The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 749: Tide

Retrograde tide is a very dangerous phenomenon in retrograde space. If retrograde space is regarded as a sea, then retrograde tide is undoubtedly a tsunami. And every planet can only be regarded as a small fish in the sea. Therefore, the damage caused by each tide is almost devastating.

Each retrograde flush in retrograde space will cause large-scale displacement and destruction of various stars. The gravitational force that keeps the galaxy stable during the tide is simply the arm of the car that will be torn to pieces in an instant. And after each tide, the new galaxy takes a long time to re-condense.

And human beings are even more insignificant during the tide, which contains a lot of space energy, which can instantly tear most life bodies into pieces. Only a very strong physical strength can survive, but even so, they will be swept away by the tide and washed away far away. Even the strong **** level will choose to avoid.

"This retrograde space is under the jurisdiction of the federal government. If there is a retrograde tide, should they inform in advance?"

Fat, as a businessman, has had a lot of dealings with the federal government in recent years, and has heard about these kinds of things.

"Not so fast, the federal government's early warning mechanism has a process, and before implementing the process, they must make sure that the shock will indeed lead to a tide, and can not be false positives." Haihuang understands the federal government's work process.

"Can you determine the strength level and flow direction of this tide now?" Gooding looked at the sea emperor.

"Now the shock is still in the gestation stage. It is not certain, but I hope it is not a tenth-level or higher tide, or it will be very troublesome." The Sea Emperor was also worried about this.

The strength of the tide. Usually divided into twelve levels.

Levels 1 to 3 are basically non-threatening and will only form an ordinary counter-current. As long as the spacecraft has sufficient strength and sufficient energy, it will not be greatly affected. It's just like being in a retrograde river, slowed down a lot.

Level 4 to 6 of the tide, most of the spacecraft need to avoid. Because the power strength of the vast majority of spacecraft can not resist the scouring of this degree of tide. Can't move forward at all.

Seven- to nine-level inversions are quite dangerous, and the energy is strong enough to cause damage to the movement of various stars. The spacecraft must avoid the impact range of the tide to be safe.

And the tenth level or above. The energy of the impact is stronger, and the range occupies at least one third of the entire retrograde space. Especially the twelfth-level retrograde tide, once it comes, the entire retrograde space will oscillate, and no one is safe.

"The eruption of the ebb tide is very fast. Once the brewing is completed, the energy accumulation will quickly explode. If it is a larger ebb tide, it will be too late to avoid it when the federal government notices it. So, regardless of the level of the ebb tide What is the strength and direction. We'd better react as soon as possible. Because the tide level 7 or above will seriously hinder our journey. "Mi Ke also gave his own suggestions.

"Mike is right, calculated according to the power strength of our spacecraft. When encountering an adverse tide of more than eight, the spacecraft will be out of control and can only drift with the waves. Then I don't know where it will be washed by the adverse tide." Robert gave Out of his calculation results.

"However, we don't even know the direction of the counter-tide, how should we go around?" Guding raised his doubts.

"Under the condition of not knowing the direction of the counter tide. Naturally there is no way to bypass, but what we do is not to bypass." The sea emperor gave an explanation. "We only need to find a supermassive black hole to hide, so that the spacecraft can largely avoid the direct impact of the energy of the counter tide. Under the swallowing of the black hole, the spacecraft can avoid 99% or more of the spacecraft. Shock to minimize losses. "

"Unfavorable tide has no effect on black holes?" Guding has never heard of such a thing.

"Of course, an ordinary black hole does not work. When the tide is strong enough, the black hole can be torn. But a black hole with a large enough mass cannot be torn. At most, it only produces a certain degree of displacement, which is better than the spaceship alone. More. "The emperor continued to explain.

"Three hundred and twenty light years away, there is a supermassive black hole. According to my calculations, it is the largest mass black hole we can reach before the eruption of the tide." The sea emperor said, looking at Guding, "Do you want to go?" , You make a decision. "

"Changing the course and starting, it seems that this is the most secure way." For such a decision that requires professional knowledge, Guding generally will not challenge the sea emperor. After all, the opinions of professionals will be much more reliable, and there is no need to blend in blindly. At most, it is enough to give some imaginative suggestions.

And the sea emperor respected Guding's decision-making power as captain, so he was required to give instructions. Because they know that if everyone makes a decision according to their own ideas, it will be messy.

Mutual respect is also a basic guideline for the Guding Pirates along the way.

Got Guding's order, and the sea emperor controlled the spacecraft to speed towards the black hole.

Just as a group of people arrived outside the black hole, a notice from the federal government was finally issued.

[Emergency Notice: A large-scale retrograde tide is about to break out in retrograde space. The current forecast level is at least eight! Please prepare for evasion as soon as possible! Ensure safe navigation! 】

"Eighth level, I'm afraid it's more than that. According to the current situation, the energy pile is still accumulating energy, and there is no sign of eruption. I estimate that this tide will be at least the intensity of level nine or higher." After the announcement was projected, he also gave his own views.

"If you report a level 9 or higher, it will cause panic, which is what the federal government wants to avoid. And they are also very careful in their use of words. In fact, it is not difficult for people who understand the federal government to guess that this data is a conservative estimate." Although you can't see the text, you can hear the voice broadcast.

Beca looked at the two minors in front of him, and the more surprised he was, the more he discovered that everyone in the Guding Pirates was not simple.

"Okay, the spacecraft is about to enter the black hole swallowing area. I will try to control the spacecraft to keep it running smoothly. But under this strong gravity ~ ~ The bumps of the spacecraft are inevitable, everyone don't panic." Hai The emperor's eyes were fixed on the projection screen.

If you want to maintain stable operation within the black hole, it is obviously not a simple matter. It is necessary to maintain the balance between the power strength of the spacecraft and the attraction of the black hole, which is also a very depleting energy of the spacecraft.

The spacecraft quickly entered a bumpy phase, and the bumpy motion lasted for nearly two hours before stopping.

"Yes, the spacecraft has completely stabilized, we have entered the inner area of ​​the black hole, it should be safe here." The voice of the sea emperor finally came. "However, in the black hole, our communication with the outside world is also interrupted. The signal cannot pass here, it will be torn apart by the strong gravity here, and we will be in a state of loss of contact with the outside world."

"Can you know when the tide ends?" Liliat was worried.

"During the tide, the black hole will have an abnormal reaction. If the tide ends, the black hole's anomalous reaction will also end soon, don't worry." The sea emperor explained.

"Then wait patiently, we will leave as soon as the tide ends," Guding nodded. (To be continued)

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