The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 635: Red eye ancient reproduction

The huge palm in the void is not condensed by the divine source, but a soul attack condensed by the power of the soul.

Normally, the soul attack should be invisible, but Celestine even condensed the soul attack into reality.

Celestine deliberately launched such a long-range attack, but also worried that Bartholomew still has a back hand.

And this powerful soul attack is fatal to Bartholomew and Gooding.

After Bartholomew used the seal just now, the power of the soul was almost completely exhausted and could not withstand tossing. The strength of Guding's soul is not even real God, and it has no resistance to the soul of the **** level.

The translucent palms formed by liquid condensation engulfed Guding and Bartholomew in an instant.

Almost instantly, Guding was in an unprecedented dilemma.

Although there is a pyramid guard in the soul space, Guding's soul strength is still too weak. After being drawn into that palm, he seems to be a canoe in a tsunami. The entire soul space began to tremble violently, and even began to crack.

Within the soul space, the black robe boy frowned slightly, "What is the deity doing? He had helped him solve a deadpool the day before yesterday, and now he has caused another god."

At his feet, a half-big black dog yelled at him again and seemed to be talking about something.

"Of course I know that the soul space is broken, and I will suffer together, but the deity is in trouble for three days, but I have to wipe it every time. This is very uncomfortable." The black robe boy hugged his chest, Looking at the crumbling soul space. After all, he shook his head helplessly, "I'm not a babysitter. If I still do this next time, I won't care about the deity's life and death."

As the words fell, the black-robed boy gradually dissipated from the soul space. And Guding's original crumbling soul space also began to heal itself at a terrifying speed.

In the real world, Guding has passed out long ago, and Bartholomew not far away is still struggling to support.

Guding in the coma suddenly opened his eyes, and those eyes were scarlet blood. At the same time, Guding's body also erupted with a terrifying breath of terror.

The release of that breath was almost instantly sensed by all the powerful people in the whole gravel world. It was a desperate breath. If death has wrapped around his neck, he may lose his life if he is not careful.

Those strong men, no matter how far apart they are, are almost at the same time. They all turned their gaze in the direction of Gu Ding, full of horror.

Bartholomew and Celestine, who are the closest to Gooding, naturally felt this terrifying breath. They also set their eyes on Gooding at the same time, and their hearts were full of doubts.

But seeing Guding suspended in the void, his body was like a vacuum area, directly isolating all the soul shocks. And Guding's eyes turned into a strange scarlet.

Gooding's eyes fell on Celestine, who looked like a ants.

"I knew you had solved it with the deadpool two days ago. It's really troublesome." Red Eyed Guding's tone was obviously impatient.

He stepped forward, and a black shadow rose from above his head, like a black smoke. The vicious claws grew in the void, and finally formed a huge terrible golem.

The height of the golem is millions of meters, almost touching the seal that wraps the world.

Bartholomew and Celestine were completely stunned.

"The third sequence of gods can almost barely be used as a snack." The red-eyed Guding mouth raised his lips and looked at Celestine with a smile.

His voice just fell. A horrible attraction came from the sky, and Celestine clearly felt the power of that attraction. Full of horror in his heart, he immediately tried his best to escape. But all his struggles were in vain. The figure continued to pull and flew towards the air.

His stubborn resistance only allowed him to be engulfed for less than five seconds, just like an arrow out of the string, engulfed by the giant mouth of the black monster.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." The huge chewing sound quickly passed to every corner of the whole gravel world, making people feel terrified.

Celestine's disappearance allowed his attack to dissipate automatically. Bartholomew, who had been in a state of confrontation, was standing at a loss, looking at Red Eyed Guding from afar. He knew very well that this guy was definitely not the Guding he knew before.

The chewing of the monster did not last long, but within ten seconds, the giant monster above Guding's head gradually dispersed.

The red-eyed Gooding turned to look at Bartholomew.

"I am Bartholomew, we are friends, don't you remember?" Bartholomew hurriedly said, the scene that happened in front of him just now made him worry about similar treatment.

"Don't tell the deity my existence, otherwise you know the consequences." Red-eyed Gooding dropped a threatening word, and the red eyes gradually faded away.

And just this one sentence made Bartholomew's back sweat permeate. He also watched the red in Guding's eyes recede, and fell to the ground.

"What the **** is this kid ?! There is such a horrible thing in the body." Bartholomew was not too dared to step forward to help Guding.

In Guding's soul space, the black-robed boy appeared again. He appeared before the door deep in the soul space, but his body was already translucent, and it seemed to be gradually disappearing. .

Squatted down, touched the head of the little black dog, and the black robe boy said, "Just to deal with that god, I used some source energy, and now I must return to my soul world. If the deity will meet again next time It ’s useless for you to scratch the door, because I ca n’t break the seal in a short time ~ ~ I can only hope that he will get less trouble later. "

After he finished speaking, he stood up and the black door opened automatically, and the teenager stepped in it. The black door quickly closed automatically, and the chain-like patterns on the door frame began to circulate again, closing the whole door again.

In the real world, Guding finally woke up and woke up. He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the ground, while Bartholomew was standing not far away, looking at himself strangely.

"What's going on?" Gudin asked, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head, turning his head to look at Bartholomew.

"It's nothing. You passed out." Bartholomew was sure. This is the ancient Gu that he knew.

"How about Celestine?" Guding looked around, and didn't see Celestine's trace. He asked suspiciously, "Did you use the secret technique to kill Uncle?"

Bartholomew listened for a moment, but then nodded, "Well, I have solved it with a special magical power." (To be continued)

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