The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 671: Inside the Days family

From the moment Guding knew the other person's true practice, he knew that the other party's purpose in finding his own party was definitely impure. Sure enough, it is conditional to ask the other party to help rescue Huck.

"My condition is that when you rescued Huck, you try to release as many prisoners from that prison as possible, causing confusion. And I need Gooding to help me open one of the prison doors." Belang finally Said his purpose.

"Why do you think I can help you open the prison gate?" Gooding thought the request was a bit strange.

"Because I know that you are an Internet genius, the system used in that prison was the encryption system of the ancient times. Although it is a long time ago, you should be able to crack it." Bellange stared at this ability of Guding from the beginning. Say, this ability of the sea emperor.

"You want to use us to save another person?"

"It's too bad to use, I think it's more appropriate to use the word transaction." Belang raised his eyebrows at Guding.

"Saving Huck was originally a bet you lost to me, and now you suddenly put forward new conditions, but using the chips that have been lost to me, this is not a deal." Gooding retorted.

"Guding, the bet I lost to you before was just to rescue Huck. It does not include helping you to lift the plane blockade. If you think you can leave this time plane without my help, you can ignore this deal I made. So, I will only help you rescue Huck. What happened after Huck came out of prison has nothing to do with me. What do you think of this proposal? "Belang raised his mouth slightly, and he fixed Guding's expression.

"Not very good," Gooding said again after weighing. "Who are you trying to save?"

"You don't need to know the answer to this question." Bellange shook his head. "No matter what kind of person I let you release, what kind of consequences it will have on this plane, it has nothing to do with you. Don't forget that with the isolation of dozens of eras, we no longer belong to the same ethnic group."

"I just want to know if that person is dangerous. Will he attack us as rescuers." Gooding can easily tell from the reaction of the other party, and Bellanger let himself and others rescue him. Very important.

"That guy is a very dangerous character, but you can rest assured that I will go with you. You only need to help me open the door, and I will do the rest." Bellange said At the time of this remark, the expression on his face became unconsciously serious. Obviously, the guy he was about to release should not be a messy thing.

"Is it a strong **** level?" From the expression on Belang's face, Guding also judged the strength of the man to be released.

"That's right. Don't ask again if you have more, knowing too much is not good for you." Bellange did not intend to reveal more information.

"Okay, we can agree to this deal, but I have a request. You must save Huck first and let my companion leave early. If you need my help to unlock it, as long as I am alone, there is no need for others to stay. Come down. "Gu Ding is still not at ease.

"Guding. If you want to stay, stay together." Liliat immediately objected. "The last time you left to act alone. We were locked in the door of purgatory. We are partners. We should take care of everything together." ! "

"The other party is a god. If you are in trouble, you can't help if you stay, and my own goal is much smaller. It is easier to escape." Guding is also telling the truth. If a group of people are in, the chance of all escape is better than escape alone The odds are much smaller.

What Liliat was going to say, everyone heard the voice of the sea emperor at the same time.

"Lily, let's go first. Even if the opponent is a god, Guding will be fine. You don't believe him, you should also believe me, and you will have disadvantages and benefits. As for Guding's things, I will talk about it in detail later. You explain, in fact, there are some things hidden in him that he does n’t even know about himself. "The voice sent by the sea emperor to everyone finally made Liliat feel a little more relieved. Although they still have doubts in their hearts, this time Not suitable, did not continue to question.

"Okay, you'll be more careful by then." Liliat said, staring at Belang.

"I have no problem with this condition, as long as you can help me rescue people." Belang shrugged.

"So, the deal is concluded, how do you go?" Guding said, ready to walk towards the cockpit.

"Let's drive. If you drive, you will be directly bombarded when you enter that area. If I come to drive, they will only treat this spaceship as my new loot and will not intercept it." He was very excited about this battleship, and Guding had noticed it since he had not entered the spaceship. And after entering the spaceship, he has been bumping around, looking like a curious baby.

"Guding, let him drive, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the spacecraft system is under my control, and Robert's entire running status is also under real-time monitoring. We can take over at any time, and he can't move anything. Hand and foot. On the contrary, if he is not in the cockpit, we can't restrict his movement. He may move around in the spaceship, which will be more annoying. "The sea emperor gave a positive opinion very readily.

Gooding thinks it's right. If Bellange is not allowed to drive, he will definitely walk around with his performance during the time he entered the spacecraft. It felt like a house where I lived, and suddenly a stranger came in, and then the stranger didn't realize it at all. He walked around as if he were at home.

"Well, how far are you to drive?" Guding agreed immediately.

"It's a bit far away. There are more than 2,700 universes apart from this place, which is also the core area of ​​our time plane." Bellanger was very happy to hear Gooding agree to drive by himself.

"I'll take you to the cockpit." Gooding nodded and led Bellanger towards the cockpit.


Outside the more than 2,500 universes, in the central area of ​​the plane, in a luxurious star field.

"The boy Bellanger sent the message just now. The gang of people on the main time plane have successfully arrived. Look at the coordinates. It is more than 2,500 universes from here. I have blocked the plane passage with the space-time scepter. "An old man with a white beard was sitting at the head of a palace hall. He looked up at the eleven people sitting below, with a faint smile on his face. "From the perspective of the time and space scepter, there are several low-level gods who came this time."

"This is a good thing. A god-level guy can just use it as a sacrifice to kill the blood-stained blade." A thin man with a goatee on the left stretched his hand and plucked his beard and laughed.

"Let me go, I can handle all the people coming from the main time plane alone." A fat man on the right shouted loudly.

"Do n’t underestimate the enemies. The gods came back from the higher planes. Their strength is not weak. Judging from the reaction of the time and space scepter, there are seven people in total ~ ~ My hands are itchy, still the old rules, the lottery decides who is going to stay. "The old man led said, there were twelve more ropes in his hand.

"Boss, why is twelve, we only have eleven people." Seeing the number of rope heads, the big fat man shouted quickly.

"Because my hands are itchy, but you can rest assured that I will not be rid of the skin. After you draw it, leave the last one for me, get the long rope for the battle, and the short rope to stay." The old man with white beard smiled in the corner of his eyes Italy, he seems to be looking forward to the battle.


[Brothers, I'm sorry this time. There are a lot of things, but I am a bit busy, and it should be better in April. On April 3rd or 4th, things on hand are basically busy. At that time, the normal update of 6k a day will be restored. If it goes well, one or two chapters will break out every week to make the previous corrections. 】 (Want to know more exciting activities of "Supreme Rewards"? Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign at the top right, choose to add a public number to add friends, search for "", follow the public number, and never miss every time Update!) (To be continued ...)


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