The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 668: Enter another time plane

Normally, a basic plane has only one timeline at the beginning of its birth, and this timeline that was there from the beginning is also called the main timeline.

In addition to the main timeline, there are other timelines in the plane for some special reasons.

For example, a strong man has penetrated time, returned to the past, and changed the result of what should have happened in the past. This change to an event that has already occurred can have a huge impact on the continuity of time, and usually produces two results.

One is that the relevant marks on the main timeline are erased. For example, if a person ’s parents were killed by crossing to the past, then on the main timeline, the person will be completely erased, even no one remembers The existence of this person. Because the existence of this person violates the time rule, it can only be erased by the time rule.

Another situation is that what has happened on the main timeline cannot be changed. For example, a person ’s parents were killed by a person who traveled to the past, but on the main timeline, the rules of time cannot erase the person ’s existence due to some special reasons. Then the time rule will automatically repair the timeline and let that person's parents die. The so-called fake death is that his parents did not actually die on the main timeline, and the time rule has derived a new timeline. On this new timeline, the person ’s parents are dead, and he does not exist. .

Therefore, the subsidiary timeline is not parallel to the main timeline, but diverges from the main timeline, just like the branches derived from the trunk. They are the result of self-correction of the rules of time, and they are also incomplete. Even most of them are unstable, and may be automatically annihilated at any time.

The timeline occupied by the Days family is a very large branch of the timeline, which is also extremely stable. There have been hundreds of epochs. This time is almost as long as the existence of this plane human, much earlier than the time discovered by the Days family, so it also accumulated a lot of resources.

No one knows how this attached timeline is generated. However, some information obtained by the federal government through various sources analyzed that the Days family suddenly disappeared several tens of years ago, because the relocation of the Ju family entered this timeline.

Gooding followed a spaceship of the Medicine God Union to a place designated by the federal government. Liliat they were taken into his miniature world early.

The federal government has not given too many places to the League of Gods, there are only a thousand, so the League of Gods has only ten ships.

Through the window of the spaceship, Guding also saw some other spaceships around him, including the Liberty Alliance, the Divine Weapon Pavilion, and some forces he was not familiar with.

"It seems that this time the federal government has really made a big effort, and their family alone has mobilized 30,000 people. They are all high-level sequence gods. Some other forces have also mobilized hundreds to thousands of people. All are medium and advanced sequences of true gods. Your combat power is placed in this group of people, which can only be regarded as the lower and middle level. "The result of the sea emperor's scan surprised Guding, because he did not know that there was such a thing in the human universe. Many strong level of true god.

Hundreds of super battleships gathered together in the void, and the signs of major forces were hung, which also made some commercial ships and cruise ships passing by occasion feel a little inexplicable. Many people immediately took this spectacular picture and posted it on Skynet.

At first, many people reprimanded those who took photos, saying that they were artificially created fake photos. Because these forces are unlikely to unite and cooperate. But as the number of photos increases, there are even videos. People finally believe that this scene happened. There was a lot of discussion on Skynet, and various speculations about what happened.

Some small and medium-sized forces that were not invited soon noticed this, and many of them guessed the reason why the federal government united these huge forces to join the battle, and they all followed the trend of this incident one after another. Expedition to another time plane, if enough resources are brought back. It is very likely that the development speed of the entire human race will be greatly improved, which is what most humans want to see most.

"There are also a few particularly murky breaths, which should be the strong gods returning from the higher plane. It seems that their combat power will be suppressed by the basic plane to some extent, and they cannot be fully displayed." Haihuang also Check out some information about the **** level.

"It seems that this time the federal government came true." Guding was also considering how to rescue Huck.

"There were quite a few people participating in the solicitation ..." A voice suddenly came from behind Guding. Guding didn't need to look back, it was Belang who lost to himself in the refining of the potion before.

"Unfortunately, it is useless no matter how many people there are." This sentence was voiced by Bellanger, and no one heard it except Guding.

Hearing this, Gu Ding frowned slightly, and the voice asked, "That is to say, there are strong gods in your family?"

Seeing Bellange's calm expression, Guding added another sentence, "And there are more than one strong **** level ?!"

As soon as this sentence came out, an uncomfortable expression flashed on Belang's face. Although he was quickly covered up by him, he was still captured by Gooding and the Sea Emperor.

"Anyway, your conscripts are unlikely to have any gains. You guys at this time are too weak." Bellange spoke to Guding confidently.

"Their wins and wins have little to do with me ~ ~ My purpose is to rescue Huck, don't forget the gambling between us." Guding really does not care about the result of this collection, as long as the federal government and other forces It is enough to attract the attention of the Days family and give yourself time to rescue Huck.

"Of course I will not gossip, I will help you rescue Huck, but no one can know if you can leave that time plane alive, and the scene will be very confusing at that time." Belang said again and looked up and down Yi Guding, "To participate in this level of solicitation with your own strength is completely a cannon fodder. To be honest, if you are smart enough, you will never go to this muddy water."

"Do n’t forget, you lost me to refining pharmaceuticals before. If I ’m not smart enough, you wo n’t be much better. Moreover, you only need to help us rescue Huck. As for other things, you do n’t need you. Come worry. "Guding blocked Belang with two words.

After some preparations, the federal government finally opened the time wormhole. First, it led the fleet through the wormhole, and other forces immediately followed. (To be continued ...)


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