The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 496: 3 bad news

Among the bubbles, Guding only felt that there was nothing in front of him, and he could not see anything at all. He could only feel that the bubbles were running fast.

I don't know how long after that, Guding felt his body fall, and his feet finally touched the ground. His eyes didn't return to normal until now.

Looking around, Guding found no one, and the scope of his soul power exploration was also extremely limited, with a radius of only about one kilometer. Within a kilometer of the radius, Guding did not detect the existence of any living creatures. He quickly asked, "Is the sea emperor here?"

"Of course I am, where else can I go?" The sea emperor was busy scanning the information of this continent and searching for the location of other members. He heard Guding's inquiry, and he just responded casually.

"Although you don't know what's going on here, you should first guide Mi Ke to find a safe place to hide. I will rush to his place first and then go find other people." Guding's most worried Mike, because his strength is the weakest among the thousand people who entered, and in this strange environment, his self-protection ability is also the worst.

As for Liliat, Guding is not very worried, after all, they are only weaker than their own strength. Even if you meet a strong man of your own level, you can escape if you can't beat it, and it's not easy to get killed by a blow. And among the people who came in this time in the human camp, apart from themselves, only Ordas and Boye were able to suppress Lilyat in terms of strength. Presumably, no more than five such powerful members of the Diablo family, Lily's chances of encountering them should be small.

After a moment, the sea emperor finally said, "I'm already instructing Michael to hide in a cave. In addition, I also found some information about this area. This area is very large. There are almost 300. The surface area of ​​the Sea Blue Star adds up so much. "

"More than three hundred sea blue stars ?!" Guding frowned slightly after listening. Although the sea blue star is a medium to small planet, the sea blue star is three hundred times the size. It takes a long time to travel around.

"There are a few bad news, I will notify you at the same time. I will also inform Liliat them." The sea emperor continued.

"The first bad news, Michael is very far from your location, about 5 million kilometers. The other person in the team is Elsa, which is about 300,000 kilometers, but her The direction is the same as the direction of Mickey. You can join Mickey before you look for Mickey. Liliat and Dorcot are in the other direction. I have also informed them to converge in the direction of Mickey as soon as possible. The closest to Mike is crimson, and there are more than 2 million kilometers. I have let him drive towards Mike first. "

"The second bad news, on this site, in addition to your humans and the Dark Clan, there are two very evil species. One is Wraith and the other is Gorefiend. The ancient ruins. Abnormal life is actually what I expected, but I did not expect that there will be so many. And the strength is so powerful. "

"Wraith and blood demon? Can you explain in detail?" Guding frowned. He had heard of them. Both of them seemed to be abyssal creatures, but the specific Guding was not very clear.

"Before the death of a living body, if there is huge hatred or grievance unforgettable, it will condense resentment after death. If the amount of resentment is not large. It will slowly dissipate as time passes. But if There is a lot of resentment, and they will affect some of the surrounding souls, and then slowly dip it into a resentful spirit. The longer they are infected, the stronger the resentment's strength. "

"And such things as wraiths. They are also extremely evil. They can possess the bodies of various living bodies and break into the soul space to devour the souls of the possessed. The more souls they devour, the stronger they will become. And The body that swallowed the soul by them will also be controlled by them. They can even read the memory in the soul, pretend to be human, and mix into the crowd to kill more humans and hunt more human souls. "

"As for blood fiends, they are also extremely evil life forms. They are life forms condensed from a large amount of blood. They usually appear after the deaths of more than one million people. If the blood and corpses flowing on the battlefield If you do n’t clean it in time, as time goes by, the dead breath of those corpses will fuse with the blood, and the blood devil will be bred from the soil. The more blood, the higher the level of the dead, and the stronger the blood demon . This ancient battlefield died of the strong, and the blood demon gathered is extremely terrifying. "

"Blood Demon is a very special life form. They have no fixed form and appear completely in liquid state. This also makes many physical attacks ineffective for them. If a person who does not understand the martial arts concept is entangled, it is basically dead. The blood devil's favorite is to draw the vitality and blood of the living body. They can **** an equally cultivated living body into a corpse in just a few seconds. Their attack method is also very special, which is divided into many The tentacles of blood, the number and shape of the tentacles will change at any time, making people unpredictable. "

After listening to the introduction of the sea emperor, Gu Ding couldn't help but ask, "How are the strengths of these guys? Are there more than the extreme gods?"

"Yes, in those wraiths, I can judge from the fluctuation of the soul. There are many half-step true **** levels, at least hundreds. As for the blood fiends, they all condensed into a sea of ​​blood, and I ca n’t judge the individual strength. How about it, but in theory, it should not be weaker than those who complain. "

"Should I avoid it in advance?" Guding then asked.

"It's not a big problem. These guys are all in the central area of ​​this site, far away from us. Wraiths are a kind of crazy life without reason. According to the current situation where wraiths are floating randomly, they should not know yet. , There are already living bodies entering this area. If they know, they must enter the crazy attack mode directly. As for the blood fiends, they are currently sleeping, as long as they do not make a particularly loud noise, they should not be disturbed by them. . "

The interpretation of the Sea Emperor finally made Guding a little more relieved. Guding was not worried about himself, but Michael and Lily. If they were contaminated with this special life form, it would be very troublesome for them.

On the other side, Liliat also received notification of the two bad news from the sea emperor. Liliat and Elsa also frowned.

Liliat will be weaker in dealing with blood demon, because she is not very good at melee, and she has not realized the martial art conception at all.

Elsa is not willing to encounter wraiths, because her soul strength is relatively weak, and she has not practiced soul attacking methods to deal with wraiths, only a little soul defense. But in front of wraiths, those simple defenses are not expected to have much effect.

As for Mike, both are unwilling to encounter. Once encountered, it may be the result of an instantaneous fall. However, he still seemed calm because the sea emperor told him that his current situation was safe and he trusted his partner. He also knew that the only thing he had to do was to find the cave and hide in accordance with the instructions of the sea emperor. Waiting for Crimson and Guding to arrive.

On the way of Guding and their respective rush, another place is happening in one of the sites.

In fact, Kabri has always been very happy that he was able to get this entry quota. When the points were ranked highest, he also opened a thousand. If several members of the Sanctuary of Ten Thousand Beasts were eliminated, it would be impossible for them to enter the site. Therefore, he felt that this was his luck, and he could not stop it.

After entering the site. At the first time, he saw a silver reflection in the distance, and he was very happy. He guessed it was his chance. The day when I was soaring was finally coming, and I rushed in that direction quickly.

At that silver reflective point, he looked at the reflective light source in front of him with some surprise. It was not a building in the site, but a huge bone. That bone is a whole hand bone, silvery all over. Under the illumination of light, dazzling white light is reflected, which is why Cabry is attracted.

"It's such a big hand!" Capri raised and sighed. The arm was thousands of meters high. The single finger at the top, which is hundreds of meters in length, looks extremely spectacular.

He couldn't help but reach out and touched it. The bone was huge, but it was not a metal touch, but gentle as jade. By touching Capri, he also felt that the bone seemed to hide extremely subtle energy fluctuations, which made him even more delighted.

"This is a good material for the refiner. Unfortunately, this hand is too big to be put in the storage space, but it is not a problem to put one finger." As he said, he climbed towards the arm and kept climbing To the top of the arm, a joint position of the finger. He took out a four-star fetish long knife and chopped towards that joint.

With the sound of "clang", the long knife was almost shaken off, and there was only a white mark on the joint that was difficult to detect with naked eyes. Kabri raised the knife and cut it again, "I don't believe it, but you continue to cut!"

After cutting three or four knives in succession, Capri suddenly felt a tremor beneath his feet, and there seemed to be a roar from the ground. "Is this an earthquake?"

He hadn't responded yet. The five fingers of the silver giant hand suddenly trembled twice, and he was suddenly inexplicable in his heart, "This hand ... came alive ?!"

His voice had just fallen, and the giant hand of UU reading suddenly clenched without any warning, and opened again. There was a touch of blood in the center of the silver giant's palm. The crushed meat.

After all, Capri didn't have time to escape, and was instantly squeezed into flesh, and he was also a physical practitioner, so he only dyed the scarlet skeleton skeleton.

After Cabry's death, the underground shock did not stop there, but became more and more intense. Until the end, a huge silver head suddenly burrowed out of the ground, and his black eyes without eyeballs looked at the palm of his right hand. Seeing the scarlet blood color in the palm, feeling the red penetration into his bones, then the right hand began to grow muscles at a speed visible to the naked eye. He opened his mouth in excitement and gave a roar towards the sky. Then he slowly crawled out of the ground.

After that loud roar, the ground within a tens of thousands of miles began to tremble, and a silver-white and patina-green skeleton slowly crawled out of the ground.

Witnessing the scene that happened just now, the emperor reluctantly spoke again, "Now I have to bring you the third bad news ..." (to be continued ...)

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