The Highest Bounty

Chapter 68: Who is the employer? !

No matter how strong the fortress is, there are dead corners that cannot be defended, let alone humans.

To a certain extent, the structure of organisms and mechanical bodies are similar. If one link fails, it is likely to affect many other links.

On the mechanical body, the looseness of one screw may destroy the entire machine. In the same way, a malfunction of a function of the human body may also lead to other diseases that are enough to cause death.

The unavoidable weaknesses of the mechanical body, as well as the biological body. And human beings as a kind of organisms are naturally not exempt. In fact, humans are still relatively vulnerable races in living organisms, and these weaknesses are even more deadly.

Perhaps Terr's defense was flawless in the eyes of Guding, and even in the eyes of many warriors. But in the eyes of the sea emperor, it was completely different. Every movement of the opponent has flaws, even if the movements are subtle, as long as they are caught by the sea emperor, he can calculate the flaw position.

"The leapfrog battle is not just a competition of strength after the increase," the sea emperor explained in Guding's ear. "I can help you once or twice, but if you want to become stronger in essence, you must learn to judge each other's weakness. point."

Gooding also knew that the Sea Emperor was right. Although he was very reluctant to let someone intervene in his battle, he also knew that according to the situation just now, he could not break through the defense of Tell.

Following the weak points marked by the sea emperor, Guding began to test the attacks one by one.

His first tentative position was naturally the opponent's eyes. This was the weak point of almost all living things. Unfortunately, Guding didn't even notice this point before.

Turned the fist into a finger. Guding used a finger that he hadn't used for a long time. His finger was like a spirit snake, and he went straight to Ter's left eye.

Seeing this blow, Tell immediately raised his right hand to block. Although Guding's attack hit the flesh and wounds so as not to injure himself, his own eyes could not withstand the blow of a warrior comparable to the 3,000-cell comprehensive index.

At the moment Ter lifted his hand, he revealed a flaw in his right rib. Guding grabbed the flaw and lifted his knee to hit it with thunder.

This impact stumbled Terr. He clearly felt that Guding's attack almost broke his ribs. He also noticed that Guding's attack began to become purposeful, more severe and more lethal.

'S successful Guding's fighting spirit became more and more high, and Tir finally realized at this time that what he encountered was not a delicious appetizer at all, but a bone that was unprecedentedly difficult to bite.

Seeing that the other party was still not planning to take the initiative to attack, Guding jumped up again and launched a more violent attack towards Tell, and this time his attack was directed at the key positions: temple, ear gate, throat, heart socket, waist, The back of the head, two ribs ...

All of a sudden, Tell became overwhelmed. Most of the original Guding's attacks can be ignored by him. He only needs to pay attention to protect the opponent from attacking the vital parts. But now all of Guding's attacks are directed at the vital parts, which makes him almost parry.

Was occasionally hit once or twice by the ear and the back of the head, both of which made him dizzy. As for other attacks, the pain caused to the body is several times stronger than before.

This wave of attacks lasted for more than ten minutes. Tell was beaten by Guding and was dizzy. He was so weak that he couldn't even touch Guding's clothes.

Wiped a handful of blood flowing from his nostrils. Tell knew that his nose bridge had been interrupted by Guding. He regretted that he had taken the task.

And the battle between the two happened just outside the gate of the Medicine God Alliance, basically one of the most prosperous areas on the planet, at least thousands of people watched this scene happen. There are some good guys who recorded the video of the battle between the two.

"Your defense is no longer effective for me." Guding looked at the embarrassed Terr and felt a little emotion in his heart. If it is not the sea emperor, I am afraid that he still cannot break through the defense of the other party.

"Is that right?" Although Tell suffered some injuries, it only caused some pain and distress to him. Guding's attack was not strong enough to make him unable to resist, and he also planned to make his final stroke. "You forced me. In the next half hour, I will let you see my true strength."

As soon as the words fell, his muscles began to rise, his figure was a little bigger than before, his eyes were white with bloodshot eyes, and his body was full of tyrannical breath.

"He started the violent state, although the second-level violent state can only last ten minutes, but with his physical strength, it should be enough to last for half an hour. After entering the violent state, not only will his attack power increase, but his speed will also increase. Zeng, be careful yourself. With his current attack power, as long as you are hit by a bomb, you are done. "The sea emperor reminded Guding.

"Half an hour? Then see who is stronger at the end!" Guding grinned and opened the seventh layer of extreme body surgery with all his strength. His combat power doubled again.

The dark step of the seventh layer of extreme body technique was also more than twice as fast as the sixth layer, and even brought a residual image in the air, and the crowd watching the crowd exclaimed.

Entered the violent state of Tell, also began to take the initiative to attack, he rushed towards Guding, waving a huge fist, fist faintly brought a burst of wind breaking sound.

Guding stepped out in secret, avoiding the punch, but was still wiped by the punch, and his sleeves were twisted into powder.

"This attack is really overbearing!" Guding sighed. He became more careful and avoided the second and third punches of Tell.

At the same time, he was also patiently waiting for his chance to make a fatal attack.

Finally, while Tell was wielding his fourth punch, his chest wide open, Guding stepped out, stepped in, and brushed past Tell ’s fist, a strong elbow blow hit **** the Tell's chest.

Tell suffered this blow, his heart stopped beating for a few seconds at that moment, and his movements also stiffened for a few seconds. But Guding did not miss this opportunity, and then a knee hit the other's crotch. Before waiting for the other party to fall, Gu Ding was just punched in the other person's throat.

Tel, who suffered three consecutive blows, fell to the ground instantly, covering one's crotch with one hand and one's throat with one hand, giving pain.

Guding is steady landing.

It was at this time ~ ~ Liliat appeared in front of Tell, and pointed the barrel of the armor-piercing projectile that had been loaded on his head. "Hand over your smart watch!"

Although there are some doubts in Tell's heart, it is useless for the other party to take their own smart watch. This thing is automatically locked away from the main body. But he had no doubt that if she did not do what Liliat said, she would really make a big hole in her head. He also had to remove the smart watch from his wrist.

Liliat took the watch and threw it to Guding, "We will accept this thing as a loot, but this is not finished. Tell us, the name of the employer ..."

"I can't say it." Tell knew that although his reputation was stinky, if the employer's name was exposed this time, no one would be willing to do things with himself in the future.

"It seems that you think the employer's life is more important than your own?" Liliat's mouth slightly raised, and the cannon against the forehead's forehead was harder. "I will ask you the last time, what is the name of the employer ? "

Tell saw Senleng's killing intention from Lilyat's eyes. He knew that if he didn't say it, he would die here immediately.

"His name is Ricky ..."

(Thanks to Salon, the bleak classmate's reward and reminder ticket, and the fantasy YY star student's reward ~ Thank you for your love of this book ~ It is estimated that the reminder ticket is not available ~~ Before writing the name of Ricky, I read the comments of everyone in the Longtao Building in the book review area. I originally wanted to find a name in it. I found that the name you gave was really difficult to use in this story ...)

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