The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 685: Ducao's secret

"Lao Wu !!!"

Dukao shocked Boi, trying to rescue Kolov, but he was late, watching Kolov turn into fly ash.

The twelve members of the elder group, in fact, not every member has a good relationship with each other, but the relationship between Dukao, the fourth senior, and Kolov, the fifth senior, has always been very good.

The two are actually half-brothers, and Ducao is much older, and it can even be said that Kolov grew up watching him.

At first Ducao didn't have much affection for this younger brother, because Kolov's mother was his father's wife, and his mother was just a concubine. But on one mission, the father died unexpectedly, and the pulse that the two belonged to was suddenly suppressed. It was Kolov ’s mother who reasoned to support this vein. And under the distribution of cultivation resources, instead of biasing towards his own son, he provided enough cultivation resources for the cultivation of the talented and talented self to grow up.

Instead of complaining about the allocation of resources, Kolov has instead targeted Ducao and has been flogging himself to become stronger. This also allowed Ducao to slowly change his view, and the relationship between the two was getting better and better, becoming a real brother.

Ducao needed Xuanyu Zhuguo to break through the gods. For this treasure, he also vowed to have a gambling battle with the family's seniors. If Ducao failed to break through, he would have to pay the family three treasures of equal value.

And the jasper black wood needed by Kolov to break through the gods was also obtained by Ducao for more than three hundred years and broke through 17 secret realms. Turned around and left without saying a single extra word.

Although Kolof's training talent has not been as good as Dukao, he still broke through the gods with his own efforts and became the elder of the family. Although the two met less. But the relationship is not much alienated. Every time a task is assigned to one of the two people, the other person will automatically participate in the team.

Now that Kolov has fallen, it is naturally unacceptable for Ducao.

At a distance of less than 100 meters, watching Kolov's body gradually dissipate, Ducao's mouth opened slightly, and his face was incredibly expression. Until Kolov's body completely disappeared. After a long time, he suddenly issued a shrill long shout, "Ah !!!"

No one knows what that long scream means. He seems to be venting his anger, he is also expressing his inner sorrow, it is more like telling what has gone to Kolov ... just a simple The syllable, a single tone, contains a variety of complex emotions.

Boye didn't touch him, just looked at the scene from afar. No further provocations were made.

Murphy was slightly frowned. He was a little dissatisfied with Boy not taking the opportunity to attack his opponent, but he also knew that if he started to fight Ducao at this time, he might be furiously countered. Because it is not difficult to judge from the appearance of Dukao at this time, the relationship between Kolov who killed himself and him is really good. And he also expected that Ducao will most likely give up Boi's opponent and attack himself instead.

"Big man. You will take care of the rest, and I have left beforehand." Boye did not plan to stay any longer. Directly directed at Murphy.

Murphy was also a little speechless, but from the beginning, the other party had no willingness to cooperate with him, and he was not good at keeping him. Therefore, he chose silence, not expressing opposition, but also did not agree.

Boye saw that Murphy did not respond. He also guessed the other party's thoughts. He just raised his mouth and turned to leave.

Although Murphy had no eyebrows, it was not difficult to recognize the expression of frown on Boye's face when he left.

Ducao seems to be immersed in his sad world all the time. Even tears flowed out uncontrollably.

Murphy looked at it for a long while, and finally couldn't help but say, "You are crying slowly, I'm going."

When he had finished speaking, he wanted to turn around and leave, but he saw Ducao suddenly raised his head, a pair of amber eyes flashing cold murderous intent, and his muscles began to wriggle frantically.

In less than a while, his original sturdy body was completely transformed into a slender figure, and his explosive muscles were completely restrained and turned into a beautiful streamline. Even the short hair, which was as thin as a cow's hair, spontaneously grew like life, and hung down to the waist.

Ducao's changes made Murphy look dignified.

"The cells are decaying ... I always knew that you had a back stroke, but I didn't expect you to be a physical practitioner, and also mastered this rare mystery only in the higher planes."

"Higher plane? You are mistaken, this set of mysteries comes from the main plane. Moreover, this set of secrets is not the transformation of the cells of the higher plane, but the super transformation of the main plane !!!" Du Cao's mouth gradually raised, and the look at Murphy began to tease, "Actually, I have a secret, I haven't told anyone, even my brother Kolov. After I was promoted to God, Awakening the memories of the old world, in the last life, I have surpassed the existence of the Lord God ... In the plane of the Lord, I am a super strong person who has been sealed as a lord. "

"Lord ..." Murphy clearly shivered when he heard this title, it was a fear from the bottom of his heart.

The so-called lord, which exists only in the main plane, is a title that only the superpowers beyond the main **** can have. Any strong man with the title of lord can occupy the fief in the main plane and establish his own power.

Of course, there are kings above the lords, and the kings are all overlords in the plane of the plane, which is even more terrifying. UU reading

In the millions of epochs that Murphy was in, there was only one king. As for the lord, there are less than twenty people in total. Only one person can find the trace now. It is also the direct ancestor of Murphy. He once ordered Murphy. Only that lord has the authority to see the king, so Murphy said earlier that to capture Guding and dedicate it to the king is actually through his own ancestor's relationship.

Because his ancestor had a lord, he probably knew how powerful the lord was. With that kind of existence, the level of life completely transcends the level of oneself. Standing in front of him, you will feel as small as ants.

"The metamorphosis of cells in higher planes can only improve the combat power of one to three ranks according to the individual's physique and cultivation depth. Super transformation can improve the combat power of three to five ranks. It ’s very powerful, it can only improve four ranks, and my original combat strength is the seventh sequence of gods. I also want to know now, in the end, if I break the **** ’s limit, the attack is stronger, or your The body defense that breaks through the limits of the gods is stronger ... "The long sword in Ducao's hands also began to whisper as his fighting spirit rose ... (to be continued ...)


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