The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 688: Successful escape

As soon as the plan was made, the sea emperor immediately entered the state of execution.

"The nearest **** is Wesker, there are more than 400 cosmic distances. He is the most grumpy guy in the gods coming from the federal government. He has never found an opponent, and he is now fleeing some local fleets." The sea emperor quickly found the target.

"Then choose him, anyway, he has nothing to do, we give him an opponent to come home, he should be very happy." Guding grinned at the projection given by the sea emperor.

In the projection, the **** named Wesker was very strong, with a face full of flesh and a red beard. It seemed that this person should have a bad temper. It looked like the type that could directly scare crying children.

"This Wicks was the deputy commander-in-chief of the last epoch army of the federal government. He was very powerful and directly participated in a number of activities against the star pirates. He lost hundreds of super geniuses who were likely to become true gods. . And the method is extremely cruel, known as the Red Beard Butcher, and is one of the typical representatives of the far left of the federal government. "Mickey heard the name and gave a series of information about the other party.

"If he was killed by the four elders, I would definitely applaud." Liliat glanced at the projection with disdain, apparently having no affection for the other party.

"Fifteen hours after the expected arrival time ... The spacecraft recalibrates the target location, constructs the navigation route map ..." The sea emperor did not say more △ ▽, ww ↓ w. What directly controlled the spacecraft began to change course, toward the prestige Kees galloped away.

After fifteen hours, the voice of the sea emperor came again.

"Now 30 cosmic distances from Wicks, he has entered his detection range. Elder Eleven is expected to arrive within three minutes."

Wicks naturally also noticed that a spacecraft entered its detection range, but he was not too concerned about the distance of thirty universes, too far apart.

But within a few minutes. He was holding his cheeks to watch the fleet explode and sparks suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, that is where the black giant ship just appeared.

Almost at the same time, a thin, middle-aged man with two moustache suddenly caught his eyes, stopped his footsteps, and looked in the distance.

Aoduoqi can feel clearly. An extra **** appeared within his detection range. He knew very well that the other party was the enemy, because the twelve elders in the family were too familiar with each other.

Knowing the existence of the enemy, he glanced in the direction of the black giant ship fleeing, stroking the moustache above his lips, "Fortunately, there is a **** in this direction. For the time being Let me go, and wait for me to solve this opponent. We will continue the game, and I do n’t believe you can escape my palm. "

As the voice fell, his figure faded into a ghost.

And Wicks, which is more than thirty cosmic distances away, is also full of fighting spirit. He has never found a suitable opponent since he came in. This time there was a guy who came to the door. Willing to let go. "Hey, finally there is a decent guy who is finally bored."

Wix's burly figure disappeared.

"It seems that our plan to bring disaster to success has succeeded. The eleven elder has already galloped in the direction of Wicks. Wicks also seems to be looking forward to such a battle, and is also fast in the direction of the other party. Move. "The two have just moved. The sea emperor informed Guding and his colleagues of this good news.

"Find a safe location for ultra-long-distance transmission, and completely get rid of the eleven elders, the crisis is truly lifted." Mike immediately reminded.

"Well, I think so too." The sea emperor controlled the spaceship to continue galloping all the way until it stopped in an unmanned area after more than fifty cosmic distances, preparing for the ultra-long-distance transmission.

And at this time. The eleven elders of the Days family, Odoch, and the former deputy commander of the federal government, Wix, have already met.

"You finally showed up. I haven't met any opponent in these days, and I'm almost idle." Wicks didn't shoot directly when he met each other. Instead, he smiled enthusiastically. If the outsider does not know that the relationship between them is opposite, just look at him. I am afraid that the two are actually close friends.

"I've met you guys twice before, but unfortunately they are too weak, and they were all killed by me." Odoch touched his beard, and the tiny eyes were turning around in his eyes, looking up and down. He measured his opponent's strength.

"Oh, is it? I also want to know what the two fools you killed look like." As the old fritters on the battlefield, Wicks knew that the other party was bluffing, even if the other party really said two. Personal characteristics, he will not believe that the other party really killed the two of his side.

"One is made of golden halberds and looks very handsome. The other is a woman in a black dress with a black gauze on her face." Odoch said the characteristics of the two people. Actually He did meet these two guys in the past, and he also fought. But the actual result was that he fought with the man with the golden halberd. No one on the other side could fight, until the woman in the black dress appeared. With World War II, only a few moves, he chose to escape directly.

"You know, if you don't talk about the woman in the black dress, I might still believe you." Wicks laughed after listening.

"Okay, you've seen it, but listening to you saying, I'm curious what the black skirt woman is really special about." Odoch wasn't in a hurry to do anything with the other party, he was the killer, he was very clear Fighting positively is not as good as the other party, so you can only choose surprise attack.

"It ’s okay to tell you ~ ~ Anyway, you will fall here." Wix is ​​obviously very confident in his own strength. "The woman in black dress is Dora, and her teacher is a master god. In addition, she has a main body protective equipment, even if a high-level sequence of gods shot, it is impossible to kill her. Of course, in addition to that, her body skills also come from the authentic inheritance of the main god. The force is very close to the higher sequence of Tenjin, and it is one of the strongest two members of our team this time. "

Wicks's words heard Odoch's brows twitch slightly, and he didn't know the real power of the four elders. He was a little worried because the opponent's team actually had two combat powers similar to the four elders. Strong. However, as soon as he thought about it, he thought that two of the other guys with such strength are likely to scare themselves. Immediately asked, "Since you say so, there should be another person whose strength is not weaker than that black skirt woman?"

"Yes, it's a young man in white. That guy can only be described by the words" Unfathomable. "It was Dora who admitted that he was stronger than himself." Wix was actually telling the truth.

"No matter how powerful the two are, they are not here now. This is the battlefield between you and me, or are you and me one point!"


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