The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 706: Fate of the Time and Space Scepter

ps: See the exclusive story behind "The Supreme Reward", listen to your more suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends-add public number-enter qdread), tell me quietly! "Where am I?"

In the dark, a thought suddenly appeared.

Then, a ray of light did not know where it came from, driving away the darkness.

In the endless void, a huge huge tree stood upright proudly, the roots of the branches stood tall and stubborn, and the roots of the feet were divided into countless fine threads, slowly creeping in the void, absorbing this position Nutrients in the face.

This huge tree is huge and shocking. It is as large as dozens of star fields, just a branch, extending a distance of millions of light years.

Guding also for a moment forgot why he appeared here, but looked at the giant tree quietly from afar.

If the sea emperor is here, he will definitely recognize that this giant tree belongs to the same life form as the transmission channel encountered by the two of them in the land of time and space chaos, but it is more than ten times larger than the previous transmission channel.

The picture in front of him suddenly flipped, and a trance in Guding's brain appeared at a position closer to the giant tree.

He saw a man suddenly appearing at the foot of the giant tree, stroking the trunk with one hand, not knowing what was whispering in his mouth. Then **** moved, a thumb-sized branch appeared between them ...

"Such a huge guy, he was easily broken off a branch ... what on earth did this man come from?" Just as Gudou's mind was queried, the picture circulated again.

It was a baby, holding a twig that had been broken down by the previous man, and chuckled. On the branches. Many complex ciphertexts have been added, and apparently someone has deliberately carved them. The baby's body was wrapped in a layer of white cloth, and the purple ribbon around his waist was the one projected by the space-time scepter. Regardless of color or pattern, they are exactly the same.

"This baby is me ?!" Guding frowned slightly. Patience continued to watch.

The picture suddenly changed again.

This time, a man in a wide cloak appeared in the void with a baby in his hands.

His sudden flash caused a violent shock across the entire plane, and because of this shock, the twig in the baby's hand suddenly dropped and fell into the crack caused by the shock.

The man just glanced. But did not look back, disappeared directly into the void.

The subsequent picture was not related to the baby.

The twigs of twigs made the spatiotemporal cracks that should be quickly bridged without any signs of healing, and a wave of space-time energy continuously poured into the twigs.

The lines of the epidermis of the branches flash brightly or darkly, and it also begins to grow rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye. But it did not grow roots. It didn't grow more branches, it just grew bigger.

As the branches continued to expand, they gradually began to possess the form of a scepter.

I don't know how long after that, a new time rule suddenly derived from the scepter, and with the derivation of the time rule, the original spatiotemporal crack suddenly burst, and a brand new plane was derived toward the distance.

The new plane is derived, and the space-time scepter becomes the center of this plane. Countless dust, countless rubble continue to gather together. Day after day, it was buried deep into a huge planet.

until one day. A young consciousness was born from the center of the planet, the planet burst, and a huge scepter appeared again in the void. The original planet began to merge with the surrounding meteorite again, and re-condensed into a new planet.

This new plane was finally broken into by a god. The space-time scepter had the first communication with humans. And gave the blood of the other party the authority to enter and exit this plane permanently.

Subsequently, the family of the **** of heaven moved in. It also brought a lot of ordinary residents, and the entire plane began to flourish slowly.


Gooding looked at everything projected in the void. He finally knew that the space-time scepter that was originally called Qibao was just a small branch that slipped out of the baby's hand. And he was surprised to find that he was the baby. If you don't get out of your hand, the time-space scepter will not exist, nor will this plane.

At this time, there was a sound familiar to Guding, which he could recognize. The sound came from the Void Scepter.

"Before three hundred epochs, you made me and created this plane. Now that three hundred epochs have passed, this plane collapsed, but I finally met you ..."

"Aren't I already dead? Why did it appear here? Where is this place?" Gooding asked this question.

"After knowing your identity, I collected all the particles floating away from your body. Now you are just a residual consciousness, which I hid in my body." The space-time scepter explained.

"How can I be resurrected? Also, what happened to them, Lily? Has anything happened to the sea emperor?" Guding eagerly wanted to know everyone's situation.

"Your companions ... all fell ..." Although the Space-Time Scepter couldn't bear it, he still told Guding the facts and projected the picture he saw into Guding's consciousness.

Seeing the spacecraft disintegrate and everyone dissolving into particles dissipating into the void, Guding was a little stunned.

"How could this be? Lily, Big, Elsa ... everyone is dead ?!"

"I can help you save all of them, including yourself." The words of the Space-Time Scepter surprised Guding a little.

"But their bodies have turned into particles and dissipated in the void, can it really be done ?!" Guding asked in surprise.

"Yes, but the price is that this plane will disintegrate, and my consciousness will be reduced to nothingness." This sentence of the Space-Time Scepter made Guding fall silent. "But do n’t worry, I will be a part of your body and exist in your miniature world at that time. When the miniature world in your body evolves to a certain extent, my consciousness will be derived again ~ ~ Why do you Do you want to help me this way? "Although Guding was very eager to revive Lily and all of them, the time and space scepter made him somewhat at a loss.

"I was born for you. I was doomed from the moment I was folded from the mother body of the giant tree of time and space. But you are different, you have a farther journey, and you will have more partners, There are unfinished stories ... "The Scepter of Time and Space seems very open-minded.

Gooding silently said that he was not a selfish person, but for Liliat they still chose to remain silent.

"Besides, I will not really die, and will still exist in your miniature world. Don't be sorry for me, because everything is just the beginning ..."

In the void, above the scepter of time and space, suddenly burst out numerous golden rays of light, radiating away towards the distance. In just a moment, it scattered to every corner of the entire plane, illuminating every planet, every creature, and even every particle of dust ... (A good activity to drop a pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you Take it! Follow ~ Dian / Chinese Network Official Account (WeChat Add Friends-Add Official Account-Enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread WeChat Official Account now!) (To be continued)

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