The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 703: Killing Soul

Boyi ’s horrific murderous intention was clearly felt even by Lilyat and others who were thousands of universes away.

"What a terrible killing intention!" As a killer, Huck felt the strongest feeling about Boi's killing intention.

The second most shocked is Beagle. "My body can't help but have a natural defense response. This killing intention is really too strong."

"In contrast, I am more worried about the current situation of Guding. The killing intention spread to such a long distance, one can imagine the tragic situation there. With Guding's strength, only the part to be slaughtered ..." Liliat expressed her concerns.

"Lily, don't worry. The Emperor also said before that Guding's physique is special, and he won't fall if he meets the gods." Elsa immediately said comfortingly.

"I just found out that the contract between me and the captain was automatically released ..." Blue slowly raised his small paw. He hesitated for a while before telling the story, but also afraid that everyone would worry about Guding.

"What does it mean that the contract is automatically released ... What happened to the captain?" Bigger asked a little puzzled.

"There are usually only two possibilities for contract cancellation. One is that the party to the contract voluntarily releases the contract, and the other is that the party to the contract dies, and the contract is automatically released." Tagore's explanation silenced everyone in the spaceship.

"How is it possible ?! Do you mean that Guding has fallen?" Dorcott shouted somewhat disbeliefly, w≮ww. "But the emperor said clearly that Guding will be fine."

"The contract is cancelled, there may be other reasons, but the probability is extremely small. But it does not rule out what special situation Guding encountered." Tagore knew that everyone is not very good now, so he added this sentence, but he was very clear that Guding should It's a lot of evil.

"The sea emperor can't be reached anymore." Scarlet turned his communicator on hands-free. The reminder sounds more chilling.

[Sorry, the communicator you dialed is currently off and cannot be connected! 】

"Even the Sea Emperor can't be contacted. This is the first time this kind of thing has happened since I knew Guding ... Even if Guding didn't fall, he would definitely be in big trouble!" Liliat as the team besides the Haihuang The first person to join is also the first to encounter this situation. Although she did not believe that Guding had fallen, she knew very well that Guding was definitely in a bad condition.

"As a super smart, Neptune certainly has his reason to actively shut down the communicator. But if the communicator is not actively shut down by him, it means that Guding may have been killed, and even the communicator where the emperor's boarding was also damaged "" Robert knows the super intelligence of the sea emperor very well. He knows that the sea emperor cannot suddenly turn off the communicator for no reason.

"I want to go back and see!" After Liliat hesitated for a moment, he finally made the decision.

"Lily, don't be stupid! The god-level battlefield is too dangerous. With a little care, all members of our entire spaceship may be overwhelmed by the whole army!" Elsa immediately dissuaded.

"Sister Lily, the last thing we should do is to be in chaos!" Mi Ke, who had not spoken, finally said, "In the battlefield of the **** level, no matter what situation Guding Ge encounters, it will not be solved if we go. Instead, with our strength, it will only become a cannon fodder on the battlefield. The best thing we should do now is to calm down. Wait for the news from the sea emperor. Wait until we know what happened, and then make the corresponding response. Countermeasures. "

"But even the Sea Emperor can't be contacted at all now. When do we need to wait?" Liliat frowned, and she was worried about Gooding.

"Super intelligence is different from our living bodies. The life form of the sea emperor is different from ours. It is impossible to be destroyed by energy attacks, even the gods. It is impossible to do it if the watch on the ancient wrist is damaged. With the power of the sea emperor. As long as he finds enough materials, he can remake his body at any time. Therefore, we only need to wait patiently as Mi Ke said. After the sea emperor completes the reorganization of the body I will definitely contact us as soon as possible. Tell us what happened. "Dokot's remarks also support Mick's point of view.

All of a sudden, the cabin of the spacecraft fell into silence again, and the atmosphere was somewhat suppressed, and everyone was anxiously waiting for the sea emperor's message.


Over a thousand cosmic distances on the battlefield of Tenjin, Fogarite and Boi confronted each other in the void.

"It turns out that in addition to the special pupils, you also have a special kind of fighting soul, killing soul, no wonder ... the color of the umbrella in your previous hand is not to enhance your combat power, but to unblock your combat power. White Umbrella should be the largest seal, allowing you to exert the least combat power. With the change of color, the seal of your body is gradually lifted, so it will show the effect of enhancing combat strength. The chain of heavenly texture on your body is also for the seal And it was imposed on the body. "Fogarita saw Boi's speciality at a glance.

"You know it's too late now, even if you are the Lord's will, I can't escape the defeat today. I will behead your host and drive you out of this plane!" Boye looked coldly. Fogreite, even when facing the lord, he did not feel the slightest fear.

"It's not a big person, but the tone is not small." Fogarita laughed loudly. "For the soul of the killing, I also know some secrets that outsiders don't know. Do you know what the consequences of your complete unblocking will be? ? "

Boye knew the consequences ~ ~ but he chose to be silent.

"You don't want to say, then I'll do it for you." Fogarite looked at Boye's eyes with some sarcasm. "Before the Soul of Killing is fully controlled, every time the fighting is fully open, it will fall into a complete In a state of madness, it is impossible to stop without killing enough people. This is why all the people who have the soul of the killing will be sealed by the elders of the family, and they must never be completely unsealed. "

"And, in addition to entering the state of madness, there is a more terrifying thing. Every complete unblocking of the killing soul will make you permanently increase your killing intention. Usually only need to unblock three times or more, accumulate The killing intention is enough to erase your consciousness, occupy your soul space, and make you a complete killing devil. Looking at the cumulative strength of your killing intention now, this should be your third complete unblocking? "Said Here, Fogarita smiled. "I'm really looking forward to seeing you kill all the creatures in this plane, and then sent down to kill by the higher plane ..."

"I don't need to worry about my affairs. The body you lived in will not live at that time." As soon as Boi's voice fell, his figure disappeared ...


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