down, not knowing when, a half-large black puppy appeared at his feet, and he was shaking his tail desperately towards himself.

Although Gu Ding was a little surprised, why there was a puppy in his soul space, but he still bent down and touched the puppy's head.

Almost at the same time as he touched the puppy, the puppy transformed into a black energy and quickly penetrated into Guding's body.

In the next moment, Gu Ding found himself out of the soul space. The fire dragon that he had originally summoned has also disappeared, replaced by the huge demon face above his head.

The black magic face, except for a pair of blood-red eyes, almost made people see nothing. But the various strange patterns twisted on the demon's face made people clearly feel the cruelty of that face.

Guding also temporarily put his doubts behind his head, because he and the real battle with Futu has begun.

The golden eyeball above the top of Futu's head suddenly shrank, and countless golden lights appeared out of thin air, pouring down like crazy rain in the direction of Guding. This tremendous energy tears the sky above the virtual world of Butou into a gap, and the entire virtual world presents a sign of impending collapse.

At the same time, the magic face above Guding's head also reacted. It opened its big mouth directly, and a crazy attraction came from that big mouth. The attraction is so powerful that it tears the nearby ground and sky into a deep gully, and the countless to golden streamers are all swallowed into it by the giant mouth.

After suppressing the opponent with a single blow, Mofang made a direct counterattack. Mysterious lines circulate on the two **** pupils. Before waiting for the golden eyeball to react, black chains appeared around the golden eyeball out of thin air, winding toward it in circles.

Numerous mysterious patterns on the golden eyeballs frantically moved, and a golden awn suddenly burst out from the inside, which completely torn the black chains completely and relieved the crisis. But after this blow, the color of the golden eyeballs was significantly dimmed.

The black magic face opened his mouth again. A black energy sphere quickly condensed and formed in front of the big mouth. After a while, the sphere exploded and a terrifying black shock wave jetted directly towards the golden eyeball.

There was also a golden shock wave rushing towards the black shock wave between the golden eyes.

But the strength of the two shock waves can be seen at a glance, because the black shock wave is almost like a broken bamboo rolling over the golden shock wave in just over two seconds. The golden shock wave was completely swallowed. And the golden eyeballs radiated a golden light, supporting them hard.

But the golden film was quickly consumed, and the golden eyeball made a terrible cry under the attack of the black shock wave. Before the shock wave attacks, it will automatically disintegrate and dissipate.

at the same time. The atmosphere of Futu also languished completely, and his entire body was completely collapsed, even standing still barely supporting.

Devil's face wanted to continue to attack, but was stopped by Guding, and then slowly dissipated under Guding's control. Not even Guding himself thought that this magic face was so easy to control.

These few attacks also almost emptied all the gods inside Guding. Guding saw the Futu Station a little bit unstable, and did not take into account his own situation. A bottle of Shenyuan Restorative was handed over, "Are you all right?"

Budu took the potion, but the expression on his face was a little weird. "My eyeball is the blood power left over by the one-eyed family in the ancient times. Face, what is the origin? "

"I don't know, it seems to have been born." Guding shook his head helplessly.

"I lost, and the points will be transferred to you." Futu said, bringing up the page for confessing.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared behind Futu. Before Guding had time to react, he saw a black dagger penetrate through Futu's chest.

Almost at the same time, Guding only felt a strong sense of crisis behind him. He wanted to turn around, but it was too late. A cold sensation came from the back, and then Guding saw the blade of a long knife pierce his heart.

Guding and Budu fell almost at the same time, and on the scoreboard, the names of Guding and Budu, which were originally ranked first and second, also disappeared directly. Instead, it was Scall, who was originally ranked tenth, and Minina, who was ranked eighth. ()

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