The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 786: Emperor Jizhi

Gooding quickly glanced at Gaza's memory, trying to find a magical power or secret technique suitable for his practice.

"It turns out that the predecessor of Gaza's **** is fingering, and the secret technique of this set of" Emperor's Pole Fingers "is really terrifying." Guding just glanced about it, and saw that Gaza exerted the power of this set of fingerings, and even had the same The picture shows that the strong men who have fulfilled the main **** realm are all killed by one finger.

The imperial pole refers to the secret technique of the killer's skills in Gaza's lifetime. This set of fingerings focuses on breaking the face and attacking fiercely. It is most suitable for one-on-one battle with the enemy.

This set of fingerings is not used very often by Gaza himself. One reason is that this kind of killer knows that the fewer people who know it, the more effective it is. Almost everyone who has seen his fingerings is dead. Another reason is that this set of fingerings is extremely burdensome to the body. With the perfect cultivation practice of the Lord God of Gaza, there is no limitless use.

"Imperial Pole Finger" originally had nine types, one to nine poles. From the first pole to the third pole, the physical strength of the true **** level can be practiced. The fourth pole to the sixth pole require the physical strength of the **** level, and the last three poles must have the physical strength of the main **** level to practice.

After completing the nine types of practice, Gaza found that this set of fingerings was incomplete, and began to create the tenth type. But until he fell, this tenth-style **** had only one prototype, not a complete move, so he called the unfinished tenth-style **** half-style during his lifetime, and he always hoped that his inheritors would Ten fingerings are done.

"Predecessor Gaza. I will take your last wish and complete this tenth style." Guding can also feel Gaza's emotions, he is a martial arts. The greatest regret before his death was the tenth form of this imperial empire.

"The Emperor Ji pointed out that it was the strongest attacking method of Senior Gaza. He didn't want this secret technique to have no inheritance, and this set of secret techniques had too high requirements on the physical strength, so he would set the physical strength assessment for the inheritors. "Guding finally understood Gaza's good intentions." This set of fingerings is very suitable for me to practice. "

Got the imperial finger. Gooding continued to search for other information in his memory.

"" Seven Jupiter Swords ", this is the skill practiced by the seniors of Gaza. With this set of swords, he is enough to contend with the majority of the main gods of the perfect plane. Unfortunately, I do n’t feel the swords and weapons, but This set of heritage was passed on to Bigger, and this set of swords should not be buried. Unfortunately, the knife of Senior Gaza was destroyed when he fell ... "

"" Wings of the Holy Light ", the body skills of Senior Gaza. Both of the short-distance movement and long-distance flying abilities exceed most of the main god-level body skills. This is a good thing!"

"This set of" Small Space Technique "is also a good secret technique. In addition to the move method, it also contains a part of the use of space for defense. I can learn this and I can teach Lily."


In addition to a few sets of secret techniques, Guding also found several auxiliary exercises for his own practice. Of course, as the main god, Gaza has a long lifespan, and has a lot of exercises and secret techniques in his memory. Gooding chose this time. These are the most impressive sets in Gaza's memory. Because he knows that even the main gods and strong men of this level can see the exercises and secret techniques, which will certainly not be an ordinary thing.

As for other secret techniques. Guding is ready to study slowly when he has time.

After transferring the memory pictures of "Seven Jupiter Swords", "Small Space Technique" and other secret techniques to the sea emperor, Guding entered the retreat again.

After the sea emperor got those secrets from Guding, he read it all by himself.

From this point of view, I was also shocked by the strength of the strong master level.

"Is this the skill of the master **** level? It is terrifying! It seems that the master plane is really a hidden dragon and a lying tiger!"

The sea emperor who monitors everyone's practice status at any time. In the first time they woke up, Bigger implanted the memory of the exercises and secret techniques commanded by Guding into everyone's brain.

Benefit the most. Naturally it is Bigger, and the Seven Supremacy Swords are the main practice of Gaza, one can imagine how powerful it is.

After only watching the memory picture again, Bigger was immersed in a deep retreat, obviously he benefited a lot.

Originally, Guding also intended to impart Elder Shah to Elsa, because in the whole team, in addition to Guding, only her physical strength can practice this secret technique.

However, Elsa only looked at the memory screen once and gave up this secret technique.

According to what she said, the Vikings were born with strong flesh, and the most suitable are the wide-opening and wide-opening exercises, such as the extremely skillful secret techniques such as Huang Jizhi, which do not match the nature of the Vikings, even If it can be used, the power will be greatly reduced.

In addition to Bigger, Docott also benefited greatly. Guding got a battle picture from the memory of Gaza, one of them used a flying knife, and that person was obviously a powerful master **** level strongman, who could even use the flying knife to directly kill the same as his own. Strong.

This is also a relatively profound picture in Gaza's memory, and it is obvious that Gaza also appreciates the powerful man who uses flying knives.

Although there is only a picture and no specific exercises, the content contained in the picture should be enough to inspire Docot after reading it.

There is also a set of "True Explanation of Soul Dao" for Liliat. This is a set of advanced exercises that practice soul on the main plane. However, this set of exercises is not confidential on the main plane. Set of manpower. However, this set of soul cultivation techniques is not a small one. It was compiled by a lord who specializes in soul. It is cultivated to the extreme and can be cultivated to the realm of the main god.

As time goes by, all members of the Guding Pirates are practicing, even Tagore and Bleu are no exception. But the practice of the two of them is to eat and sleep and sleep and eat.

Fortunately, there is a massive supply of animal bones and minerals in this ice and fire house, and the house spirits did not hesitate to transport the resources piled up into mountains into the training rooms of the two. .

"With my physical strength today, the third pole of Huangjizhi's practice has reached the limit. If I want to go further, I can only wait for the physical strength to rise to the level of the gods. However, this set of fingerings is indeed overbearing, only to cultivate into The third pole, now I can kill the tenth sequence of the power of the true gods with one finger. However, after all, my cultivation is still too low. With my current divine power, I can only cast **** at most. The source of God will be completely emptied. "

Guding couldn't help but sigh, this secret skill of the main **** level is indeed extraordinary.

"I can also cast the first blessing on the wings of the Holy Light, but it is still limited by the Divine Source in my body, and I can only bless at most ten minutes at a time."

"My biggest shortcoming now is that cultivation is too low, and the inner source of the body is not strong and powerful ..." Although Guding's practice has gained a lot, he also found his biggest shortcomings.

"Ice Fire, are you there?"

"Yes, Master, is there anything?" Fu Ling immediately replied when he heard Gooding's call.

"In my memory, there seems to be a Divine Origin Spirit Array in this house of ice and fire, can you send me over?" Guding asked.

"Master, you do n’t need to teleport, then the Divine Origin Gathering Array is in this cultivation tower, but there is no energy ore placed and it is not turned on. And apart from the large Gathering Array of the cultivation tower, there is a small The Divine Origin gathers in a spirit array, which consumes much less energy ore. "

Guding was looking around the practice room. He hadn't observed it carefully before. Now when Fuling said this, he immediately saw some famous places.

It turned out that when the Divine Origin Spirit Array was not triggered, it was in a hidden state, but Gu Ding soon saw the clue.

"Good mysterious setting!" Guding couldn't help sighing after reading, "It takes at least nine energy spars to start, and a maximum of eighty one can be placed."

"Binghuo, I'm a star and a half step of the cultivation of the true god. How many should I place?" Guding was not too sure about the power of this formation, so he had to ask Fu Ling.

"It ’s better to place only nine. Although the master is strong in your flesh and not afraid of energy impact, it ’s better to improve your cultivation behavior. It ’s not too far. For the master ’s one-and-a-half-step cultivation of the true god, it ’s better to place only nine. If not enough, I You can add it again. "

"That's good, then add nine!" Guding said, preparing to take the source crystal out of the storage space.

It was found that nine crystal clear crystals had been inlaid into the ground, and the inlaid position was automatically sunken.

"These were left by those guys who had fallen into the sea before, and they were all stored in the warehouse, and they are now in use. Master, you can practice with confidence, and I will supplement the spar for you." Obviously help Guding place the source The crystal is the House Spirit.

Guding did not refuse the help of Fu Ling, "Thanks."

With the opening of the Divine Origin Spirit Array, the energy of the Divine Origin began to skyrocket in the cultivation room of Gooding.

Guding was a supernatural power that swallowed the world and quickly swallowed the divine source into the body, but soon, he found that the divine source of the gathering spirit was still not enough.

"Ice fire, plus nine source crystals!"

Fu Ling also noticed that Gu Ding's ingestion was quite terrifying. In a flash, the source of the spirits in the Lingling array became thinner. ~ ~ Hearing Gu Ding's cry, he immediately embedded nine source crystals again. .

After Guding swallowed for a moment, he shouted again, "It's not enough, add 18 more!"

Fu Ling originally planned to add nine more. Hearing Guding's shouting, hesitating, he chose to believe Guding's judgment and added 18 at a time.

Thirty-six source crystals gathered together, and the gathered divine source filled the entire cultivation room like a mist.

Under Fu Ling's gaze, the density of the mist gradually began to stabilize, and he knew that Guding's inhalation finally remained in a balanced state.

"It's terrifying! Thirty-six source crystals gather together. It is clearly the amount of divine source that the primary sequence of true gods can bear. The master is only a star and a half step of the true god, and he has such a terrible divine source absorption capacity ... … "


[This chapter was prepared for uploading last night. As a result, starting at more than ten o'clock, the starting point hung up, and even the homepage could not be opened ... The author group wailed, and it is said that many people lost their full work in August ~~ 】 (To be continued)

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