The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 726: Liliat Awakens

In the void, a black giant ship was traversing at speed. ● ⌒,

That warship is the dream of the Guding Pirates.

Inside the battleship, Liliat, who was once in a deep sleep, suddenly opened her eyes.

"Lily woke up!"

The voice of the sea emperor quickly reached everyone's ears, and he was monitoring the physical signs and dynamics of Liliat and Huck.

Guding they all rushed to Liliat's room for the first time.

"Lily, it's been a week, and you're finally awake." Elsa saw Lilyat waking up, and her depressed mood finally got better.

"Wake up, Bigger, go to the kitchen and make some soup for Lily. She hasn't eaten for a week." Guding said to Bigger.

"Okay, I'll bring it over right away." Bigger smiled at Liliat before turning around and leaving.

Liliat sat up, hugged her knees, looked down, and the expression on her face was a little absent-minded.

"Are you all right?" Guding immediately saw her anomaly.

"It's okay ..." Liliat shook her head.

"Huck's signs have also changed!" The sea emperor on the side suddenly said, "His consciousness is weaker than before, and it is getting weaker ..."

"Huck ... how could this be ?!" Liliat heard some consternation. She didn't understand why Huck's condition worsened.

"I'm going to look at the situation." Docott also immediately rushed to the room where Huck was.

"Lily, have you ever seen Huck in the dream world?" The sea emperor asked about Huck's situation. He wanted to get more information from Liliat in order to calculate the corresponding solution. Moreover, as Liliat woke up, Huck's condition deteriorated. Perhaps Huck ’s current state is related to Liliat.

"I saw it, but he refused to leave the dream world ..." Lilyat told the whole story briefly.

"If it is really a weapon of the main **** level, it is indeed wise for Huck to choose not to come back." The sea emperor gave his own opinion, "because he has been locked in, once the consciousness returns, he will be taken away instantly. We will all die at the time. Instead, he is staying in the dream world now, and has given us more time. "

"But why did Huck's situation suddenly deteriorate? His previous consciousness fluctuated strongly, which is already equivalent to the level of human deep sleep. It is now lower than this level, is it a dangerous thing?" Guding was worried. Has Huck encountered other dangers in the dream world?

"If you fall into a deeper dream world, the fluctuation of consciousness will indeed weaken. According to Huck ’s current signs, he is likely to be caught in a deeper dream world. Moreover, the fluctuation of his consciousness gradually weakens, which It is clear that he is continuously entering a deeper dream world. "The Sea Emperor gave his own inference.

"It's unlikely, before I left. Huck's combat power is already equivalent to the first sequence of gods. There is no combat power on the entire planet that exceeds his existence. It is impossible for him to fall into the second because of the fall. Dreaming, let alone continually dying, falling into a deeper dream world. "Liliat felt that the Emperor ’s inference was inaccurate this time.

"Want to enter a deeper dream world, in addition to death, there is also a subjective will to enter. When the fluctuation of Huck's consciousness gradually weakened, there was no ups and downs. This shows that he did not encounter in the dream. To fight. If it is killed, the fight will cause abnormal consciousness fluctuations. Even the weakest anomalies, I can catch them, it is impossible to miss. So, the only explanation is that he took the initiative to enter a deeper level Dream world. "The sea emperor further gave his own inference, which is not far from the facts.

"But why did he do this?" Liliat wondered. "Before I left, I specifically asked not to fall into a deeper dream world, otherwise it would be difficult to get rid of it. He should know the danger of doing so."

"Because he concealed one thing from you ..." The sea emperor continued, "The projection of the will to kill the blood blade. It is also invading his consciousness, but it is many times slower than the erosion of the body. I think, Huck should This choice was made in order to weaken the influence of the body of Soul-Blood Blade on the projection of will. "

"But why didn't he tell me the truth? Tell me the truth, and then I came back to tell everyone, wouldn't it be better to let everyone work together to solve this problem?" Liliat still had some doubts about the result of the sea emperor's extrapolation. It was her. Not very willing to believe the inference result given by the sea emperor.

"If he tells you that he needs to go deeper into the dream world in order to weaken the impact of the soul-killing blood will projection, will you promise him to do this?" The sea emperor asked.

Lilia Te was speechless, and the Emperor was right. If Huck really told himself about this, he would definitely not let him do that, and he might even get into a stalemate with Huck, and stay in the dream world in order to supervise Huck not to do so.

"What level of dream world is he in now? I'm going to save him!" After a long silence, Liliat made this decision.

"His consciousness fluctuations have weakened five times in a row, and he should now be in the sixth layer of dream world." The sea emperor quickly gave the answer. "Beyond the fifth floor, the chance of escaping alive is close to zero."

"Lily ~ ~ You calm down first, even if he is still on the first floor, you can't help you in when you go in. Huck surely knows everyone's intentions, whether you are here or not, for him There is not much difference, but it may cause danger to yourself. Now we should consider the solution to the problem, rather than making arbitrary decisions that make things worse. "Guding sees Liliat is not very stable, but also Finally spoke again. "You take a break and calm down your emotions. Wait a little later, you calm down completely, and everyone will have a meeting together to discuss the countermeasures for this matter."

"I stay to accompany Lily, you go out first." Elsa nodded at Guding and his party.

Gooding and his team have left, and are busy with their own affairs.

But Guding and Haihuang walked all the way to Huck ’s room. Docote, who was checking Huck ’s body, was not very good-looking. When he saw Guding coming, he said, “His life characteristics Very weak, the whole person has almost entered a state of suspended animation, which is not good news. "

"I see," Guding nodded.

"He did this in preparation for sacrificing himself ..." The Emperor looked at Huck's pale face, and shook his head. (To be continued ...)

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