The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 491: The headquarters of the federal government

After Salamon led Guding to the teleportation circle, he did not immediately open the teleportation circle, but said, "The Diablo family, like the Abyss, belongs to the remnants from hell. () This race can stabilize the position of the first-class group. , Because they are particularly good at using various dark curses and toxins in addition to their amazing fighting power. The attack method is very strange and makes people unpredictable. This should reach you at the headquarters of the federal government, they should also tell you, but do n’t take it wrong. Things. As far as I know, the probability of human death is as high as 85% for humans and dark tribes with the same combat strength, because most human strongmen do not care about this. "

"Got it, Uncle Saramon, thanks for the reminder." For the goodwill reminder of the other party, Guding thanked his white teeth with a grin, though he felt a little surprised.

Saramon started the teleportation team and sent Guding away.

"Guding, do you know this guy named Salamon?" Liliat couldn't help asking in the bubble wrapped in the teleportation array.

"I don't know." Guding shook his head very simply.

"I also find it strange that as a senior member of the federal government, why did he tell us the specifics of the site first, and then tell us the situation of the Diablo family. Shouldn't the federal government and our interstellar pirates be in opposition?" Dorcot I don't understand.

"You don't have to know Goodinge, it may be that you know Goodinge's elders." Mi Ke felt that the problem was not difficult to explain.

"My elders ... it's possible, the same thing as the Bath before." Gooding thought for a while with his chin. "But I don't know who my biological parents are. I don't even know what the identity of the father who raised me ..."

"About your dad, should you have a record of his appearance? Can't the sea emperor find out based on his appearance?" Liliat couldn't help asking.

"Checked, there is no record. I will be checked by Guding every time I upgrade the authority, but I can't find anything every time. It seems that there is no such person at all." The Haihuang was also helpless.

After this topic, everyone fell silent.

Until a few hours later, the people's eyes lit up again, and Guding finally arrived at the headquarters of the federal government.

Originally thought that the guards near the teleportation array would be very strict, Guding they looked around. There are still only two guards.

"The star territory of the federal government headquarters has a large number of strong people. No one dares to come here at all. In fact, it doesn't matter if there is a guard." The words of the sea emperor lifted Guding's doubts.

One of the two guards just glanced at Guding and said directly, "Come with me!"

Guding did not say yes, they just followed.

The guard took them directly to a hall in a nearby building, "This hall is where you meet at 9 am the day after tomorrow, you can move around at other times. The only requirement is not to cause trouble, let alone You can register in Building No. 13 for two days. After the registration, you can enjoy free accommodation and food. If you do not want to live here, you can go to the hotel yourself, but we will not reimburse the cost. If there are no other questions, I will go back to guard. "

"It's okay, you go." Guding shook his head, and the guard turned and left.

Guding they looked at the hall. In addition to his own group, empty.

"No one here. Let's go and find a hotel to stay first."

"People fell asleep on the sofa over there!" The sea emperor reminded. "But it is not any of our 1,000 places. It may just be the staff here. It looks like they are old."

Gooding felt a little strange, he didn't notice any breath. Immediately walking towards the place where the sofa was, Lilyat and they all came around.

On the sofa, curled up asleep, it was a handful of old men, looking thin and thin, and less than one and a half meters tall. The clothes he wears are also a little larger than the military uniform. It was completely unfit, and I didn't know where he picked it from.

Looking at a set of cleaning tools placed in the corner of the sofa not far away, Guding guessed that the old man should be a cleaner working here, and looked at a strange look.

Concealed in his heart, he grabbed a source stone from the storage space and stuffed it into the jacket pocket on the left side of the old man. After placing the source stone, just as soon as he was ready to pull his hand out, he was clamped on his wrist with a lean palm.

The old man opened his eyes with a bad face and turned around. "After taking a nap, I didn't expect that I was caught by the thief."

"Hey, old man, you don't make sense. We look at you pitifully and kindly stuffed the source stone into your pocket. You even framed us ?!" Liliat suddenly felt angry.

"Lily." Gooding shook her head at her and told her to stop talking. "Old man, since you are awake, then we will leave."

"That won't work! I have to see if I have anything missing." The old man grabbed Guding's wrist and refused to let go.

Guding was afraid of hurting the other party, and did not break free.

The Legend of Fighting Ancestors

The old man sat up, put another hand into his pocket, pulled out a source stone, and then carefully counted, "1,2,3 ... 21,22."

After counting it again, he counted it a second time, and the speed of the count was particularly slow, which made Liliat's teeth tickle. When the old man was about to count the third time, Liliat couldn't help but finally, "Old man, do you have endless? Counting over and over again! Is it too much to think that we are short?"

"This number is wrong. I obviously have twenty-five, but now there are only twenty-two in two counts. You must have stolen three!" The old man shouted at Liliat.

Liliat's fists squeaked and cracked. If it wasn't for seeing that the other person was just an ordinary old man, I'm afraid she would have slapped the other person for a long time. "You old man, don't blink when you lie. Believe it or not, I will beat you!"

The old man lifted his eyelids, looked at Liliat from top to bottom, and then turned his face to the side.

"The soul is weak, the old lady is going to pinch you !!!" Liliat finally ran away completely.

Elsa and Dorcott saw Liliat's appearance, and quickly pulled her, fearing that she would accidentally kill the old man. But Liliat waved her fist towards the old man from across the air, with a pair of open teeth and claws.

Gooding aside, he knew that if the old man continued to stimulate Liliat, it was estimated that something bad would happen. But the other party is just an ordinary poor old man who can only helplessly say, "Boss, we didn't take your source stone, but if you still lack three, I can supply you with three."

Gooding said that he took out three more source stones and handed them to the old man.

The old man glanced at Gu Ding and quickly grabbed the three source stones in Gu Ding's hand, "Since you know that you are wrong, return all the source stones to me. You are all well. You can go, do n’t disturb the old man and I will continue to sleep. "

"Let's go." Gooding waved.

Elsa and Dorcot walked towards the door with Liliat.

The old man saw Liliat walked to the door, shook the source stone in her hand, and then showed a victory sign with a smug smile on her face.

"Dead old man, you remember it for me, grandma, I will never let you go!" Liliat, who was stimulated again, shouted loudly.

After leaving the federal government's station, Guding and the sea emperor ordered them to find a hotel and ask for a suite.

Without Robert's time accelerating field, one or two days was not enough for Guding to cultivate, so he didn't enter the cultivation state anymore, but went shopping instead. Invading married wife

According to what Saramon said before, it is necessary to buy some purification and detoxification agents. Although Guding can't use the purification agent himself, everyone can use it.

Under the guidance of the sea emperor, Guding quickly came to the pharmacy procurement area and purchased hundreds of bottles of purification and detoxification remedies, as well as a large number of Shenyuan supplements.

Two days passed quickly, and during these two days, Gu Ding, although they did not practice, completely adjusted their body to the fighting state.

Early on the third day, Gooding had breakfast in advance and arrived at the previous conference hall.

At half past eight in the morning, more than 500 people had gathered in the conference hall, and Guding also saw many acquaintances.

Crimson was found in a corner, Guding and they walked together.

"It turns out that you also have such a cold expression in reality." Guding quipped.

"Whether it is a virtual world or the God of War arena, the appearance of people is a 100% simulation." Scarlet explained very carefully.

When he spoke like this, Guding didn't know how to talk.

However, Carrot just came together, "Why, crimson, you are now officially a member of the Guding Pirates?"

"Want to lose the game ~ ~ Scarlet's answer is also very simple.

"Then you have become the target of my pursuit." After Carlot dropped this sentence, he took a deep look at Guding and turned to leave.

Gooding also felt that there were many eyes on the crowd, two of which were particularly hot, one from Minina and the other from Huck.

Minina looked away from Guding's gaze after she found Guding's look back.

Huck kept staring at Guding, as if he could not see anyone else in this hall. He was hiding in a corner, his body curled up slightly, his mouth still muttering something.

As time passed, there were more and more people in the hall, and the time soon reached nine o'clock. Of the original 1,000 places, 997 people arrived at the scene, and three of them did not know why they did not appear for any reason.

On the side of the federal government, a middle-aged man in a black uniform finally pushed the door in and went straight to the high platform of the conference hall. (To be continued ...) ()

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