The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 701: Gooding Falls

For the defense master artifact on Dora, Fogarite did not show any fear. Copy this address to browse: // %%%%%%%%%%% / As a strong level of the lord, he is very clear that with the power of the **** level, the other party simply cannot exert the power of the main artifact, at most. Can only be used as passive defense.

And every time the main artifact is activated, even if it is passively activated, it will draw a lot of energy from the other party's body. Fogarita knows that as long as he continues to attack and exceeds the limit of the other party's own defense, the main artifact will automatically start to defend. In this way, the energy consumption rate of the other party's body is dozens or even hundreds of times. It takes less than a few attacks and the opponent will completely lose combat power.

Moreover, there is the most important point. Dora ’s combat power can only be regarded as a high-level sequence of gods. Compared with Fogarita ’s current combat power, it is not at the same level. In the case of head-to-head confrontation, there is no suspense in the outcome.

In just one fight, Fogarite knew the opponent's reality.

And Dora naturally knew very well that the opponent he encountered this time was unprecedentedly powerful. She is also well aware of her weakness. She has a master artifact in her hand, and the other party cannot kill herself in a short time, but after a long time, she can only be slaughtered when her deity is exhausted.

Just when Dora didn't know what to do, a breath came into her detection range, and she finally finally felt relieved, because that breath came from an acquaintance and was a powerful acquaintance.

Naturally, Fogarite also noticed the existence of that breath, "Is the kid in white clothes with you? But can you continue until he arrives here is still unknown."

Fogarita said, attacking Dora again, his arms waved, and a white flame spewed out instantly, covering the entire void like a tide, and in the direction of Dora and Guding. Swept away.

Not just ancients. Even Dora saw the white sea of ​​fire, and there was a feeling of powerlessness in her heart. She knew from the beginning that her combat power was not as good as that of the other party, but did not expect that the gap between her combat power and the other party would be so great.

The white wave was tens of thousands of meters high, and it rushed directly in the direction of the two. Guding is very clear, taking his current practice as an example. If caught in this wave, I am afraid that it will instantly become a pile of fly ash. Dora also knew that an attack of this magnitude would be severely damaged if he did not defend himself. Immediately without hesitation, the defensive master artifact was activated again.


Deafening sounds passed on in bursts, which were the sounds of white flame waves crashing on the protective shield generated by the main defense artifact.

The main artifact is also worthy of the main artifact, and even directly issued the anti-shock force, completely shattering the white wave.

But this is only the first attack. Fogarita laughed broadly, "The waves of the ocean are endless. I want to see how long you can hold on, can you insist on the white kid come to rescue."

As soon as his words fell, Gu Ding saw that there was a sea of ​​white flames. Another huge wave of fire swept over again in the direction of the two of them. The height of this wave is no less than the first.

Dora's face was slightly ugly. Just looking at the attack strategy chosen by the opponent, she knows that the opponent knows her weaknesses well. Using the main artifact, the energy consumption in the body is too huge. Every time she activates the defense function of the shield on her wrist, she can clearly feel that the energy in the body is flowing out like pouring.

With a "boom", the white flame waves collapsed again.

But soon. The third wave of fire swept through again ...

Dora's face became harder to look at.

But Fogarite's attack never stopped. After the waves of fire were intercepted by the defense, the next wave of fire washed up unwillingly.

After more than ten rounds of shock, Dora's energy in the body has been severely depleted, and her heart became more anxious. "Why is Brother Boye not here yet?"

"You're quite stubborn. The inner source of the body hasn't been exhausted yet." Fogarita knows that even if Dora can still resist hard, it shouldn't last long.

"Huh, when Brother Boye arrives, he will definitely teach you for me!" Dora shouted at Fogelita.

"Are you talking about the kid in white clothes? Do you think he can be there before you fall?" Fogarite had already considered, according to the speed of Boy's movement now, the time needed to get here was enough I launched a wave of more than thirty waves of shock. And the little girl in front of her is impossible to hold until that time.

The waves of fire are still coming up, but Dora, who has been in a defensive state, is getting worse and worse, and the defensive circle he is building is getting smaller and smaller. The divine source in her body has almost been exhausted. With every impact, she must madly squeeze her body. After a few times, not only the physical and mental fatigue, but the whole person has a strong sense of prostration.

Seeing a new wave of fire sweeping over again, a feeling of powerlessness rose in Dora's heart. She turned to look at Guding, not far away, and smiled bitterly, "The gods in my body have been exhausted, this wave of attacks There is no way to stop it, it seems that you and I are going to fall together today. However, Brother Boye should avenge us! "

In the dying moment, Dora still believed in Boye's strength.

The fire wave flew in front of the two in just an instant, Dora closed his eyes slowly, Guding frowned slightly, and for the first time he clearly felt that death was so close to himself.

Without the defense ability of the main artifact, the two figures were instantly caught in the wave by the white flame.

After Dora was involved, she struggled desperately in the sea of ​​fire ~ ~ Her body was continuously burned by flames, but there was a master artifact to guard the inside of the body, she was only injured by some skin and flesh, and would not fall. .

At the moment when Guding was involved, he only felt a painful heartache, but at the next moment, his body was completely decomposed by flames, and turned into little particles drifting away.

"Guding!" The sea emperor saw this scene for a moment before he was stunned, and immediately checked the life characteristics of Guding, but the result was shocking.

"Host dies! Unbind identity from host ..."

"Guding, really fell ?!" The Sea Emperor was not quite convinced, although he saw Guding dissipated as energy particles in the flames, and his own detection system showed no signs of the existence of Guding, even his own Gu Ding's recognition of the Lord has been automatically lifted. "How could this be……"

"Guding!" Boye, who came from a distance, happened to see the scene where Guding turned into energy particles, and he was not quite able to believe everything he saw. (To be continued ...)


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