The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 694: Evenly matched battle

Seeing this change from Ducao, Fogreté was actually a bit depressed. He just came down with a will, and his combat power is limited by this plane. Although it is infinitely close to the main **** level, it is not the real main **** level. After Ducao's second super transformation, the combat power has increased again, and he has reached the level of wireless close to the main god, not weaker than himself. Originally thought that the combat power was enough to crush the opponent, but now it has become a battle of equal strength. Without the advantage of combat power, he really didn't dare to pack up and say he could win. After all, the other party is a reincarnation of the lord level and has a lot of memories of the world. It is definitely not a simple thing to deal with.

Not only did Ducao's popularity soar, but even the long knife in his hand seemed to realize the change of his master, trembling and groaning, as if looking forward to such a battle.

The cyan long knife penetrated the void like a long whip, and in the void, several ravines were drawn, swept toward Fogarita with a killing momentum.

But Fogarite stretched out a palm, and a flaming flame of large hands quickly condensed into the void, rushing towards the blade of light.


A violent blast exploded, and the aftermath of the two attacks struck, completely crushing the planets in the surrounding void that had been turned into smashes into nothingness.

Even Boi, who watched the game, as well as Odoch and Wicks, exploded out to avoid being affected, until several star fields ◎ ▼, w≡ww. Only stopped. .

After the first attack was launched, the two quickly entered the fast-break mode, and the two attacks continued to hit together, causing the continuous sound of blasts in the entire void, and the aftershocks of the shock did not stop for a moment, moving in all directions. The radiation goes away. And after the battle between Ordoch and Wicks, it has become a ruined area, and it has completely become a dead place without any fragments of meteorite.

Thousands of universes away. A black warship is moving in one direction at a rapid speed in a normal navigation mode, and inside the spaceship, it is the crowd of the Guding Pirates.

"Sea Emperor, have you completely lost the ability to detect the outside world now?" Guding asked slightly frowning.

"The direct detection ability has indeed been lost, but I can still do some analysis through other information." Haihuang should say, "For example, strong and abnormal energy fluctuations. I have now detected two extremely powerful energies. Fluctuations, and numerous impacts in a very short period of time. If I guess right, I suspect that the two people fighting are the lord-level strongman and the four elders. "

"Staring at these fluctuations, don't miss any of them." Guding couldn't think of any other way. He lost the detection ability of the sea emperor, and the entire team was equivalent to being blind. In case of encountering a god, the spaceship cannot use space jumping and space shuttle, which will be very troublesome.

"If you just need vision, I think I have a way." Robert said. With open palms, an ant-sized robot fluttered with wings quickly. "Since the magnetic field method cannot obtain information, I can use pure physical methods to solve it. This is a miniature detection robot, first connect to the sea emperor's detection system, and then release the spaceship, then the sea emperor can control these little guys to gain vision . "

"This is a good way, although the method is a bit stupid. But there is no other better choice." The sea emperor agreed with this method.

Guding and his colleagues naturally did not raise any objections.

Robert just said to do it, linking hundreds of small robots to the Haihuang system. Then he opened the hatch and threw out these little robots.

The sea emperor took over the rest of the work and controlled the little robots to fly in all directions. As those little robots moved away, the sea emperor gained more and more vision.

Seeing the various video projections re-projected by the sea emperor, Guding and they were all excited. However, they still have no way to see the situation on the battlefield. The battlefield is too far away from them, with a distance of more than a thousand universes.

At this time, the battle between Fogarita and Ducao has entered a fierce stage.

Both of them were left with many wounds by the other, but neither was fatal.

In just a few minutes, the battlefields of the two had moved to a few stars away from the original one.

Boy and Odoch. The two of Wicks are shifting along with the shift of the battlefield, and they do not want to miss watching such a wonderful fight. Although with the eyes of three people, they can only barely see the movements of the two.

Whether it is Ducao's knife or Fogarite's flame, it has been applied to the extreme. Many of the moves are unthinkable by the three of them. And the fighting skills of the two have also completely broken through the category of Tenjin, and all three have benefited greatly.

Even Boye opened his eyes deliberately in order to watch the battle between the two. His eyes seemed to reflect the scene of the two stars fighting outside the star field.

On the battlefield, the bang produced by a bang was endless, and it seemed that both of them were fighting against each other.

Ducao is anxious because super transformation has a time limit, and once the time exceeds the limit, he will not only lose the power generated by the transformation, but also enter a terrible weak state. Once you enter a weak state, your own lord token will be taken away by the other party, and the other party will certainly not keep yourself alive.

The reason why Fogarite is in a hurry is that he came to this plane as a borrowed body. If it takes too long, it will cause irreparable serious damage to Murphy's body ~ ~ may be completely Destroy the recognized genius in the Murphy family. The second reason is that as a lord, although only a hint of projection came, he entered a stalemate battle with a god. If this word spreads, in the circle of lords, you really do n’t need to mix, although you own this The opponents are not ordinary gods.

As time passed, the two became more and more anxious, Ducao's super transformation, the time is almost coming. On the other side, Murphy's body occupied by Fogarite was also close to the edge of collapse.

"Fogreite, it doesn't make much sense to continue this way between you and me. It's better than you and me to come up with the strongest move of your own, and then decide the victory, what do you think?" Ducao knew. I couldn't drag myself any longer, so I had to put forward this suggestion.

"I think so too. It's boring to play small, it's better to play the biggest one directly." Fogrutai agreed very readily.

The two figures that were originally moving in the void finally stopped abruptly. Both stared at each other with a vigilant expression on their faces, and their momentum continued to rise.


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