The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 654: Itinerary change

Bigger's communicator was quickly connected.

"Ship ... Captain ..." Bigger's voice still sounded thick, and he was very happy at first when he received a call from Guding, but when he thought about Huck's things, he became somewhat supportive.

"Big, have you guys been okay in recent years?" Gooding was actually the most assured before entering the gate of purgatory, because he was honest and did not like to take the initiative to cause trouble.

"It's okay, but ..." Bigger didn't know how to tell Goodin about Huck.

"That's good, is there something wrong with Huck? The Sea Emperor has no way to locate his position, and this situation has lasted for three days." Guding asked himself.

Bigger didn't know how to answer this question for a long time, Tagore on the side jumped on his shoulder, "I'll say it!"

"Tagore, what the **** happened?" Gooding also heard Tagore's voice.

"Almost three months ago, we just entered the seabed restricted area shortly. Because we heard that there is a special ingredient on a planet, we stopped on that planet and looked for ingredients. Because there are so many stalls on that food street There are many, and everything is sold, and the amount of that kind of ingredients is very rare, so Huck and us will look for them separately. But we are less than half an hour apart, and I feel that Huck ’s breath suddenly disappeared. "

"After detecting the anomaly, Bigger and I rushed to the place where Huck last disappeared, but found no trace of Huck. In the following days, not only the planet, but also several nearby star fields. They were all turned over by us, and we still found nothing. In desperation, we had to leave, and before we left, took the surveillance equipment in the area where Huck disappeared. "

"That monitoring device is broken. But we found someone to restore the data and saw Huck being taken away ..."

"Is the identity of the gang found?" Gooding heard his brows tightly. At this point, Huck was obviously kidnapped. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to leave without saying a word.

"I found it. But it's a little trouble. Because the Huck took away, it is likely that the Daes family in the ancient times was the most powerful killer family in this plane. But this family suddenly disappeared in the ancient times. After that, there was no information to query, so our clues were broken here, and there was absolutely no way to tell where Huck was taken. "

Tagore finally told the whole story completely.

"Tagore, you asked Bigger to send me all the relevant information you have obtained, and I will re-analyze it." The sea emperor finally couldn't help it. "I will handle this matter for me, if there are other needs. I will contact you."

It didn't take long for the call to hang up, and Bige sent a bunch of materials to the sea emperor.

It took only a few seconds for the sea emperor to complete the finishing process, read the materials, and then project the video.

Gooding watched the video silently, and then raised his own question, "How do they tell that these people are members of the Days family? I didn't see any features at all."

"A cuff was reflected by a passerby's glasses, and this detail was also discovered by Bigger. The video repairer they were looking for was not easy." The sea emperor magnified the reflection in the passerby's glasses in the video. . Then the pattern was processed with clarity, that is a clear pattern. It looks a bit similar to the badge pattern of Fatt's family.

The pattern is the upper body of a man wearing a cloak, but there is no face under the cap of the cloak. The man had a coin in his left hand and a dagger in his right.

"I compared the database. This pattern is indeed the emblem of the Days family. However, I can't tell the authenticity of this cufflink before seeing the real thing. Now the technology of counterfeiting is too clever. If anyone sees it It is not impossible to imitate the same thing of the real armband. It is only possible to see the actual object and analyze the material to compare. So. At present, it is impossible to tell whether this group of people is really a member of the Days family, or just Disguised fakes. "

"No matter who took Huck, we have to rescue him." Listening to Gooding's tone, he obviously didn't care if the Duck family took Huck.

"This is for sure, but I think you need to understand this Days family first." The Emperor said, projecting the more complete information of the Days family that he compiled.

"The Days family is one of the earliest families in this plane, and in ancient times, they were one of the big giants. At that time, the human universe was far larger than it is now, and the territory occupied by the Days family It is dozens of times the size of the current human universe. The status is comparable to the current federal government, except that at that time there were five other families with the same voice, and the six major families jointly control the entire human power. "

"This family is the plane we are in, the pioneer of the killer profession. Since ancient times, other forces or individuals want to train killers. The first thing I thought of was to enter the Days family to learn. It can be said that this bit Almost all other killer organizations are branched from the Days family. "

"Later, with the rise of new species and the gradual degradation of human offspring's ability, the six major families and the entire human race began to decline slowly. But even so, there are still three families in the six major families that have continued until the ancient times, including Including the Days family. At that time, although the Days family was much weaker, it is still not comparable to any killer organization now. "

"Until the Daes family disappeared in the ancient times, their family was a sacred place in the killer world. And in the ancient times, the news that the Daes family disappeared overnight was also the most popular news of the year and was discussed by many people. Year. The reason why people are discussed is because the Days family disappeared too suddenly, with no signs at all. "

"After the disappearance of the Days family ~ ~ and the era when Huck was taken away, the family name completely disappeared from the sea of ​​the universe, as if it had never appeared. Even the federal government has no relevant records. "

"This is also the reason Tagore said before, the clues are broken, and there is no way to continue the investigation. Because in several eras, the recorded data about this family is completely zero." Guding immediately understood, Bigger they three months The biggest problem encountered.

"Yes, if you change to someone else, it is really unlikely to find more things. But I am super intelligent, I can do a lot of things that you humans ca n’t, just let me reach the one that Huck disappeared at the time. In the universe where the planet is located, I should be able to dig up more things. "The Emperor dare to say this obviously has certain certainty.

"Since this is the case, let's go directly to the planet where Huck disappeared. You inform Lily that they are several groups of people, all go to the planet where Huck disappeared, and let them converge there first." Guding immediately changed the itinerary because For now, rescue Huck is the top priority, and other things can be temporarily put aside. (To be continued ...)


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