The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 662: Medicine Venerable

"Sea Emperor, find out when they will leave." Guding apparently did not intend to give up.

"Starting three days later, there are several major forces in the same industry, including the Liberty Alliance, the Medicine God Alliance, and the Shenbing Pavilion." The sea emperor quickly found out the result.

"Everyone uses their brains to see if there is any way to slip in." Guding turned and looked at the others.

"Guding, actually we don't need to enter as an interstellar pirate. Are you not a pharmacist? We can contact the Alliance of Medicine Gods and mix in as a pharmacist." Mi Ke quickly made his own suggestion.

"This suggestion is good, but my pharmacist identity is a little shrimp in the Alliance of Medicine Gods. Almost no one knows it except the teacher, and I can't speak at all. I don't even know the name of the leader of the Medicine God Alliance ... … "

Although Guding has a unique talent for refining potions, he spent less than 1% of his cultivation time. The level of the pharmacist who passed the test is only a two-star **** level, which can only refine the median god. Pharmacy. In the Medicine God Alliance, anyone who can speak can refine potions of the true **** level, and Guding's current level is still too far away.

When the previous forces came to ask for information, they wanted to leave contact information, but Guding refused because he had accepted the invitation of the federal government for cooperation. Now he regretted the decision.

"Sea Emperor, let's contact Star of the Liberty League. With his training talents, he should know some senior members of the Liberty League."

The Star of the Freedom League was encountered by Guding at the Aul ruins before. Although the two did not have much intersection, after all, they fought side by side and killed insects together, so they left each other a communication number.

The communication number was dialed quickly and received a communication from Guding. Starr also seemed a little surprised. After being separated in the Oul ruins, Star often also saw news about Guding from Skynet, and was also amazed by the growth rate of the Guding team.

"Guding, you are a celebrity now. Some time ago, you were jailbroken again and wanted by the federal government. Is there anything to find me?" Starr laughed and laughed.

"The news of the second timeline. You should have heard about it too?" Turning the corners was never Guding's character. As soon as he came up, he cut into the topic.

"Well, I heard, what's wrong?" Starr didn't know what Guding wanted to do.

"I want to enter that time plane with your Liberty League, so I need you to help and tell the senior level of the Liberty League," Guding said bluntly.

"Okay, let me talk to our chief instructor to see if he can contact a higher level leader." Starr agreed readily.

About half an hour later, Starr's number was dialed.

"Our chief instructor has just reached out to the top. They said that the federal government has imposed strict restrictions on the number of other forces that can enter. Now the number of places that other forces can enter has shrunk dramatically. If you come one day earlier, there is a way, but today the quota is already All allocations have been completed, and many powerful people within the organization have been scrambling for quota, and they cannot be willing to give up. "

"I see." Gu Ding is not difficult to guess that the number limit should have been put forward by the ultra-left gods. "Thank you for helping spread the word."

"Don't say that, I didn't help much." Starr was also a little embarrassed.

After hanging up the call, the sea emperor proposed. "Try the Medicine God Alliance."

"But there is no one I know at all on the other side of the Medicine God Alliance. Not to mention contact with high-level officials."

Guding regretted that he didn't spend a little time refining the potion. Otherwise, even if it is impossible to refine the potion of the true **** level, it should not be difficult to refine the potion of the half-step potion of the true **** level. In that case, you can get a five-star **** pharmacist qualification certificate, and you should have the opportunity to get in touch with a senior who can refine the true **** potion.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, try it. Anyway, the work email of the Master Medicine Venerable Master of the Medicine God Alliance is open to all members of the Medicine God Alliance. We only need to add our signature-Guding Pirates. It may be noticed, After all, we are still somewhat famous in the universe sea. "The sea emperor thought it worth a try.

"Well, there is no better way anyway." Guding agreed immediately.

The sea emperor quickly prepared an email, and after several revisions with everyone's suggestion, brought the title of "Guding Pirates". It was sent directly.


Although the Medicine Venerable is the leader of the Medicine God Alliance, in addition to refining medicine, it is actually quite idle. Because of this, he occasionally flipped his mailbox to see if anything interesting happened as a pastime.

As a senior member of Yaowanggu, many things happening in Yaowanggu will be automatically fed back to his mailbox. What impressed him most was a medicine refining duel more than 30,000 years ago. The participants in that duel were two big cows from the Alliance of Medicine Gods, both of whom were pharmacists of the true **** level. Duel in the Valley of Medicine King. The duel lasted for more than three months, and the two of them refined tens of thousands of potions without a victory. However, it also made a leap in the level of medicine refining medicine.

Since then, he has developed a good habit of frequently looking through the mailbox. This habit, even when placed in a very busy state, does not change much, he can always spare his time to check his mailbox. Sometimes when he sees interesting videos in Yaowanggu, he will change the vest to like it.

On this day, he arranged the matter for the second time of the expedition, and he opened the mailbox again.

Just when the system reminded me of a letter, he glanced casually and saw the words "Guding Pirates" in the title.

"Guding Pirates, is that pharmacist Guding?" When thinking of Guding's name, Venerable Medicine immediately clicked on the email. He had noticed Guding three years ago, and his teacher Yaozu had to pass Guding at that time. data. But in recent years, Guding has been in captivity and has never appeared, so the name has become a bit strange.

After reading the e-mail, Venerable Yao frowned slightly, "This is not easy to handle, and the quota has been allocated early this morning. If you only squeeze out one or two, it is not a problem, but there are more than ten members of the Guding Pirates ... "

After glancing at the communication number left under the email, Venerable Yao dialed the video mode he used in the past.

"There was a video call coming. The strange number seems to be from the God of Medicine Alliance." The sea emperor responded immediately.

"Connect!" Guding nodded.

As soon as the call was connected, the image of a middle-aged man in a white robe was projected in front of everyone.

"Hello, everyone of the Guding Pirates Group, I am the Medicine Venerable of the God of Medicine Alliance." The middle-aged man revealed a very strong breath. He glanced at everyone, and finally landed on Guding.

"Are you really the leader of the Medicine God Alliance? Why did you take the initiative to contact us?" Guding was full of doubts. He didn't even know who the Medicine Lord was before, and he could say that he had no friendship with the other party.

"Don't you just email me and say you want to participate in the exploration of this time plane?" Venerable Medicine was asked by Guding, thinking that the email was a prank of some people, "The email was not sent by you. ? "

"The mail was sent by us, but ..." Guding still wondered.

"Actually, I noticed you three years ago. I have seen you refining pharmaceuticals. I haven't contacted you before because of some other reasons. It's still a while that I'll wait until I'm free. Let's talk about business first." These words finally answered some of Guding's doubts.

"It's not impossible that you want to enter the time plane, but our quota is all allocated early in the morning. At most, you can only barely squeeze out two or three quotas for you. But the number of your pirate group ..." The author explained ~ ~ Only one quota is enough, I can let others enter my miniature world. "Guding didn't expect the Venerable Medicine to talk so well.

"If there is only one quota, then there is no problem." Venerable Medicine agreed readily, "After the expedition day is three days, can you rush to our headquarters within three days?"

"There is no problem for three days. With the performance of this spacecraft, the longest distance transmission can be started, and it can be reached in two days." The sea emperor reminded Guding.

"You can get there." Guding nodded immediately.

"That's good, see you then!"


[It ’s strange, why the clicks have doubled over the past two days? Is there any recommendation? I didn't see the notification at all in the background ... Or which great **** gave Zhang Tui? ] (Unfinished to be continued ...)


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