The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 692: Lord level comes! ! !

Ducao suddenly noticed a strong sense of crisis behind him. He turned his head and looked at a group of magma monsters that looked exactly like Murphy's. They were rushing towards their location. The number was tens of thousands. .

"Humph, carving insect tricks!" Dukao turned and slashed out the sword, and the cyan sword covered all the magma monsters again.

Those magma monsters will dissolve and dissipate as soon as they come into contact with Daomang, without exception.

"Do you think I will be afraid of that magma monster? Even if his deity is here, I can kill him, not to mention that these are just fakes you made!" Ducao sneered.

This time, Boye didn't answer, but Ducao's voice just fell, and a group of magma monsters came over the sky, more than the first time.

"This trick obviously has no effect, why does Boe use it again and again? Is it just to make the four elders unable to cause phantom space concussion?" Docot looked at Liliat with some curiosity, these people in the spaceship , Liliat has some knowledge of Boyi's pupil surgery.

"It's not like that," Liliat frowned slightly when she saw it. "Making these magma monsters will only consume Boye's pupil power more than that caused by the illusion of illusion. I guess, Boye should not do this. purpose."

"That magma monster deity is now close to the battle area of ​​the two." The emperor suddenly gave a projection. That projection was a Murphy deity. He was rushing towards the battle area of ​​the two. And a thin film wrapped around the body. "This layer of wraps around his body can block the exploration of the power of the soul. Obviously Boye's detection method is special, and he was found, but the four elders did not find him close."

The second set of lava monster phantoms was soon cleaned up by Ducao, but he had not waited for Ducao to rest. The third call came again, and the number increased again.

"You plan to play kid games with me like this all the time, don't you?" Ducao feels that the other party's fighting style is a bit unreasonable and has no effect on himself at all. But disregarding it, the other party may conceal the trick.

Before he could kill all the phantoms in the third set, the fourth set came again. The number is more. Ducao was a little depressed. It seemed that the other party was going to just consume it with himself, bore him, and then relax, then he could take the opportunity to attack himself.

At this time, when Ducao had no energy to pay attention to other things, a figure appeared behind a huge meteorite, secretly observing the battle between the two.

That figure was impressively Murphy, who had been coming quickly.

Seeing so many of his phantoms rushing towards Ducao at the scene, Murphy's first reaction was stunned. Then immediately looked towards Boy. But I didn't expect Boye's eyes to look over at him, his lips slightly raised.

With a glance, Murphy knew that he had been discovered by the young man in white from the beginning, and he deliberately made the battle situation as it is now. He didn't hesitate immediately, he found a gap, his body was inserted into the army of magma monsters, and became one of them.

His timing was excellent, and his location was very precise. Ducao didn't notice it at all.

If it wasn't for the emperor to deliberately mark the position where Murphy inserted, Guding and his party knew that he had mixed in. It is impossible to know which one he is.

"No wonder Boye has been creating this kind of phantom, he has already planned everything." Docote couldn't help but exclaim.

"He is indeed a terrible guy. Not only is his combat strength so horrible, he is even accurate in his calculations."

The expression on Huck's face was a little complicated. He knew that the four elders must have suffered this time, although he did not have much affection for the family. But after all, it was his own family. Once the most powerful four elders are killed, it will be a huge blow to the family. And this time plane is also very likely to be occupied by these people in the main plane, and the Days family may face a major reshuffle.

On the battlefield, Ducao didn't realize that his crisis had come, and he slashed out again and again. Kill those phantoms one by one.

Suddenly, a phantom shattered his knife sharply and swooped towards him. Ducao was startled, but immediately responded, and he rose back with his knife and rushed towards the other side.

"If you want to attack, you are still a little bit younger!" Ducao pointed his sword at the opponent's head, obviously not intending to give up this opportunity to kill his opponent.

"Who are you talking to?" At this moment, he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him, and he immediately turned his head to look around. He was suddenly standing in an umbrella in white. However, it seems that he has no intention of starting.

"What the hell? Is it a doppelganger? Why are there two entities?" Ducao suddenly raised a trace of doubt, and the long knife in his hand also struck Murphy's fist, he could clearly feel himself The monster attacked is real, not just a phantom.

"It's easy to be killed when distracted during the fight." Murphy smiled, and at the same time he clamped the opponent's long knife with one hand.

"Muffet ?!" Ducao asked somewhat uncertainly.

"Yes, it's Lao Tzu!" Murphy laughed loudly.

"You dare to come back, it seems that the lesson just given to you is not enough. Do you think that you can win me by teaming up with this boy in white?" Ducao did not expect that Murphy would appear suddenly and would team up with Boye.

"I didn't say, I want to join forces with him." Murphy shook his head ~ ~ I came back to find you because I had found a way to deal with you. "

"Really? Then you give it a try!" Ducao screamed, his long knife disengaged, turned into a spiral, and shot straight out, forming a rampant hurricane, sweeping towards the other party.

"Hey ... then as you wish." Murphy smiled strangely, and the red firelight in his eyes suddenly turned into ice blue, almost at the same time, an old breath from him Passed through the body.

Feeling this breath, Ducao's face immediately experienced an unprecedented upheaval, "You ..."

"Hello, young man ..." Murphy pointed out. The long-sword hurricane, which was so powerful and terrifying, spontaneously collapsed, and the long knife was completely exposed. .

"The old deceased is the lord of the lava family, Fagritai, and came here today through the body of the tribe, just because I heard that the lord is reincarnated here, and I am just idle, so let's take a look ..." (Unfinished ...)


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