The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Small world disintegrates

Heloon looked up at the giant finger in the void made entirely of flames, and he could clearly feel that the power of this move was stronger than the previous blow. [Go to the latest chapter of this book to 800] ∽,

"Small world, suppress!"

As a god-level powerhouse, the small world possessed by Herone has much better repressive power than Guding's miniature world.

Guding was absorbed without much resistance.

But at the same time appearing in the small world of Heroon, there is also the giant finger attack of Guding just now.

As soon as he entered the small world of Heluoen, Guding discovered that it was a huge water world. He seemed to be in the depths of the trench of the Divine Waterfall in the sea, and the body came from all directions with strong pressure.

"The body is a little difficult to move. This kind of pressure, the physical strength is less than the level of the gods, it is almost completely suppressed, and it is difficult to even move the fingers ..." Guding soon discovered the dilemma he was facing.

However, he did not worry about his situation, because Heroon is now busy dealing with his third-style imperial finger, but he still needs to get rid of this situation.

"Emperor Xueyan, come out!"

Guding burst into tears, and his powerful qi and blood energy began to overflow wildly, wrapping Guding as a whole, and quickly condensed into a giant with a height of more than thirty meters.

The giant had a red armor, and the strength of Qi and Blood was obviously already the strength of the **** level.

"Sure enough, although I still feel some pressure, it is not completely unable to move and become a target." Guding's prediction is also correct. He was trapped and thought of it. Heroon is only the elementary sequence of the gods' cultivation, even if they fight The strength can reach the strength of the medium sequence of gods, but the improvement of the small world needs to be repaired to reach the fourth sequence of gods. The strength of Heroon ’s small world is not enough to completely suppress the elementary sequence of gods.

Although the operation is still affected. But Guding was not very worried. He looked at Heron not far away.

After Heloen had a home advantage, his self-confidence was obviously improved a lot, and Guding's **** speed was much slower than the second type, which also gave him time to respond. Popular

The pick of the halberd in his hand is different from being in the void. The sea water of the whole small world also began to surge, and as his halberd pointed, a huge wave formed.

"Boom! Wow ..."

The flaming giant finger soon collided with the huge wave, and a dull popping sound erupted in the entire sea area. At the same time, a wave of ripples swayed in the sea area, forming layers of giant waves, swaying in all directions.

Heloon was the closest to the explosion. His body was first tossed out, and then Guding flew out along the current.

Guding didn't hurt much. However, he also found that Heloen was not injured. "Sure enough, this move is still due to the restraint of the element's attributes, and its power has been weakened a lot."

"Guding, I have to admit that your strength is indeed not weaker than me. But now in my small world, in this world, I am the master. Your defeat has been determined. This is the essential difference between the **** and the true god!" Heroine took the good move from Guding, and his confidence increased significantly.

"Say this now. It's a bit early." Gu Ding was not in a hurry, and the Emperor Xueyan was also under his control, extending a finger.

"Huangji refers to the fourth pole!"

Heron's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw Gooding's body sticking out his fingers, and he fought three times in a row. Of course, he knew what Gooding meant by sticking out his fingers.

In the void, a finger made entirely of white ice crystals appeared out of thin air in the small world of Herone. Like a huge iceberg, exuding an endless cold breath.

After the appearance of this finger, the sea area of ​​the small world of Heluoen began to freeze quickly.

"Attack of Frost Attribute ..." Heroon's face is a little difficult to look at. Guding's move also belongs to the water system, but it is a frost attribute that restrains his small world ability.

"That trick just now. You only took advantage of the attribute to resolve it. I want to see this trick, how do you come to solve it!" Gu Ding grinned, this time completely reversed the situation just now.

Heroine's eyes were full of dignity, he held the halberd in both hands, and there was a boom in his mouth, chopping out towards the sky.

The water in the whole sea suddenly surged wildly. Under the gaze of Guding, a huge vortex was formed, which collided with the ice finger that fell down.

"Click, click ..."

After the huge vortex collided with the giant finger of ice, the vortex constructed by the sea seemed to be infested by the ice and began to slowly condense.

The white frost slowly invaded the huge vortex from top to bottom.

The speed of the vortex also began to slowly slow down, the surrounding seawater was twisted into countless ice slag, and the biting ice cold was also rippling around.

There was a faint frost on Heroon's beard and eyebrows. He didn't dare to distract him, and urged the vortex to run.

Although Gu Ting's clothes were swayed by the sea, he behaved calmly.

Soon, with the deepening of the vortex being invaded by ice, the entire vortex began to become unstable. Heroon tried to maintain the vortex to continue to rotate, but consumed more and more **** sources, let him Finally chose to give up.

"Boom ..."

With a loud crashing sound, the vortex finally collapsed completely, and the ice giant finger carried the endless sense of ice cold, rolling down towards Helon.

Helon raised his halberd with both hands high and collided with the giant finger of ice.


The violent impact sounded, and the downward momentum of the white ice crystal giant fingers was finally stopped, but Halon's halberd also began to slowly condense frost.

The frost was like a living creature, spreading from the tip of the halberd toward the bottom, although it was slow, it made Heroine full of fear.

As time passed, and as most of the halberds were covered in frost, Heroon's face became more and more ugly.

"I can't go on like this, I will be completely blocked by frost ..." Heroon looked up at the halberd in his hand, frowning. "I can only use that trick ..."

"Kaka ..."

With the slight sound, Gooding looked at Heroon with some surprise. He could clearly feel that Heroon's vitality was gradually disappearing, which made him puzzled.

"Even if the source of God is exhausted, it should not be depleted of vitality, why his breath is getting weaker ..."

With the complete disappearance of Herone's breath, his body suddenly disintegrated spontaneously, the ice crystal giant finger lost its resistance, and the power of ice burst completely.

Under the sweep of this force of ice, the whole sea area was completely transformed into an ice crystal world.

Heroin ’s small world does not know whether it has lost its energy support, or a complete change in attributes, and began to collapse quickly.

Guding still had some doubts, "What happened just now? Why did that guy suddenly fall? Is it a fatal dark disease left before?"


In the void, accompanied by the violent clicking sound, the collapse of the small world of Heroon, the ice crystal world fully emerged.

Everyone looked at the frozen world.

This ice seal was caused by the ancient finger of King Guding, and there was no hindrance to him. He penetrated the ice layer just as easily as it penetrated the sea water, and his figure exploded directly.

"It's Guding! Has Heron lost?"

Seeing Guding's figure clearly, everyone was surprised.

You should know that the use of the small world by Tenjin can form a huge suppression on the enemy, and Heilong has entered the level of Tenjin for many years, and his small world is far more stable than some strong people who first entered the level of Tenjin .com ~ is also much more powerful.

But now the small world of Heroon is lifted, and Guding also appears, and there seems to be no wounds on his body. The result of the battle between the two can be imagined.

The most surprising thing was the group of Poseidon squads, including the two captains. The Poseidon squad had already lost all. They originally expected their captain to make a comeback, but Guding's appearance completely shattered their expectations.

"The captain is dead?"

The collapse of the small world and the presence of Heroine did not appear, which made such a result appear in the mind of everyone in the Poseidon team for the first time.

At this moment, there was a violent explosion in the ice crystal world, and a figure burst out at a rapid speed.


[Although my chapter push has no effect, let me talk about it. A friend from a foreign station came to start a new book and wrote the history category. The title of the book is "Wang Ming". In the past, he had written 2.5 million words "Ming Husband" in the creation. Interested friends can take a look ~~] (Unfinished to be continued ...)-+ 1821600->

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